Achieve Goals Fast



Join serial entrepreneur and bestselling author Mike Pettigrew and discover the most effective ways to achieve your goals and create the life you want. Achieve your goals 10 times faster using strategies, tools and techinques that have been scientifically proved to work. In this podcast you will learn how the world's most successful people think. You will find out what they do to achieve their goals faster, and create lives of deep fulfilment and meaning. Copy these simple strategies for yourself and start achieving your goals faster than you ever thought possible. Mike Pettigrew is the author of the number 1 Amazon bestseller "The Most Powerful Goal Achievement System in the World" and helps ordinary people to create extraordinary lives.


  • The Most Powerful Goal Achievement System in the World - CHAPTER 4

    04/10/2017 Duração: 13min

    Here is a reading of chapter four from my book "The Most Powerful Goal Achievement System in the World", now available in paperback and Kindle formats

  • The Most Powerful Goal Achievement System in the World - Chapters 2 and 3

    03/10/2017 Duração: 25min

    Here is a reading of chapters 2 and 3 from my book "The Most Powerful Goal Achievement System in the World"

  • The Most Powerful Goal Achievement System in the World - Chapter 1

    29/09/2017 Duração: 23min

    In this episode I will be discussing "The Most Powerful Goal Achievement System in the World" and sharing with you a reading of chapter one of this book.

  • The Most Powerful Goal Achievement System in the World - Introduction

    29/09/2017 Duração: 18min

    In this week's episode I will be discussing "The Most Powerful Goal Achievement System in the World" and I will be sharing with you a reading of the introduction of this book.

  • Self-Image - Is it Sabotaging Your Goals?

    09/03/2017 Duração: 14min

    Find out why your self-image and what you believe about yourself is responsible for whether or not you can succeed in achieving your goals or fail miserably. Discover how science has proved that you thoughts and emotions affect can effect physical matter and what happens to you.

  • Whats Stopping You Achieving Your Goals?

    22/02/2017 Duração: 14min

    Want to know why you are not achieving your goals? When you find out exactly what's stopping you from achieving your goals, your life can transform very fast. Discover the sure-fire way to achieve all your goals in life and overcome what's been holding you back. When you set goals the right way and overcome self-limitations, anything becomes possible for you.

  • What is The World's Most Powerful Goal Achievement System?

    14/02/2017 Duração: 08min

    Find out what's different about The World's Most Powerful Goal Achievement System and why it is so effective at transforming your dreams into reality. Discover some of the biggest shortcomings of most popular goal achievement systems, and why they fail, so you can avoid disappointment and stop wasting time.

  • Overcome Negative Self-talk and Create a Success Mindset

    27/07/2016 Duração: 26min

    Heather Picken of Woman On Fire interviews Mike Pettigrew about how to overcome negative conditioning and self talk and how to create a success mindset. In this interview you will discover how gratitude enables you to transform any difficult situation fast and construct long-term happiness and fulfillment. Download the 3 exciting free gifts mentioned at the end of the interview. Get Mike's bestseller for free along with an audio-book and video course.

  • What is destiny? How to choose your destiny

    20/06/2016 Duração: 12min

    What is destiny? Can you choose your destiny? Do you believe in destiny? In this podcast I'm going to share with you how you can find your true destiny and how you can create an amazing life for yourself.

  • What is The Purpose of Life?

    16/06/2016 Duração: 11min

    Have you ever asked yourself "what is my purpose in life"? A life without purpose and meaning is a sad life, so discovering how to find your true purpose in life is really important. In this podcast you will find out how to discover your purpose in life and how modern life after death research sheds light on this very important subject. You will learn how the purpose of all human life is actually twofold and what you need to do to live a fuller, richer life of happiness and fulfillment.

  • Do We Choose Our Thoughts? - How to Control Your Thoughts and Choose Happiness

    16/06/2016 Duração: 06min

    Is it really possible to choose how you think? If so, then this could be the key to true happiness and long-term peace of mind. As human beings we have great ability to change our inner state whenever we wish, providing we choose to do so. Discover the easy to to change your inner state, overcome monotony and boredom and get you life back on track fast.

  • Frankie Boyer of Biz Talk Rado Interviews Mike Pettigrew

    16/06/2016 Duração: 12min

    Listen to Mike Pettigrew's interview with Frankie Boyer, host of Biz Talk Rado. Topics covered include the power of gratitude, happiness, success, and how to quickly transform any painful situation.

  • The Crazy Gratitude Experiment

    03/06/2016 Duração: 08min

    Did you know that gratitude can enable you to unlock yourself from any painful situation? It has the power to transform your life and propel your life forwards once again. Learn about The Crazy Gratitude Experiment and how you can use it to change any pain or fear that you may currently be experiencing in your life and how you can do so quickly. Gratitude can change every area of your life and its easy when you use the right tools. It also acts like a magnet, drawing wonderful experiences into your life. Test The Crazy Gratitude Experiment for yourself and start creating the life you have always yearned for.

  • Tim Dennis of Darkness Radio Interviews Mike Pettigrew - Hour 2

    23/05/2016 Duração: 45min

    Listen to the first hour of Mike Pettigrew's interview with Tim Dennis, host of Darkness Radio. Topics covered are the power of gratitude, happiness, success, how to move small objects with your mind and the evidence for life after death.

  • Tim Dennis of Darkness Radio Interviews Mike Pettigrew - Hour 1

    23/05/2016 Duração: 46min

    Listen to the first hour of Mike Pettigrew's interview with Tim Dennis, host of Darkness Radio. Topics covered are the power of gratitude, happiness, success, how to move small objects with your mind and the evidence for life after death.

  • Achieve Your Dreams - How to see results in only 30 days!

    18/05/2016 Duração: 13min

    Want to know how to achieve your dreams and see great results in only 30 days? In this podcast summary of my free report "Start Achieving Your Life's Biggest Dreams in the Next 30 Days" you will learn how to achieve your goals and make your dreams come true. You will discover the importance of goal setting and how to do it correctly. You really can achieve your dreams when you follow these 5 simple yet highly steps. I will show you how to achieve success the fast way and avoid the mistakes that most people make. Learn how to improve your life and how to achieve your dreams quickly and easily with a time-tested system that's used by the world's most successful people. Download "Start Achieving Your Life's Biggest Dreams in the Next 30 Days" for FREE: Find Us on Facebook: Subscribe to Podcast: More Training: Triple Your Income in 30 Days

  • Why Mentoring is Important

    18/05/2016 Duração: 07min

    Mentoring is the single biggest catalyst of self-transformation because it can enable you to discover what’s really possible for your life. Life is short and there is only so much you can learn through your own direct experience. Therefore, if you wish to create great success and happiness and live beyond your current limitations then you must seek out and learn from outstanding mentors. Mentors will stretch your life, motivate and empower you and allow you to achieve all your dreams in life. If you have big goals, then there is no need to reinvent the wheel – simply find someone who has done it before, learn from them and replicate what they did to achieve their success. You can achieve anything you want in life, but you’ve got to find a great teacher first! Find Us on Facebook: Subscribe to Podcast: More Training: Triple Your Income in 30 Days - Get this Valuable Free Report: http://themillionairemi

  • Andy Lax Interviews Mike Pettigrew on what sets The Millionaire Mind Secrets apart from other success programs.

    18/03/2016 Duração: 54min

    1. What is a Success Mindset? 2. How do you cultivate it ? 3. What are your thoughts on self-esteem and earning potential? 4. Why do so many people struggle financially? 5. How can you avoid falling back into old, counterproductive patterns? 6. How do you deal people around you who are negative? 7. What sets The Millionaire Mind Secrets apart?

  • How Your Beliefs Shape Your Life - and what you can do about it

    04/01/2016 Duração: 09min

    If you believe you cannot achieve something, then no matter how hard you may try, you will fail. Your beliefs may be correct or they could be incorrect, but either way they determine everything that happens to you. Therefore, its important to weed out and overcome negative beliefs that hold you back and add empowering beliefs that carry you towards your goals.

  • How Your Dominant Thoughts & Emotions Create All of Your Successes and All of Your Failures

    15/12/2015 Duração: 15min

    Your dominant thoughts and emotions really do create the circumstances of your life. They also determine what you can and cannot achieve. In this video you will discover that ancient Eastern texts and modern scientific experiments verify that this is true.

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