Barbara Hemphill Podcast



Organizational expert Barbara Hemphill offers tips on reducing paper clutter, office organizing and improving productivity in her weekly podcast.


  • How To Organize Paper

    18/05/2011 Duração: 03min

    In spite of all the promises of the “paperless world,” paper continues to be the #1 organizing challenge in most homes. On a recent TV interview the host asked, “Why is it so difficult to get rid of paper?” Listen as Barbara Hemphill explains the answer and shares five quick tips on how to organize papers in your home and minimize the time it takes to eliminate unnecessary paper in your life. You don't want to miss this episode!

  • How to Declutter Your Office

    11/05/2011 Duração: 04min

    "Decluttering" and "organizing" are two very different things. In this latest podcast with Barbara Hemphill listen as she explains decluttering and organizing. Learn how to declutter your office and what questions you'll need to ask yourself to get this process started and completed successfully.

  • Office Organizing

    04/05/2011 Duração: 04min

    Is it really practical to think that employees in the workplace can and should get organized? With all the demands of a job and the pressure to meet deadlines is it realistic to think that employees can take time to get organized? Listen as Barbara Hemphill tackles this topic on office organizing in the workplace. Learn if there are any benefits to office organizing.

  • What Have You Learned?

    27/04/2011 Duração: 03min

    The value of an almost paperless office combined with cloud computing (storing your elecronic files in the "cloud" where you can access them from any computer in the world) is sounding less like an option and more like a necessity every day. Listen as Barbara Hemphill discusses what you can learn from the past to help you stay organized and productive even in the event of a disaster.

  • 4 Good Habits To Keep You Ahead of The Game

    20/04/2011 Duração: 04min

    The world often judges business by "the bottom line" – but often the bottom line is dramatically affected by human behavior. In this episode of the Barbara Hemphill podcast, listen as Barbara shares 4 good habits she learned from a mentor that can help you put you ahead of your competitors while accomplishing your goals. These 4 good habits can also be applied to your personal life allowing you to be the best person you can be both personally and professionally.

  • Organizing for What? 5 Steps to Reaching Your Goal

    13/04/2011 Duração: 04min

    Does organizing feel like it’s just “busywork” to you? It doesn't have to be! Organizing in and of itself has no value. It is simply a process to help you accomplish your work and enjoy your life. You can use organizing to help you reach your goal. In this podcast episode, listen as Barbara Hemphill explains the five-step system you can use to help you get organized and reach your goals.

  • Neat Is Not A Four-Letter Word

    06/04/2011 Duração: 04min

    Think you need to be neat to be organized and productive? Think again! Listen to this podcast as Barbara Hemphill shares what it really means to be neat and learn five techniques you can use to keep your home and office from becoming totally out of control.

  • Productive Environment Day for Your Home

    30/03/2011 Duração: 04min

    Spring cleaning takes on a new meaning in this episode of Barbara Hemphill's podcast. Learn 7 tips that you and your family can do to create a productive environment in your home. It's a great way to engage family members to help and you can reward everyone with a family event they'll enjoy.

  • 13 Tips for Reducing Forgetfulness

    23/03/2011 Duração: 05min

    What can you do to reduce forgetfulness? Is there any connection between clutter and forgetfulness? Is forgetfulness affecting your productivity? Get answers to these questions and a lot of sound advice on reducing forgetfulness in this episode of Barbara Hemphill's podcast. Listen as Barbara also shares two powerful recommendations for improving your memory. If you’ve been struggling with forgetfulness then this is a must-listen to episode.

  • Spring Forward

    16/03/2011 Duração: 03min

    Does it seem like you're struggling with the complexities of life -- work demands, financial struggles, family challenges, and health issues? Listen as Barbara discusses one major step you can take to help you with your struggles and allow you to 'Spring Forward'.

  • The Rewards of Donating

    09/03/2011 Duração: 03min

    Do you have a difficult time getting rid of things you no longer use or need? Are you holding on to "stuff" and wondering what you should do next? Then this episode is for you. Listen as Barbara Hemphill answers the question "Should I keep all this stuff" and learn about the rewards of donating in this podcast episode. You may be surprised to hear her answer.

  • 5 Tips For Taming The E-Mail Tiger

    02/03/2011 Duração: 03min

    Have you ever taken the risk of tracking how much time you spend in your email each day? If you want to know how to make your inbox a productive environment, listen as Barbara Hemphill shares 5 fabulous tips for taming your email tiger! This is a must listen to episode if your inbox is plagued by hundreds of emails.

  • Where Do I Begin?

    23/02/2011 Duração: 03min

    Ever had trouble knowing where to begin when trying to get organized? If you answered yes, then this is a must-listen-to podcast. Often not knowing where to begin prevents you from getting started. Listen as Barbara gives advice on how you can get started so you can accomplish your goals and enjoy your life.

  • Love It or Lose It

    16/02/2011 Duração: 03min

    With February being the month of Valentine's Day, the topic "Love It -- or Lose It" seems totally appropriate! There's no question that a big cause of lost productivity and unnecessary stress in our world today -- especially in the US -- is simply "too much stuff!". Listen as Barbara Hemphill shares with you how to apply the "Love It -- or Lose It" principle in your personal and professional life.

  • How Do You Feel About Where You Are?

    02/02/2011 Duração: 02min

    Do you get anxious when you have to give a presentation or talk with new people? Listen as Barbara Hemphill shares a 4-step strategy that she’s been using for years and have taught to hundreds of others like yourself. You can not only apply this strategy to presentations but also in your daily life.

  • Many Hands Make Light Work

    02/02/2011 Duração: 05min

    “Many hands make light work!” Barbara Hemphill heard that saying many times from her mother while growing up. Research shows that saying appeared in the Farmer's Calendar, June 1821, so Barbara's mother probably got it from her mother's mother! Regardless of the source, it's good advice. Listen as Barbara Hemphill discusses how many hands make light work. She'll also share three specific organizing principles she's been successfully using and teaching for over 30 years. Learn how you can apply these principles in your life so you can eliminate clutter from your homes and offices.

  • What’s the “Opportunity Cost?”

    19/01/2011 Duração: 04min

    Many people struggle with the feeling that their life is whirling out of control. One concept that helps people to resolve this challenge is the idea of 'opportunity cost'; that is for every choice we make, another possible course of action is lost to us. Listen as Barbara shares how understanding the principle of 'opportunity cost', and applying this method when making any decision, can have a truly amazing impact on your life.

  • What Are Your Traditions?

    12/01/2011 Duração: 03min

    Traditions are an important component of balance in our personal and professional lives. However sometimes individuals and organizations can get bogged down in tradition -- the “we’ve always done it that way” syndrome. Productivity can be decreased while finding that balance between doing the latest thing and keeping the good things from our history. Listen as Barbara discusses the importance of being aware of which traditions serve you well, and which traditions you would be better served to let go.

  • Is Your Brain a Productive Environment?

    05/01/2011 Duração: 03min

    A "productive environment" as an "intentional setting in which everything around you supports who you are and who you want to be." Your environment can be anything including your brain. If your brain is full of negative thoughts -- I should have done this, I could have done this, I could never do this -- it is not a productive environment. Listen as Barbara discusses the importance of eliminating negative thoughts from your brain so that you can accomplish your work and enjoy your life.

  • What I Am Celebrating

    22/12/2010 Duração: 04min

    Are you living your dream? Each of us was given a dream when we were born, but most of us have forgotten it. If you are not currently living your dream, listen to Barbara's tips on how to decipher what you can do to move in the right direction. God put each of us on earth to fulfill a purpose. So as you celebrate this Christmas remember the dream that God gave you and seek out your life's purpose. Happy Holidays!

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