Limit Break Radio: A Radio Returns - A Weekly Final Fantasy Xiv (ffxiv) Podcast



Limit Break Radio is back as Limit Break Radio: A Radio Returns, an all new show covering Final Fantasy XIV. Join hosts Aniero, Kallo, Juxtaposition, Nika and Eskalia as they talk about the latest happening in Eorzea. From news to the latest version updates to indepth discussions of jobs and strategies LBR:ARR has everything you could ask for in a Final Fantasy XIV podcast. For an archive of past episodes and the latest news about LBR visit


  • Episode 132 - Rabanasty


    After the abysmal attempt that was Omega as a raid and a narrative, The Return to Ivalice seems to have given a breath of fresh air to the world of Eorzea. Tune in to find out what all the hosts think about the raid and the rest of patch 4.1 as a whole.

  • Episode 131 - I Am Spartacus!


    It’s been a very busy week in the world of FFXIV as Yoshida has appeared in two separate interviews and dropped preliminary patch notes for the impending 4.1. But, LBR doesn’t get to dive too deeply into them because the phones are ringing off the hook, you’re going to want to hear what these callers had to say about the state of the game.

  • Episode 130 - On Denial


    With another Live Letter in the books and Patch 4.1 coming in less than 2 weeks Eorzea should be abuzz with excitement. Yet, all is not well in the world of FFXIV. Where is Eureka? When do we get Rival Wings? Why are we doing to Ivalice? These are all valid questions, tune in now. We promise no answers.

  • Episode 129 - Rise of the Remix


    Square Enix recently updated the official site in preparation for the launch of Patch 4.1. Along with these updates we got a few little snippets of text that hint at the newest raid Return to Ivalice as well as some clues to the context of the forthcoming MSQ injection. The hosts break that all down, then relax with some Limit Breaking Music.

  • Episode 128 - The Legacy of MMOs


    A Reddit post asked if SE's policies on punishment are archaic and in need of being updated. The hosts look as far back as FFXI to draw parallels to today's FFXIV to determine their consensus.They also discuss the top 10 best MMORPGs of all time.

  • Episode 127 - Producer Love Letters


    With Patch 4.1 having an October release, information has started to surface of the content the players can expect. Everything from Housing plots to new trials. But the big thing on everyone's radar is the Ultimate Series, a new form of content for the elite. Is the incentive enough? The crew breaks it down.

  • Episode 126 - Combat Cornerstones


    Now that everyone has had time to digest Stormblood and the slew of changes it’s brought to the game, the hosts go through each major class-type and discuss how the changes have impacted the jobs closest to their hearts. A bevy of callers also bring up a host of topics including if it’s possible to right the ship or if Square Enix’s current course with the game is a permanent one.

  • Episode 125 - Stormblood Spoiled


    It’s been about 2 months now since Stormblood’s launch and the rest of the hosts have finally clawed their way through Doma and Ala Mhigo. On this episode the hosts let loose all their criticisms, praises and theories surrounding the MSQ.

  • Episode 124 - Legion vs Stormblood


    Stormblood has all but played out in most players minds, the MSQ is finished, the entire raid tier has already been overcome. When can we expect Patch 4.1 and what comes along with it? The LBR cast compares what SE has promised and what...Blizzard is bringing in their next patch. The differences are staggering. We also take your calls and emails and have a special guest read an LBR fanfic!

  • Episode 123 - The Dark Knight Rises


    After two weeks away, Aniero returns to the show with a vengeance. Reddit releases the hate, but this time it’s because Aniero did...nothing? LBR responds to the massive 350+ comment thread. Plus, Aniero performs an ‘aircheck’ on the rest of the crew. What does that mean? Tune in now to find out.

  • Episode 122 - CLOWN Town


    If you consider yourself strong of will and brave of heart, listen at your own mortal peril. Juxta Position has taken over hosting duties and turned this episode into a Tumblr + Buzzfeed article made real. The crew explores ‘The Top 14 Relationships that MUST happen during Stormblood’ as well as the Wheel of Intolerance. They attempt to hold a real discussion, but Juxta ruins that too. Turn back now.

  • Episode 121 - Juxta Mode


    Omega Savage launched this week and top raiding guilds have already full cleared it. Nika enlists the help of her fellow raider Strife to discuss the merits of FFXIV's raiding scene, while Juxtaposition's opposition adds.... Scuro? to his corner. In this battle, there are only losers.

  • Episode 120 - Live Letter Fiasco XXXVI


    Hijinks ensue on today's episode as one of the Hosts reveals on air they're having a baby?! But more importantly, the crew analyzes some of the answers to come out of the recent Live Letter. It seems Yoshi-P is making a lot of contradicting statements, what do you think? Tune in to find out!

  • Episode 119 - Dialing It In


    The newest raid for FFXIV Stormblood’s is out, Omega: Deltascape. It’s been met with mixed reviews, some people praise the design of the battles, some the nostalgia of the fights. However, some believe the Devs dialed it in and the level of nostalgia may be a cop out for designing original lore and story. The Crew breaks down what the raid does right and what it could’ve improved on. This show also features a plethora of callers both with matching opinions and dissenting ones.

  • Episode 118 - Got Hype?


    This week on Limit Break Radio the hosts take a look at the reception of Stormblood and determine if it’s living up to the promise and the hype Square Enix has been trying to sell us. Some callers bring up interesting points and the crew takes shots at a Reddit Otaku thread.

  • Episode 117 - Failure To Launch


    With Stormblood officially underway for the masses, the Hosts take calls from the fans on what they like and don't like about the newest expansion. Plus, MassivelyOP and Kotaku release interviews with Yoshida that shed some interesting light on recent hot LBR topics.

  • Episode 116 - Raubuan EXTREME


    On Limit Break Radio, the cast tackles the early access of Stormblood. The launch has been sordid and buggy leaving even the most stalwart supporters of the game frustrated and angry. The hosts talk to several callers as they attempt to break down and analyze all the changes with hands on experience.

  • SPECIAL: Checkpoint Radio Podcast - Episode 07 - E3 2017 Wrap Up Show


    E3 2017 has come and gone and the Checkpoint Radio crew was in attendence giving you the latest announcements, developer interviews and hand on experiences from the E3 show floor. Join us for today's podcast as the crew wraps up their final thoughts from Northa America's largest video game expo! Join Nate, Robbie, Norris and Joe for Checkpoint Radio from E3 2017!

  • Episode 115 - The Coming Storm


    With the release of the official Stormblood Trailer the crew dissects the new information gleaned from within. Has Square Enix pulled more punches? Or do they have something up thier sleeves? Will Stormblood be a break out hit? Or follow the pattern set by his predecessors? Tune in to find out what LBR thinks.

  • Episode 114 - With a Side of Salt


    Fusion X of Gamer Escape joins us as we take a journey through all the information being passed around from the Stormblood Media tour, from Zone design to a Dungeon Preview, to brief descriptions of battle changes in action. We also dig into an interview done with Yosheep by Gamer Escape and as usual, things reach critical sodium levels. Join us as not only Aniero gets salty, but Nikalia, the voices of reason fall to the Saltiness as well.

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