Hollywood Geeks



Acting, film making an Hollywood pop culture through the eyes of one British and one American actor.


  • Holy 'Making The Phone Ring' Batman

    07/08/2015 Duração: 01h01min

    Damien and Rufino talk about acting, making the phone ring, getting out of their comfort zones and not retiring. They also talk about gaming with emphasis on Damien’s love for Elite: Dangerous. They give a big shout ou

  • wrong Wrong WRONG!

    03/08/2015 Duração: 01h17min

    In this episode, Damien and Rufino talk Dungeons and Dragons, eat Mexican food and mix up the names of comic books artists (for shame... FOR SHAME)... Oh, and chew ice.

  • Patient Zero

    29/07/2015 Duração: 01h00s

    Damien and Rufino talk about Star Wars, life as an actor and give thanks to Kevin Smith, who is solely responsible for them being friends. We blame you, Smith!

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