Bbc Sermon Cast



Keep up to date with sermons preached at Brackenhurst Baptist Church.


  • Build Up, Don’t Blow Up (1 Corinthians 8:1–6) - 1 Corinthians Exposition

    15/10/2023 Duração: 42min

    In the Corinthian culture, and in much of the Graeco-Roman culture of the day, one could not escape the ubiquitous presence of idolatry. So, how should Christians respond? Rather than merely chapter-and-versing, Paul pastorally exhorts the congregation to build one another up to overcome idolatrous participation. He begins by warning of the limitations of knowledge (vv. 1–3) and pointing to the lordship of Jesus Christ (vv. 4–6).

  • It’s (Not) Complicated (1 Corinthians 7:39–40) - 1 Corinthians Exposition

    08/10/2023 Duração: 33min

    Having spent several weeks studying 1 Corinthians 7 it is clear that the subject matter is very important, but it might also seem to be very complicated. Well, while at first glance (and even after several glances!), the issue appears complicated, Paul removes all complications as he concludes his instructions in vv. 39–40. Let’s listen to Paul’s: 1. inspired instructions (v. 39) and 2. inspired intentions (v. 40)

  • What Breaks Your Heart? (Psalm 119:136) - Miscellaneous

    08/10/2023 Duração: 20min

    In Psalm 119:136, we see the heart of someone who loves the word of God because he loves the God of the word. In this verse, which quite literally sobs with a heart for God, we are given a metric to examine our own love for God and his truth. May this metric be the means to fill our eyes with tears over those things that truly matter.

  • The Hypocrisy of Unforgiveness (Matthew 18:21–35) - Guest Speakers

    01/10/2023 Duração: 56min

    God forgives sinners innumerable sins. Such gracious forgiveness should transform the forgiven person to also be a forgiving person. To fail to forgive another brother while claiming to enjoy the forgiveness of God is nothing short of hypocrisy and a cancer to the body of Christ.

  • The Race of Faith (Hebrews 12:1–2) - Miscellaneous

    01/10/2023 Duração: 26min

    The New Testament tells us that the Christian life is a race, and the author to the Hebrews exhorts us to fight for endurance in the race. In 12:1–2, the writer shows us three ways in which we can fight for endurance in the race of faith. 1. Fight for endurance in the race a. Remind yourself of the crowd b. Lay aside the hindrances c. Look to Jesus

  • Marriage Counselling (1 Corinthians 7:25–38) - 1 Corinthians Exposition

    24/09/2023 Duração: 43min

    To marry, or not to marry? That is the question Paul addresses in 1 Corinthians 7:25–38. Even more importantly, he addresses devotion to the Lord. His concern about undivided devotion to Jesus Christ is directly related to the question of marriage and singleness. We need to hear the apostolic marriage counselling that he provides. We consider this text under four broad headings: 1. Listen to Pastoral Concerns (v. 25) 2. Consider Your Present Circumstances (vv. 26–31) 3. Remember Your Primary Calling (vv. 32–35) 4. Seek Your Parent’s Consent (vv. 36–38)

  • A Spirit-filled Walk (Ephesians 5:15–20) - Miscellaneous

    24/09/2023 Duração: 24min

    Paul wrote to the Ephesian church to remind them of the grace of God that had been extended to them in Jesus Christ. This grace that they had received (and that we as believers have received) required of them (and requires of each of us) to walk worthy of our calling in Christ. God has given us his Spirit to enable us and empower us as image-bearers of his Son. Paul gives us three qualities that we should be looking for in our lives, and in each others’ lives, as evidence that the Spirit is at work in us. 1. Spirit-filled Singing 2. Spirit-filled Thanksgiving 3. Spirit-filled Submission

  • Bloom Where You Are Planted (1 Corinthians 7:17–24) - 1 Corinthians Exposition

    17/09/2023 Duração: 41min

    When God called us to salvation, he calls us to a life of faithful living under his lordship—regardless of our circumstances. We can say that, when God saves us, he expects us to bloom where we are planted. Paul addresses this in the passage before us this morning. We will flesh this text out this morning as we study it under the following headings: 1. Commanded to Bloom (v. 17) 2. Called to Bloom (vv. 18–23) 3. Content to Bloom (v. 24)

  • Reasons to Suffer (Colossians 1:25–2:4) - Miscellaneous

    17/09/2023 Duração: 16min

    It is obvious to all that life is filled with pain and suffering. The effects of the fall and the natural energy we must expend to minister in the church take their toll. But how is it that someone like Paul could rejoice in his sufferings? That almost seems paradoxical. Colossians 1:24–2:5 explains that, if we are to rejoice in our suffering, we must remember two reasons for suffering. Our suffering is for the church and for Christ.

  • The Shadow of the Cross and the Saving of Marriage (1 Corinthians 7:10–16) - 1 Corinthians Exposition

    10/09/2023 Duração: 47min

    Some in the church at Corinth were minimising the gift of marriage through both hyper-spirituality and scriptural ignorance. Paul wanted to rescue the biblical ordinance of marriage from wrongheaded assessments and from worldly perversions. He therefore aimed to bring the shadow of the cross—the message of the cross—to bear its weighty influence on marriage. We will see this under three main headings: 1. an honourable Christian marriage (vv. 10–11) 2. a holy Christian marriage (vv. 12–14) 3. a hostile Christian marriage (vv. 15–16)

  • Priorities for Prayer (Colossians 1:9–14) - Miscellaneous

    10/09/2023 Duração: 19min

    It’s common to share a prayer request with someone and to let someone know that we will pray for them. However, we rarely let others know exactly what it is we have prayed for and why. In Colossians 1:9–14, not only do we learn what Paul prays about for the Christians in Colossae, but we also learn what we should prioritise in prayer.

  • Sine Qua Non (Mark 10:17–22) - Miscellaneous

    03/09/2023 Duração: 28min

    Sine qua non is a Latin phrase, which refers to something without which another thing would not be possible. It refers to an essential element, which, if missing, causes the whole enterprise to fall apart. The account of the rich young ruler provides us insight into the sine qua non of eternal life, which will serve as a call-to-arms as we live lives of worship, praying that God’s kingdom would come here on earth.

  • Very Hidden Figures (Acts 1:12–26) - Hidden Figures

    03/09/2023 Duração: 23min

    In our “Hidden Figures” series, we have highlighted several biblical examples of characters who are not prominent in Scripture yet vital to the advancement of God’s kingdom. Some were very obscure, only mentioned once. But I doubt any figures are more “hidden” than the two in our text this evening” “Joseph called Barsabbas” and “Matthias.” Very hidden indeed. These two names appear only here in Scripture and there is very little information concerning them. Yet what we are told provides enough material for them to serve as examples for disciples of Jesus Christ. We consider our text under four broad headings: 1. The Context of the Situation (vv. 12–20) 2. The Criteria of the Selection (vv. 21–23) 3. The Choice by the Sovereign (vv. 24–26) 4. The Conundrum of the Silence

  • The Sanity of the Saints (1 Corinthians 7:1–9) - 1 Corinthians Exposition

    27/08/2023 Duração: 45min

    The Christian is not left in the dark concerning sexual sanctity, for the Bible equips the Christian with sexual sanity. First Corinthians 7 provides what we need to think both clearly and cleanly about God’s good gift of sex: its parameters, its principles, and its practice. “Sex and the City” is to be countered by sanity in the church. In our study, we will address this by looking at the opening nine verses under the headings: 1. Sexual Morality (vv. 1–2) 2. Marital Mutuality (vv. 3–5) 3. Singular Purity (vv. 6–9)

  • The Sanctity of the Saints (1 Corinthians 6:12–20) - 1 Corinthians Exposition

    20/08/2023 Duração: 45min

    In 1 Corinthians 6:12–20, Paul gives instruction about the sanctity of the saints. In doing so he tells believers to pay attention to the importance of their bodies. And to the degree they do so, as the rest of 1 Corinthians reveals, the body of Christ is blessed. In other words, what the Christian does with his or her body effects the local body of Christ. To a large degree, the problem of sexual immorality in both the wider culture as well as within local churches is a similar challenge in our day and therefore this passage is of great relevance and importance to us.

  • Revealed to Be Worshipped (Revelation 1:1–8) - Miscellaneous

    20/08/2023 Duração: 21min

    The book of Revelation is given to us to reveal Jesus Christ. But its goal is more than academic. It reveals Christ to us so that we might worship him. In the opening verses (1:1–8), we find a revelation of the person who is worthy of worship and of the blessing that comes upon those who worship him in response to the revelation. We will study these verses under those two broad themes: 1. Revealing the person worthy of worship (vv. 1–3) 2. Revealing the blessing when you obey the revelation (vv. 4–8)

  • God, Do It Again (Psalm 126:1–6) - Miscellaneous

    13/08/2023 Duração: 41min

    William Carey famously said, “Expect great things from God; attempt great things for God.” Because he believed God is very great (Psalm 104:1), he attempted for God what God expected of him. And great things happened! Psalm 126 carries a similar theme and one that, in our days, we may particularly need to be reminded of. That is, God can again do great things in a church, in a life, in a nation, all for his glory. In these six verses we are encouraged to not be forgetful (vv. 1–3) and to be faithful (vv. 4–5a, 6a), with confidence that we will be fruitful (vv. 5b, 6b).

  • Monday Christians (Part 2) (Colossians 3:22–4:1) - Miscellaneous

    13/08/2023 Duração: 26min

    Paul has exhorted wives, husbands, children and fathers to live unto the Lord, whether that be on Sunday or any other day of the week (Colossians 3:18–21). In 3:22–4:1, he turns to bondservants (slaves) and masters. Being a Christian in the workplace has profound implications for the way we work and the way we exercise authority in the workplace. Being a Christian under human authority doesn’t give one an excuse to cut corners. Likewise, holding authority over someone doesn’t provide an excuse to abuse that authority. Since Jesus is Lord, we ought to live as Monday Christians in the workplace.

  • Finishing Well (John 21:1–23) - Miscellaneous

    06/08/2023 Duração: 45min

    In John 21, the Lord Jesus Christ pastorally confronts Peter and predicts that he will grow old, weakening in body, yet dying a death in which he will glorify God. In other words, he will finish well. Finishing well is the goal of everyone who has been saved by the gospel of Christ. We will look at this passage under four headings: 1. An Existential Crisis (vv. 1–14) 2. An Essential Confrontation (15–17) 3. An Eventual Contrast (vv. 18–19) 4. An Erroneous Comparison (vv. 20–23)

  • When God is Big and People Are Small (Psalm 104:1–35) - Miscellaneous

    06/08/2023 Duração: 24min

    Most people today live as though the world revolves around them, but Christians, of all people, are called to a richer, deeper and ultimately more fulfilling view of life. Indeed, true living comes from recognising the greatness of God and his sovereignty over all things.

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