Liberty Report With Brett Mason



Brett Mason is a libertarian, a reformed republican, and strong advocate for freedom and liberty.This show will try to tackle the headlines, political issue and philosophical issues of the day from the libertarian point of view.My ultimate goal is the inform, educate, entertain and spread the message of liberty and freedom.


  • We're Not Gonna Take It - The People Must Govern

    25/09/2015 Duração: 2402h00s

    We the people must stop blaming those in power, and take power back to the people. How do we do this? It's easier than you may think.How religion nearly beacame a part of our government and a real life example of how horrible it would have been. You must hear this law that Maryland tried to introduce in the 1800s (in the podcast I kept reading a line that said 1649 and being live I just didn't grasp there was no way that could be a right date)

  • Carly Fiorina Lied About Drugs In Debate

    24/09/2015 Duração: 1883h00s

    When Carly Fiorina said in the debate "My husband Frank and I buried a child to drug addiction" she mislead people into thinking it was related to marijuana. The facts will actually surprise you.Fact Checking the republican candidates.

  • Government Lets 300,000 Veterans Die

    23/09/2015 Duração: 2115h00s

    We look at several horrfying stories of how our government is treating it's veterans. Stories of veterans who died 25 years ago while still waiting for their paperwork to be processed as late as 2014?It's time every person, democrat or republican, stand up and end this madness. These men and women deserver better.

  • I Never Said You Stole My Car - How Written Language Confuses

    22/09/2015 Duração: 1592h00s

    This is the story of how one sentence with seven words can have seven different meaning. And how you can never know which meaning is correct if it is written, only if it is spoken.With the world doing more and more of it's communication in the form of written language, we are seeing some of it's nuances getting lost in the simplicity of writing.

  • Modern Men of Liberty: Harry Browne

    08/09/2015 Duração: 2187h00s

    In the first of a new series "Modern Men Of Liberty" we get to know Harry Browne.He was the Libertarian presidential candidate twice, an accomplished author and outspoken advocate for liberty. We get to know him through some of his most famous quotes and use them to explore the concepts of liberty.

  • Why You Are Wrong About Kim Davis And Religious Freedom

    06/09/2015 Duração: 1850h00s

    I see so many people using the argument of "religious freedom" and applying it to Kim Davis, the Kentucky Clerk refusing marriage licenses to Gay People.There is only one reason anyone would ever use the concept of religious freedom and apply it to Kim Davis. That is if you have a fundamental misunderstanding of the Constitution, religious freedom, and the role of Government.

  • Chris Chistie spits on Constitution, Hillary Spits on Rule Of Law

    21/08/2015 Duração: 2877h00s

    In this weeks episode we explore how several politicians boldly and without apology brag about ignoring the Constitution. Christ Christie isn't a fan of the 4th amendment and plainly says the NSA can't do their job and follow the 4th amendment. And he makes no apology for it.Hillary Clinton has obviously broken many laws surrounding her private email server. Yet she stands in front of cameras and makes jokes about it. She flippantly makes sarcastic comments to reporters when asked about it.The mental health and the law are not a good fit in this country. A judge wants to forcefully medicate a man so he will be "fit to stand trial." This is a man they claim threatened the president on Facebook by quoting God, or what he claims was God talking to him.The push for $15 minimum wage will have many unintended consequences. One of them will be the automation of many low skill jobs, putting millions out of work. We discuss in depth the economics behind minimum wage, automation and the free market.

  • Internment Camps In America Again, Facebook Spies and Out Of Control Judges

    14/08/2015 Duração: 3020h00s

    A high ranking retired general is suggesting we round up Americans and put them in internment camps.Facebook is spying on every conversation you have and reporting to the FBI on you. This is very real and scary stuff.Judges today are making up their own rules, laws and punishments. There is no way this is legal. You won't believe what a judge in Texas ordered a man to do as punishment!Visit us online:

  • Fact Checking The First Republican Debate

    09/08/2015 Duração: 2497h00s

    The first Republican debate was a train wreck. Fox News embarrassed themselves. We learned very little about the candidates and the American people were the big losers.There were a few interesting things that came out in the debates and I wanted to take some time to really dig into them deeper. Feel free to comment and share your ideas.

  • Why Your Government Ignores You - Democrat And Republican

    06/08/2015 Duração: 1803h00s

    Ever wonder why your Congress, Senators and President ignore you? They say all the right things until they are elected and then everything changes. Are you ready for the truth? Remove the blinders!

  • What Is Donald Trumps Secret? Can He Win?

    31/07/2015 Duração: 1429h00s

    The press and media are confused about Donald Trump. Watching them trying to figure out why is polling numbers are so high and why he has so many supporters is funny. They are so removed from real life that it seems foreign to them. Luckily I am help them and anyone else who doesn't understand Donald Trump's success.

  • Christians should be the first to oppose religious stickers on Cop Cars

    30/07/2015 Duração: 1182h00s

    I've been called a godless heathen for opposing religious stickers on law enforcement vehicles. The irony is that I'm one of the few fighting to protect religious freedom and liberty. I'm one of the few fighting to make sure your great grandkids don't live under Sharia Law or worse. If you think I'm satan incarnate, listen to this entire show. Understand road these stickers are leading us down.

  • Republicans Want War, Not Peace

    27/07/2015 Duração: 1846h00s

    Why are Republicans so insane about the Iran Nuclear deal? Why would they rather send our 21 year old kids overseas to die rather than give a peaceful solution a chance first? Could it be for power, rallying of the base, campaign contributions or something worse? It's obvious they don't even want the deal to have a chance. And this no lie they won't tell to make sure it happens.

  • Police Who Dont Know The Constitution

    20/07/2015 Duração: 1624h00s

    So many Officers are violating people's rights. Do they know the Constitution and they are just lying? Or are our Law Enforcement Officers in America really that ignorant about our founding Document.We also found a sitting State Governor who doesn't know the most basic things about the Constitution. Do you know the three branches of government? She doesn't.And Lastly we will talk about the 2nd Amendment, concealed carry permits and their affect on crime in America. Concealed carry permits are up. So is crime up or down? Patriots will know the answer.

  • Josh Feuerstein and Ted Cruz Are Morons

    13/07/2015 Duração: 2245h00s

    I'm so sick of people like Josh Feuerstein and Ted Cruz being able to just say anything they want like it is fact. Where is the accountability? Why do we allow them to say things that are patently false and get away with it? Today I'm exposing these vile human beings for the garbage peddlers that they are.

  • Judge Issues Order - Violates Rights

    06/07/2015 Duração: 1616h00s

    Freedom appears to be collapsing at a rapid pace in America. On today's show we'll talk about people have their rights of free speech violated in the town square. We'll also talk about this judge who issued an order that directly violates the Constitution and his court officers enforcing it. Plus the Jade Helm Drills. What is the government doing?

  • Shocking Things Ben Carson Has Said

    03/07/2015 Duração: 1916h00s

    Ben Carson is one of 14 people seeking the Republican nomination for president in 2016. He sparked a fire in conservatives with his passionate take down of Obama at a prayer breakfast. But what does he really stand for? You may be surprised to hear some of his ideas on the 2nd amendment among other things.

  • Why Hillary Will Win The Presidency

    01/07/2015 Duração: 2098h00s

    I am predicting right now that Hillary Clinton will be the next president of the United States of America. I think the reasons why are pretty clear considering the last two presidential elections. I think we make a pretty compelling case in this podcast

  • The Consequences Of Speaking Your Mind

    29/06/2015 Duração: 1393h00s

    What happens if you are always real, no holding back, 100% you all of the time? It seems like the best way to live but there are a host of consequences that come along with it.

  • History of the Confederate Flag

    25/06/2015 Duração: 1914h00s

    Being a proud man with Southern heritage I have an opinion on the Confederate Flag. Should it be flown over capital buildings or not? What about what the majority wants? What is the right answer?

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