Living Word Gilbert



Living Word Gilbert


  • God Holds it All Together - His Grace Does All the Work!

    10/05/2020 Duração: 29min

    Message By Pastor Paul Earle Have you ever felt like you’re obedience got you into trouble? That you went and did what God called you to, but now circumstances look shaky? If you have, you’re in good company. Noah built the Ark and it was sitting on dry ground. Moses was called to lead Israel to the Promised Land and Pharaoh wouldn’t let God's people go. Abraham was 100 years old and still didn’t have kids. God’s Grace provides richly for us when we are in situations like these; moments where we’ve been obedient and steadfast, yet our situation looks unstable. In these moments God is known to His people as EL SHADDAI - THE GOD THAT’S MORE THAN ENOUGH!

  • God Holds It All Together: His Grace Does All The Work

    03/05/2020 Duração: 32min

    Message By Pastor Paul Earle In a trial that hits like the Coronavirus, there's a toll that is taken on our inward life. Our mind, will and emotions are dealing with a variety of information that forms mood swings in us, breeds conflict, or even stimulates anger. When these things try to flood into our soul, it’s important to remember one thing: GOD HOLDS IT ALL TOGETHER. How does he do this? Does He need our help? What do we do while this is all playing out?...Truth is that it’s GOD’S GRACE that holds it all together. HIS performance determines success or failure, NOT OURS!

  • Build My Life: The Power of God's Living Word

    26/04/2020 Duração: 37min

    Message By Pastor Paul Earle The word of God is living water! His word brings us all that we need to live victorious and abundant lives. Just like a desert needs life giving water, we ourselves need the life giving water of God's word to fill us up and actually overflow for others around us. God is a God of abundance, of overflow. Build your life on His word and see all that He has for you.

  • Build My Life: The Power of God's Living Word

    19/04/2020 Duração: 31min

    This world is looking for truths that are steady and unmoving while everything else around is chaos. When life isn't "normal" we look into all areas to find something that is steady and secure. Truly God's word is the only thing that fits the bill. If we choose to build our lives on the Word of God we will find the peace and security that we are all looking for.

  • Resurrect - Life from Death

    12/04/2020 Duração: 30min

    Message By Pastor Paul Earle Some things were born to die. A plant bears fruit and produces a seed. That seed must die and be planted in order to come to life, grow, and produce fruit. Jesus had died and was buried in a tomb. But on the third day he rose from the grave having conquered sin and death so that we would have the opportunity to choose everlasting life through our faith and trust in Him.

  • We Win Every Fight Every Time

    05/04/2020 Duração: 29min

    Message By Pastor Paul Earle We have the victory through Christ Jesus! With all that is going on around us and the climate we find ourselves in, it is very easy to get discouraged and fearful of what the future holds. But we win every fight every time when we have Jesus in our corner. Be hopeful and know that god is truly for us so no thing in heaven or on earth can stand against us and be victorious over us.

  • Increase Your Peace

    29/03/2020 Duração: 30min

    Message By Pastor Paul Earle For thousands of years men and woman pursued peace. They have laid down their lives to provide peace for their families. More than a physical type of peace, we long for peace inwardly that calms our soul.

  • Soul Prosperity pt.3

    22/03/2020 Duração: 36min

    Message by Pastor Paul Earle During the current climate it is even more important to understand Soul Prosperity. The media right now is full of fear, doubt and panic. But god is greater than what is going on in the world around us. Just like the apostle Paul, we will go through tests and trials and we will see the same victory over our situations. We will overcome fear with supernatural faith in Jesus!

  • How to Handle Rejection

    15/03/2020 Duração: 38min

    Message by Pastor Ron Earle There are times in our lives when we face rejection. This can come from family, friends, co-workers or your boss. When you encounter these times there is one true place to turn for comfort. When we turn to the loving arms of God and to His word we can see that we are accepted exactly the way that we are. We all have been created for a purpose and we all are accepted into the family of God. Don't buy the lies of this world, rather, trust in the hope and love of the Father in heaven!

  • Soul Prosperity pt. 2

    08/03/2020 Duração: 41min

    Message by Pastor Paul Earle. With all that is going on in the media these days it is hard to keep a clear head. God gives us an answer in his word. We can be washed clean by the watering of God's word. Taking in God's word on a daily basis is key. When our mind is free and clear life is just simply better! Put down all the burdens you are carrying and pick up God's word for some true freedom.

  • Soul Prosperity

    01/03/2020 Duração: 35min

    Message by Pastor Paul Earle Thoughts are watered by what we speak. What we speak becomes what we believe and what we believe manifests in our life. Philippians 4:6-9 tells us to guard our hearts and minds from the things of this world by thinking of those things that are holy and worthy of God. This will lead to the greatest prosperity in life, the prosperity of your soul.

  • You Got This!

    23/02/2020 Duração: 36min

    Message By Pastor Paul Earle You are stronger than you think you are! You have been made in the image of God and he is fighting for you. When we go through change and adversity we can fall into the trap of giving up or throwing in the towel. In those moments remember that God is in your corner shouting "YOU GOT THIS!"

  • Church is Spelled F-A-M-I-L-Y

    16/02/2020 Duração: 32min

    Message by Pastor Paul Earle Church is a family. We live life together, celebrate with one another as well as mourn with one another. Families are never perfect but God's plan is. God has or is placing you in a family that is perfect for you. Choose to grow where you are planted. True growth can only come from staying planted and growing in God.

  • Faithfulness Matters

    09/02/2020 Duração: 32min

    Message By Pastor Holly Anderson To walk faithfull is to walk a life full of faith. Believing and trusting that what we don't see, actually IS. Life is not always nice and kind but through it all our response should be full of faith. It matters to our life that we remain faithful to God during every season in our life. God has remained faithful to us all and our natural response should be to remain faithful to God as well.

  • Strong Relationships: Defeating the Little Foxes that Spoil the Vine

    02/02/2020 Duração: 39min

    Message By Pastor Paul Earle There are many things in this life that that will try to steal joy and peace from your life and especially your relationships. These things ar what the Bible calls "little foxes" and they will come in and do their best to destroy any good fruit that you have in your life. Spending time in God's presence is an natural defence against these things that try to come up in your life. Spend time in the Word and worship and allow the presence of God to restore His peace in your life.

  • Breaking Strongholds: Freedom From What Binds You pt. 3

    26/01/2020 Duração: 36min

    Message by Pastor Paul Earle Stand on it!....Say it!....Act on it!....These are the ways that we release the authority that Jesus has given us to break the strongholds in our lives. God's desire is that you walk daily in the power, strength, and authority that has been given to you through Jesus death, burial, and resurrection. We are free! And whom the Son sets free is truly free.

  • Breaking Strongholds: Freedom From What Binds You pt.2

    19/01/2020 Duração: 34min

    Message by Pastor Paul Earle Freedom is essential in order to live a happy, satisfied and fruitful life.  Isn’t it Time in 2020 to get free  from that  habit, addiction or character flaw that’s been binding your life? Enjoy part two of this amazing series on breaking Strongholds in your life.

  • Breaking Strongholds: Freedom From What Binds You

    12/01/2020 Duração: 39min

    Message By Pastor Paul Earle It is for FREEDOM that Christ set us FREE! There are strongholds in our lives that the enemy has placed there and he has done so unlawfully. We need to know that you are free in Christ already. We have to "want" to be free before we can live in the freedom that has been provided for us. The enemy has come to kill, steal, and destroy and he will do all that he can to squash all hope. Our hope is not found in this worl, our hope is found in Christ alone. Choose today to live in this freedom.

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