Knit Picks' Podcast



A podcast about all things fiber. Shows include features on knitting, crochet, spinning, and weaving. Members of the staff of Knitpicks are interviewed about various topics, as well as the general public. Tune in to hear about creative people working in all areas of the fiber community!


  • Episode 322: Warm Weather Knitting

    15/05/2020 Duração: 38min

    Here in the Pacific Northwest we've had our first burst of warm weather and we've decided it's high time we talk about warm weather knitting. Whether you're thinking of garments to WEAR or projects to MAKE during our upcoming heatwaves, we've got you covered. Listen along as we talk about the ins and outs of our favorite knitting season: SUMMER! First up, Stacey and Hannah share their favorite projects. We'll get you thinking about your own knitting queue and wardrobe. And if you're wondering if summer is blanket-knitting season, the answer is YES! Modular blankets are easy to knit in small sections while sitting in the sun, and then pieced together in the cool evenings. Stay tuned for more tips and tricks. Next, Lee and Erica do a deep dive on plant fiber yarns. From cotton to linen and everything in between, you'll learn about the ins and outs of each fiber and their blends. If you've never dipped into the world of plant fibers, this episode is for you! Mentioned in this Episode: Hawthorne yarn S

  • Episode 321: DIY Yarn - Dye It Yourself!

    01/05/2020 Duração: 38min

    We're recording these episodes from our homes scattered across Portland, Oregon. We may be apart but our enthusiasm for all things yarn and crafting bring us together! Today, we're taking a small departure from knitting or crochet to talk about dyeing yarns. No matter what craft you're passionate about, being able to make your unique, custom colorway is an exciting and fun project that you can do at home with things you probably already have around the house! First up, Regan and Hannah chat about natural dyes. You can get stunning washes of color from tree bark, spices, and common vegetables with just a little bit of time and effort. Regan shares his experiments with our Earthues dye kit and Hannah touches on some of her experience dyeing with flowers and other plants grown in the garden.  Next, Stacey and Lee chat about other dye techniques. From speckles to using kool aid to dye yarns, you'll learn about what fun effects we're seeing in yarns these days! As always, if you have a question or want to t

  • Episode 320: Tried and True Knits

    17/04/2020 Duração: 33min

    You may have noticed that we took a short break between episodes while we figured out how to record from home. We miss our tiny recording studio but we're also so excited to be able to record new episodes for you to knit along to.   Many of us are finding more time to do our favorite crafts during the day... it's a time to rest and find comfort in our projects. Even though we're spending more time crafting, it doesn't necessarily mean that all of that time is spent in one go over  the course of a leisurely crafternoon! Instead, kiddos, pets, work or chores punctuate our days. Everyone on the Knit Picks team has found ways to make our precious knitting and crochet time productive and simple so that we can get right back to it when we're ready and able.  First, Lee and Erica give some tips and tricks for keeping track of where you are in your project! Using lifelines in lace or locking stitch markers can make it so much easier to come back to a project you've set down hours (or weeks!) before.  Next, Sta

  • Episode 319: Behind the Scenes

    20/03/2020 Duração: 21min

    Today we take a trip behind the scenes at Knit Picks to talk about two of our popular programs. We're busy adding to and refining our subscription boxes and eco yarn offerings throughout the year and wanted to share some of the stories and highlights from both.  First up, Alison and Hannah talk about their history of developing new eco yarns. From past favorites like Full Circle to our recent Upcycled yarn launch, we're proud of what we've been able to source and are always looking for new yarns to add to our collections. Next, Erica and Kate share some insights into our subscription box program. Carefully curated boxes arrive at your door every month, full of lovely yarns and favorite patterns. We've recently relaunched our program with new boxes and are always working on new ways to surprise and delight our super fans. Find out who is on Team Hawthorne and who is on Team Stroll.  If you are someone who gets a subscription box, use the hashtag #KPSubscriptionsuperstar  #KPHandpicked and share your exp

  • Episode 318: Beyond finishing

    06/03/2020 Duração: 31min

    Knits are meant to be loved and used which means that a knitter's work is never truly done. Whether there are holes to be mended or you want to add some fiber flair to your project, Stacey, Lee, Alison and Hannah share some of their favorite ways to mend and embellish knits.  First up, wool moths and kiddos mean our stacks of knits have some holes to be patched. Alison and Hannah discuss the different ways they mend well loved knits. Listen in to learn about needle felting, darning eggs and the ongoing debate about visible versus invisible mending. Next, Stacey and Lee come together to share their favorite ways to add embellishments to finished projects. Adding duplicate stitch or a crochet edging can bring new life to a second hand garment or spice up an otherwise plain piece with bold motifs. Want to add pockets? We talk about that too! As always, happy knitting!   Mentioned in this Episode: Hawthorne Sock Darning with Duplicate stitch Wool Roving Felting Needle Darning Needle Set Darning Eg

  • Episode 317: Designing Knits

    21/02/2020 Duração: 38min

    The first step in every knitter's journey is conquering the basics: knitting, purling, casting on and binding off. The next step, of course, is finding ways to make your knits do exactly what you want! That feeling when everything comes together in a project that fits perfectly, and looks just as you'd imagined is every knitter's dream.  In this episode Lee and Hannah answer the Knit Picks Podcast's very first message from the new podcast voicemail. Our caller wanted to know how to customize a hat to fit her perfectly and we were so excited to answer her question. Listen in as we dig deep into what makes knitted hats the best place to learn and refine your skills as well as some tips and tricks for getting that perfect fit. Next, Stacey and Erica come together together to share how we choose patterns for our printed collections. We print about 18 books a year which means we've got a lot of moving parts happening behind the scenes. Whether you're a designer or someone who really loves a good pattern, we s

  • Episode 316: All About Yarn

    07/02/2020 Duração: 35min

    Each project has a beginning. Sometimes inspiration starts with a new pattern, but our favorite knits always begin with a surprise "I have GOT to have that!" skein. Today's episode includes our favorite ways to pick patterns when you're starting from your stash. First, Erica and Hannah discuss all the information on yarn labels! Each label has everything you need to know about a yarn if you know how to parse the mysterious lingo. (We've included a label on our blog so you can follow along as we go through each section.)  Next, Stacey and Lee share some hot tips and special considerations when you're searching for the perfect project for a specific yarn. Whether you have a single mystery skein or a sweater quantity of yarn, we've got you covered.  Mentioned in This Episode:Comfy Stroll Craft Yarn Council Twill Aloft Knit Picks Customer Service Team Yarn Substitution Ravelry Lee's Projects and designs Hawthorne Holding yarn triple Cadence Collection Alpaca Cloud Comfy Color Mist Felici Bus

  • Episode 315: Knitting Needles and Knitting Cables

    24/01/2020 Duração: 29min

    Today we're going back to basics! First up, Stacey and Hannah share some insights into knitting needles. The most essential knitting tool, no matter your technique, pattern or yarn, choosing the right needles for each project is the very first step and can make a huge difference in your journey. Whether you're dedicated to DPNs or curious about Interchangeable Needles, Stacey and Hannah cover the basics of needle selection. Next, Gerda and Lee dig deep into the intricacies of knitting cables. One of the most impressive techniques, cables offer heaps of visual interest once you learn a few simple steps. They even describe how to cable without a cable needle and demystify some of the ways people use the word "cable" within knitting. Lastly, the Knit Picks Podcast has a brand new voicemail for you to call in with questions or comments. We'll be checking it regularly and using your calls in later episodes as part of our Q&A segments. To leave a voicemail call 360-334-4847 and record your message, we'd lo

  • Episode 314: Finishing Touches

    10/01/2020 Duração: 44min

    In the spirit of a new year full of crafting goals and bursting project queues, we're taking a moment to think about the act of FINISHING knits. More than just weaving in ends, using the right finishing techniques for each project means you'll have garments and accessories that will be treasured and look good for years to come. First up, Erica and Hannah talk about the importance of taking your time. Each finishing step, from picking the perfect buttons to using the right techniques along the way, add up to a subtle but important difference in the finished project. Next, Lee and Stacey cover the mysteries and intricacies of blocking. Truly one the last steps in the process, blocking can be much more than a simple wash and dry. It's also one of the steps patterns usually tell us the least about. Lastly, as you listen to this week's episode, you might hear some background noise. Our offices are getting a top to bottom renovation and, while we're all thrilled that we'll be moving into bright shiny new spa

  • Episode 313: Knitting Resolutions Revisited

    20/12/2019 Duração: 37min

    With the new year right around the corner we're busy reflecting on the goals and resolutions we made in the waning days of 2018. Erica and Lee chat about their resolutions for this year and what did (or did not, as the case might be) happen. Each then look forward to 2020 and make some plans for the New Year. Next, Stacey and Hannah take a holistic look at 2019. Knit Picks has introduced more new yarns than ever before and both Stacey and Hannah successfully completed their 2019 resolutions. The past year saw some exciting new developments for Knit Picks and we can't wait to see what 2020 will bring. Reflect and look forward with the Knit Picks Podcast team. We wish you a happy and healthy rest of your December and New Year. And as always, happy crafting!  Episode Timestamps: 0:00 – Introduction with Hannah 0:52 – Lee and Erica listen to last year’s resolutions 1:30 – Lee’s 2019 resolution (audio from PODCAST 290 – NEXT STEPS FOR THE NEW YEAR) 3:45 – Erica’s 2019 resolution (audio from PODCAST 290 – NEXT STE

  • Episode 312: Crafting Gratitude

    05/12/2019 Duração: 19min

    Craft·i·tude /kraft ə t(y)o͞od/ noun the quality of being thankful within crafting; readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness in crafting. (Craft + Gratitude) As crafters, there's something to be grateful for every day we pick up our needles, try a new yarn or conquer a technique. From beautiful yarns to inspiring role models, there are so many things and people to thank for helping each one of us explore our favorite crafts. First, Lee and Hannah share all of the things they're thankful for. They are both self-taught knitters and have relied on a whole host of tools, books and online resources to teach everything needed to become crafting superstars. Stay tuned for some tried-and-true resources that they're both oh-so-grateful to have. Next, we feature a whole cast of new and familiar voices. The Knit Picks staff, whether on the Customer Service Team, in the IT, or Photo Department, we all have someone to thank for helping us along on our crafting journeys. Episode Timestamps:

  • Episode 311: Knits, Tips and Tricks

    22/11/2019 Duração: 37min

    Whether you're brand new to knitting or an old hand, talking about the foundations of knitting can lead to some profound "ah hah!" moments. Time and again we think we've learned all there is to know about knitting, only to be surprised by some little tip or trick from a fellow crafter that totally changes our process.  Lee and Erica start the conversation today by sharing their methods for reading both patterns and your knit fabric! Being able to look at your project and correctly "read" your stitches can help prevent errors as well as give you a greater understanding of general knit construction. We even have a little treat for our left-handed listeners Next, Stacey and Hannah talk about their forays into knitting without looking at their needles! Both frequently knit while chatting or, more recently, while occupying the Knit Picks booth at the recent Quilt Festival Houston trade show. They loved meeting everyone at the show and also realized that they have some good tips and tricks for knitters who want t

  • Episode 310: Knitting Fears Realized

    08/11/2019 Duração: 26min

    Halloween, the spookiest time of year may have come and gone, but the Knit Picks office and crafting queues are still haunted by scary decorations and seasonal knits. While we’re still making cute ghosts, leaves and pumpkins and enjoying treats with cinnamon and spice, we thought it would be the perfect time to cozy up with some spooky themed podcast segments.  First up, Lee and Morgan chat about their knitting fears! Trying new projects or techniques can be intimidating so they’ve come up with some tips and tricks to make the whole process easier.  Next, light some candles and settle in with a cozy blanket while we share some scary stories! Listen along to knitting nightmares with happy endings and surprising twist that are sure to get your heart (and your needles) racing! Face your knitting fears with us at Episode timestamps: 00:00 – The ‘Welcome’ by Hannah 00:52 – Knitting Fears with Lee and Morgan 15:40 – Knitting Horror Stories: 15:49 – The Favorite Cardigan by Stacy 18:13 – Obliterat

  • Episode 309: Gifting and Color

    25/10/2019 Duração: 29min

    Summer is long gone and everyone here at Knit Picks has started gearing up for the holiday gift giving season! Our needles are busy casting on hats, socks and stuffies and everything in between. Erica and Hannah share their tips and tricks for managing their project queues throughout this busy season, as well as making sure we all give the perfect gift, every time. Hannah's favorite way to make a stellar gift in no time at all is to pair a basic pattern with a stunning, color changing yarn. In the second segment, Lee and Stacey share their favorite ways to feature these cool color effects in projects. From long gradients to steady stripes, color changing yarns elevate simple projects in a snap. Mentioned in episode: Aloft Twill Mighty Stitch Super Bulky Cedar Box Cedar Butterfly Chroma Worsted Chroma Fingering Wool of the Andes Worsted Yarn Stroll Gradient Felici Check out Hannah's mentioned giant squishy knit roly-poly "pill bug" As always, happy listening and happy crafting!

  • Episode 308: Luxury Lane

    14/10/2019 Duração: 24min

    In this episode, we're taking a trip down luxury lane. It's the perfect time of year to treat yourself (or that special someone on your gift list) to handknits in our premium fibers. Our newest pattern collection, Cadence, showcases these luxury yarns in garments and accessories that are both simple AND stunning. Stacey and Lee go behind the scenes and discuss all the careful considerations and lovely details that went in to each pattern. Alexis and Hannah also dig deep into what makes Luxury yarns special! From Alpaca to Silk and Cashmere, we've never had this many oh-so-soft yarns available at once. Listen in to learn about Micron counts and the mysterious world of Alpaca fibers. As always, happy listening and happy crafting!

  • Episode 307: Colorwork Q&A

    27/09/2019 Duração: 50min

    We have a special guest for this episode! Lisa Seifert joins Stacey to chat about our newest colorwork collection, Spectrum. Lisa brings some new insight to the design process and shares some behind the scenes info about her patterns in this stunning collection. Our Q + A segments continue! We love answering your knitting questions (keep them coming!) and tackle all your colorwork conundrums in this episode. Stay tuned for tips for proper tension, color choice, and yarn selection! Whether you're a colorwork enthusiast or just getting started, stay tuned for a deep dive on one of our favorite techniques.

  • Episode 306: Form, Function, and Faux-Fur!

    13/09/2019 Duração: 26min

    We recently calculated how many pattern collections we've published and were SHOCKED to discover that we've done over 130 books since we started this program. Each collection has come together after months of planning, designing, and knitting. Every time we get a new sample in the office or do a new call for submissions, we get excited about all the possibilities! To celebrate our new Gansey collection: Form and Function, Stacey and Hannah sit down together in the studio to really dig in to these new patterns and share the details that make each one unique. We've never done a Gansey focused collection and share some of the challenges and considerations that went in to the selection process. Alexis and Hillary also sit down to chat about our OTHER new news! We've been busy adding new colors to your favorite yarn lines, making new bulky needle sets and (drumroll please!) we're introducing a whole new faux fur yarn! As always, happy listening and happy crafting!

  • Episode 305: Perfect Pairs

    23/08/2019 Duração: 36min

    It's time to celebrate our favorite seasonless knit, SOCKS! The perfect portable project, we always have a pair on our needles between larger projects. There's really nothing better than a pair of handknit socks for gifting OR wearing. This week we dive into our new Simply Socks pattern collection. After years printing collections of wild socks with fabulously complicated colors and stitch patterns, we've put together a collection of basic, everyday patterns that we all secretly (or not so secretly) really WANT to wear. Perfect for gifting to anyone in your life (hello fellas!) or filling your own sock drawer, we promise these new patterns will have you casting on your next pair ASAP. Stacey and Hannah get serious with our second Q+A session all about, you guessed it, SOCKS! Listen in as they weigh the pros and cons of DPNs vs Magic Loop, and share advice on how to make sure you get the perfect fit every time. We'll be doing Q+A segments regularly so keep those comments coming! As always, happy listening and

  • Episode 304: Sweaters, Sweaters, Sweaters!

    09/08/2019 Duração: 27min

    This episode is all about the mysteries and intricacies of sweater knitting! First, we've launched a brand new, wonderfully tweedy sweater pattern collection, Everyday Rustic. Stacey and Lee share their favorite patterns as well as a little behind the scenes peek into making this collection. To go along with our sweater theme, Stacey and Hannah pop into the studio to answer some of YOUR questions about the ins and outs of sweater knitting. From sweater care to yarn substitution, and even one question that had us questioning the way we read patterns, we had a blast digging into ideas and concepts we rarely talk about in the office. We'll be doing Q+A segments regularly so keep those comments coming! As always, happy listening and happy crafting!

  • Episode 303: Latest & Greatest

    26/07/2019 Duração: 16min

    After eight years of making our very own pattern collections, we're finally doing a BEST OF KNIT PICKS edition! Our very favorite garment patterns from our archive are now together in one amazing (and enormous) book. Colorwork, cables, tweed and a few luxury yarns shine in these newly standardized and updated patterns. Lee and Stacey, who work together to bring you all of our pattern collections, sit down to share some behind the scenes insight into their favorite patterns and the logistics of producing our very first Best Of collection. We've also cracked open our yarn archive to bring you an update line of Shimmer lace yarn! Our favorite Baby Alpaca and Silk lace yarn is back in new bright colors, perfect for updating traditional lace patterns. Hillary and Hannah share our love for the zesty new colors as well as project ideas in case you need some extra inspiration. As always, happy listening and happy crafting!

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