Rock Of Grace



Rock of Grace Family Ministries in Kinsman, OH is led by Pastor Mark Biel and Pastor Jordan Biel. Their purpose is making every heart ready. "We want every person who walks through our doors, subscribes to this podcast or meets us in a grocery store to experience the love and truth of Jesus Christ and come to a place of surrender to Him so they can be ready for when He returns to take us home to Heaven.


  • What Do You Meme? Part 1

    07/06/2023 Duração: 43min

    A Hope and a Future! Sounds great! But what does it mean? Pastor David Brock and Jordan Biel collaborate on this message to bring you the truth of what that verse actually means. Why did Jesus promise "the world will hate you" once you unify with Him? How can we be both "hated" yet have the happy life that Jeremiah 29:11 promises us?

  • The WIND of the Spirit | Adventures With The Spirit Week 2

    15/05/2023 Duração: 46min

    Are you letting the Holy Spirit guide you like Jesus said He would? Join us on a Sunday!

  • Adventures With The Holy Spirit Week 1 | Jordan Biel

    09/05/2023 Duração: 34min

    The Spirit brings order from chaos  The Spirit invites us to believe without seeing The Spirit changes us giving us supernatural abilities and character traits 

  • Signs of Revival | Jesus Revolution Week 4 | Jordan Biel

    24/04/2023 Duração: 50min

    Greg Laurie when interviewed was asked what are the signs of revival or a 'Jesus Revolution' and his response makes up our outline for this sermon. Join us as we pray for God to pour out His Spirit and give us another Jesus Revolution in our day!

  • MessageMashUp | Summary | Inspiring Someone to Put their Trust in Jesus!

    27/03/2023 Duração: 05min

    What can we learn from this story of Phillip?

  • Leading Someone To Jesus

    27/03/2023 Duração: 37min

    Our church is on a mission! We're leading people to follow Jesus together and that means that we all can lead someone to have faith in Jesus Christ! Today we talk about our opportunity to actually lead someone in a prayer of salvation. Scripture says that some plant and some water and some reap the harvest. It's time that believers begin to see their opportunity to lead someone in a prayer of salvation. Often the Holy Spirit is already softening their heart and convicting them - that something is off - something needs to change - and you and I have that joy of being "ambassadors of Christ" as Paul put it and becoming "ministers of reconciliation" bringing people to a place of unity with Father God through faith in His Son Jesus Christ!  #FollowJesusTogether

  • Reaching Out "Fridge Blind" by Pastor David Brock

    20/03/2023 Duração: 46min

    So often Christians are blind to the needs around them - namely the need for their coworkers or neighbors to hear the Gospel - to know Jesus! In this sermon, Pastor David walks us thru scriptures where God challenges us to be His ambassadors and messengers of truth to a lost and confused and hurting world. #FollowJesusTogether Join us for Easter! 2 Services!

  • Money and Faith MessageMashUp | Pastor Jordan Biel

    15/03/2023 Duração: 02min

    Why are so many Christians unwilling to part with their money and give to the Kingdom? Jesus said that it's because it's a matter of the heart. What if we truly gave God control - total Lordship - including our finances? I wonder what freedom we'd walk in! I wonder what God could do to further His Kingdom with our faithful giving?! Heaven only knows!  #Generosity #Faithfulness #Giving #FollowJesusTogether 

  • Clip from the upcoming live album Garment of Praise

    13/03/2023 Duração: 59s

    Just a sneak peak into the upcoming worship album recorded live at Rock of Grace. 

  • Dr Dennis Sempebwa | Eyes On Jesus!

    13/03/2023 Duração: 01h09min

    So often American "faith" or "gospel" isn't a faith that works around the world. What is true faith? Faith that lasts through the storms of life? We can learn so much from this story of when Jesus visited His disciples while they were suffering through a storm.  #Faith #Christianity #FollowJesusTogether 

  • Reaching Out | Part 1, Our Role In Giving The Gospel

    06/03/2023 Duração: 45min

    In this 4 week series on the Great Commission, we are discussing what it means to be a church that is REACHING OUT to lost and hurting people with the hope and truth of the Gospel! LEADING PEOPLE TO FOLLOW JESUS TOGETHER

  • Together With God | What Does It Mean To "Pray Without Ceasing"

    27/02/2023 Duração: 40min

    In this episode, we talk about what it means to develop a consistent prayer life - the greatest joy and opportunity for any believer.  #FollowJesusTogether  Search that hashtag on Facebook or Instagram to find stories of people following Jesus and growing in genuine community. 

  • Jesus And His Bride | Do You Love Him?

    21/02/2023 Duração: 01h18min

    I felt God ask me to change my message and just read a few passages that talk about Jesus wanting a people unto Himself - a bride unto Himself. Worship with us today and let's fall in love with Jesus, our Bridegroom!  Plan Your Visit 

  • Waiting On The Lord | Guest Speaker Pastor Mark Andreason

    20/02/2023 Duração: 43min

    A fundamental element of following Jesus is this idea of "waiting on the Lord" and it's all about trust.  Want to visit our church? Plan Your Visit 

  • There I Am In The Midst Of You MessageMashUp

    20/02/2023 Duração: 05min

    Many believers miss out on the manifest (revealed in great ways) presence of Jesus because they refuse to live in grace. Instead they hold on to offenses and just go to a new church every few years. Don't leave the tribe God's given you because one person offended you. Instead, learn to forgive and in doing so become more like Jesus. When you do you'll be glad you did! JESUS enters the room when GRACE is given! Satan is the "accuser of the brethren" Jesus is the grace giver. Who are you becoming like? 

  • Two Gather - There I Am

    20/02/2023 Duração: 36min

    I wonder how often we miss out on the manifest presence of God because we've avoided unity by being unwilling to forgive - unwilling to have the hard conversations when someone has offended us. Jesus promises THERE I AM in the midst of us when we are together in unity; but unity is only possible with humility. Long lasting friendships are only possible when you're living through the lens of grace - being willing to be understanding and forgiving. Let's learn to forgive, be gracious and be in unity and when we do THERE the Lord commands His blessing forevermore!

  • What Happens When We Die | Jordan Biel

    04/02/2023 Duração: 40min

    What happens when we die? Why is it important to think about eternity and what many call "the after-life" and how do we know if we're going to Heaven?  #FollowJesusTogether  Download Full Sermon Notes Here 

  • Why Do We Suffer? Why Do Bad Things Happen To Good People?

    16/01/2023 Duração: 40min

    Questions For God, that's the series we're in and we're tackling some of life's biggest questions - the ones that are hard to answer on this side of eternity. We're glad you're with us! Join us in person this coming week and plan your visit at  #FollowJesusTogether  Full Sermon Script for your review or Group Study

  • How Do I Know God's Will? | Jordan Biel

    09/01/2023 Duração: 44min

    God's will can, at times, seem mysterious. But what does God's Word say about it? Let's dive in!  Want to learn more about our church or plan your visit?  Plan Your Visit  Upcoming Events 

  • A Gracious Heart Part 3 | Are You Contending For Your Faith? | Pastor Greg Ebie

    21/11/2022 Duração: 49min

    Are you contending for your faith? What "chair" are you in? Is your faith YOURS or are you content with watching someone else experience God? 

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