Dr. Dahan's Daily Wisdom - Motivational Podcast



Self-development concepts have been discussed for centuries all around the globe. Although each country has established cultures, they all share a common denominator of values. The values presented in this podcast, are meant to remind the listener that ideals and beliefs contribute to shaping each individuals personal character. This in turn influences the persons ethics and attitude.


  • Awesome Responsibility

    14/07/2016 Duração: 03min

    Daily Wisdom  – Motivational Podcast – Day 784 – Inspiration: Above and Beyond How serious is life? How serious should you act toward life? You have to see yourself as though the entire world is held in your balance at any given time, and any one deed that you do could tip the scales for you and the entire world, either for the good or the opposite. When faced with an opportunity to do something that could benefit the world – or the opposite – Knowing that everything in the world is either pulling or pushing you in some direction is an awesome responsibility. It’s awesome because it is given to you and no-one else. You may say, “Why just me? There are many people in this world, and why should I be responsible?” Each and every creation in this world has a purpose. Not just to be there, but a purpose to accomplish its fullest potential. If it doesn’t, then it’s wasted time and it may not have the opportunity to do it again. Every single person has to say, at every single moment in their life, “The whole world w

  • Age is a Number

    13/07/2016 Duração: 03min

    Daily Wisdom  – Motivational Podcast – Day 783 – Inspiration: Above and Beyond I’ve read some statistics recently about some of the most famous people actually became successful very late in their years. Now, what is age? Does age have anything to do with it? You see, age is just a number. That’s all it is. It’s not the determining factor of who you are, or what you do, or what you’ve done. It’s just a number. Doing what you love is the only criteria that truly matters. If you’re inspired and motivated by a decision that you’ve made, keep on it. Keep up with it and stay alive, alert, awake, and enthusiastic about life. If you can wake up every morning and be thankful that you are breathing, it’s a strong indication that you’re alive, and not only that, that you are healthy. The reality is that you are never too young or old to pursue your dreams or even deepest desires. You just have to say, “Yes.” Yes to everything in life, and yes to who you want to be. How can you do that? It’s very simple, realize wh

  • Absolute Trust

    12/07/2016 Duração: 03min

    Daily Wisdom  – Motivational Podcast – Day 782 – Inspiration: Above and Beyond There is a place in your life where you reach a certain level of peace and serenity. This place, when you reach it will become the ultimate and most absolutely delightful moment in your life. This is the moment when you live with absolute trust. Absolute trust is to know for a fact that what you’ve done, and what you are doing, is good. Not just for you but for the world around you and the whole universe. Absolute trust means that you have confidence in your actions, and the confidence of all the things that you’ve accomplished, both on your thoughts, speech, and actions. That they’re all connected, but they’re doing the right thing. That they’re going in the right direction. At that moment, you have the absolute trust that everything will be well. Everything will be good. Even though it seems not as a reality but as a dream, or perhaps a mirage, that you are at this point, experiencing challenges. All of them will be overcome, you

  • I Told You So

    11/07/2016 Duração: 03min

    Daily Wisdom  – Motivational Podcast – Day 781 – Inspiration: Above and Beyond I’m sure you’ve heard the term, “I told you so.” It’s been told to us throughout the years we were growing up, by our parents or perhaps by a friend who cared enough to tell us what they thought. It may have been told to us by someone such as a grandparent, an uncle, or even a sibling. Sometimes it’s told to us by a colleague, or someone we meet who becomes a mentor to us. “I told you so” – the four most important words that can make a difference in your life. Yet we take these words for granted and hardly ever listen to them. I remember when my parents, specifically my father, would say to me that his father had told him so many things that he had to do and things that he should be aware of. “Two words to remember”, he would say, “One is behold and the other one is beware.” Behold of the greatness that there is in the world and the things that you could do. Beware of the things you need to make sure you do not break and/or eve

  • Middle Path

    08/07/2016 Duração: 03min

    Daily Wisdom  – Motivational Podcast – Day 780 – Inspiration: Above and Beyond A wise man said, “Truth is the middle path”. This is so amazing. It may seem like a simple statement, an inclination to the right, to be over-astringent with oneself, and find faults or sins not in accord with the truth. Alternatively, an inclination to the left to be over-indulgent, or covering one’s faults or being lenient in demands of what a person has to do out of self-love. Both of these ways are false. Truth is the middle path. You shouldn’t be too much against yourself, or too much for yourself. You need to know who you are. Truly, who you are. You might want to take the time perhaps today, if it’s a good day, and analyze your situation. Whatever ambiguities you may have about yourself and change it. If it is your attitude, adjust it. If it is a passion, awaken it. If it is about your future, why not brighten it? You know what you want and you know who you are. But be honest with yourself in the most truthful way. Use ha

  • To Be Counted

    07/07/2016 Duração: 03min

    Daily Wisdom  – Motivational Podcast – Day 779 – Inspiration: Above and Beyond The concept of counting is an interesting idea. The reason why people count is because they want to review what they have in store or what they own. Although, at the same time, counting also expresses the importance of each individual. By counting all the people around, we know who is there. For instance, in a team we would want to know who are the team members, and are they all in place, so we could count them. The same is in the conscription of an army. In an army they count each individual member. They want to make sure that everybody is on the base. This is because the army is the representation of its own nation. As the soldiers go out into the world they’re expected, each and every one of them, to act as a living example of their people. The same is true of all of us. We all have a mission in this world to be a true soldier. We are expected to wear our uniforms proudly, we are supposed to act in a manner that makes us obvious

  • Day is Short

    06/07/2016 Duração: 03min

    Daily Wisdom  – Motivational Podcast – Day 778 – Inspiration: Above and Beyond Have you ever heard about the expression that the “day is short”? Indeed, life is short. There’s much wisdom to acquire, and some people are apathetic, despite the great rewards and numerous blessings that come in pursuing wisdom and knowledge. People forget about the beauty of the world and how much there is to learn. The human lifespan is compared to a shadow. Not a permanent shadow, but like that of a tree or a wall. It’s fleeting, like that of a bird flying through the sky. It is so short, once you realize how short it is and there is so much to be done. Why would you waste your time? I remember when my dear father was alive. I thought he’d be alive forever. It never occurred to me that one day he would pass away but one day, all of us have to go. Knowing this, you should be very careful of what you do because the day is short. Not just some of the days, but every day. The day is very short and there’s so much work to be done.

  • Moving Forward

    05/07/2016 Duração: 03min

    Daily Wisdom  – Motivational Podcast – Day 777 – Inspiration: Above and Beyond There are times when we have disagreements, disputes, or even arguments with people who we love, and people with whom we should be close to. It may be a spouse, a sibling, a friend, a family member, a colleague, a neighbor, or an acquaintance - Anyone. We get into these arguments sometimes based on things which we believe should be argued about, or concepts, or a philosophy, or even something we feel strongly about. But I ask you, after all said and done, was it really worth it? Probably not; we are the wreckage. To move forward, a person has to forgive and forget. Let it go and never retrieve it. What happens when you do that? Let me explain. If you were to take a rope that was cut or severed and join the two severed pieces with a string and a knot, you would actually create a stronger connection between the two pieces than had existed before they were severed. It’s quite incredible, but it’s the truth. Know this fact, since you m

  • Superior or Not

    04/07/2016 Duração: 03min

    Daily Wisdom  – Motivational Podcast – Day 776 – Inspiration: Above and Beyond Isn’t it interesting that sometimes we meet people who feel they are superior than others? It’s hard to understand the reason, but there are many people who do. There is no need to be superior, or feel superior than another. One must be extremely humble in relation to every person. Now what that means is that you have to consider yourself less worthy than anyone else. You might ask the question, “Why is that? Why should I consider myself less? Why not better, especially if I believe I am? Or at least equal?” Objectively speaking, how can you consider yourself less meritable than another? Who actually at times may appear themselves to be unworthy of your own estate? What you have to bear in mind is that you should never judge anyone until you’ve actually stood in his place. Once you reach this place and you actually are in that same situation, then you will know. We all have our own challenges. The fact that we don’t succumb to

  • Source of Light

    01/07/2016 Duração: 03min

    Daily Wisdom  – Motivational Podcast – Day 775 – Inspiration: Above and Beyond Have you ever thought about the source of light? Where does light come from? It is said that only in the space of the universe, the heavens and on the earth where the body of thesun’s glow is not present. All that is seen is but an illumination that emanates from it. What that means is that the rays themselves which can be seen or felt but the light and radiance that appears to the eyes of all the beholders, has actual existence as we know it and here the term existence can really be truly applied to it. The sun’s light and the rays, as they appear outside the sun glow, can be said to exist as much as we can see them. But in its source, in the body of the sun, the sun itself. What is the source of that light? Where did it come from? How did it appear? Of course many scientists will come and say, “Well, there was this theory, and this other theory.” All theories that come together are based on speculative concepts. The word speculat

  • Subordinate Your Heart

    30/06/2016 Duração: 03min

    Daily Wisdom  – Motivational Podcast – Day 774 – Inspiration: Above and Beyond Have you ever thought of the fact that there are billions of people in this world, and yet you cannot find two people who are alike? Not even twins. They may have character traits, maybe views of the world, or even physical appearance that may be similar, but not exactly the same. This means that the world is unique and so is every single person in this world. Now there is a fundamental principle in philosophy, and that is that the mind itself, by its innate nature, meaning from birth, rules over the heart. It must be subservient to the heart for the purpose of the world. It does so by utilizing the intellect as well as the comprehension, and the profound contemplation of the greatness of our mission in this world. There is a Ruler, or whatever you wish to call this Being, this Ruler, this Creator, something must be controlled. The world itself didn’t just happen by innate nature developing itself. It just wouldn’t make sense. So,

  • Great Reward

    29/06/2016 Duração: 02min

    Daily Wisdom  – Motivational Podcast – Day 773 – Inspiration: Above and Beyond There are certain character traits that a person should train himself to follow. Part of the reason for that is because the person that you are, and the one that you are becoming, is the one that will make a difference in this world. It is not only a good deed, but also important that every single individual loves and cares for everything about themselves. Not just their body, their doings, and their actions, but also everything that they own and whatever it is that they acquire. Another character trait that you should be careful of, is to always speak favorably about other people. And also, you should care for their honor and their property as you care for your own. You see, a person who seeks to glorify himself through his colleagues’ dishonor won’t have any benefit at all. Not only will there be no benefit, to the contrary only stress and more opportunities for apprehension and negativity will be born from that. It will serve no

  • A Little More

    28/06/2016 Duração: 03min

    Daily Wisdom  – Motivational Podcast – Day 772 – Inspiration: Above and Beyond There are times when lessons come to your world and you wonder, “What was the purpose of that?” The answer is simple, for you to work towards yourself and towards the service of the Creator of the world and everything that you do to make it better. It’s a lesson. The philosophy of goodness, kindness, and greatness emphasize all of these points. It’s very basic if you think about it. By definition, we are asked and demanded to live a life that requires and gives little more than we have. A little more effort and little more in the duty of mind of things that what we do. A little more dedication, a little more in depth, a little more enthusiasm, and enthusiasm itself provides for a breakthrough in overcoming any limitation. People are endowed with a good measure of enthusiasm. It’s buried deep into each person. If it’s channelled properly in the right direction, we can strengthen and illuminate the world with goodness in everythin

  • Gifts of Life

    27/06/2016 Duração: 03min

    Daily Wisdom  – Motivational Podcast – Day 771 – Inspiration: Above and Beyond When we think about our life, often we think of good things, and things that make up the person that we are. A lifetime, spans a certain amount of number of changing stages. There’s childhood, boyhood, youth, and young adulthood, and even advance in years. These years can make a difference. They not only make a difference in who we are and who we become, but also in the places that we go to. People also vary in their gifts. These are called gifts of life, whether they’re common or mediocre in the way that we look at them or even luminous. This is the same thing with people’s nature; a person can be bashful, joyful, or even exuberant but, apart from all these variables in every one in the course of a lifetime Divine Providence engineers particular periods which sometimes change a man’s very nature. It’s quite amazing that we can develop these gifts, the gifts of life. These set up each person to a particular height, so that he can g

  • I Met Another Man

    24/06/2016 Duração: 03min

    Daily Wisdom  – Motivational Podcast – Day 770 – Inspiration: Above and Beyond I met a man once who was blind. Basically, he couldn’t see what we can see. But he could certainly feel. He could feel and understand it, so much better than most human beings who have the vision. He was sightless. He couldn’t see the things in the way that we saw them, but he saw them in a different way. His blindness did not stop him from becoming an incredible person. He once asked me to describe to him a color, and he said, “Describe what you see in front of you in the tree.” As much as I tried, I couldn’t describe the color green. Because I had no idea of what it would be like if it wasn’t green. He asked me to describe it in a way that would make sense. What it would feel like. The only way he could ask me to do this properly was to ask me to close my eyes and imagine, since it was dark now for me as well, what it would be like to see that tree. It was an amazing experience. I remember that he led me to different paths i

  • Keep Our World Clean

    23/06/2016 Duração: 03min

    Daily Wisdom  – Motivational Podcast – Day 769 – Inspiration: Above and Beyond There’s an interesting story about a man who was clearing the stones and rocks from his field. They were disturbing the growth of his produce, so rather than disposing of them in a suitable area he just did what was easiest for him at the time. He just threw them onto the path in front of his property. Passing by one day, as the landowner was at the time clearing his fields, and another older man came by and said, “What are you doing? Why are you throwing stones from a place that isn’t yours into a place that is yours?” Well, the landowner stopped his work for a moment and he looked at who was speaking to him. He then realized that the old man must be a fool. He laughed at him and he said, “What are you saying? The opposite is true. You see, I’m throwing stones from my land on to public property.” The old man shook his head and he passed by. Throughout the rest of the day the field owner remembered this conversation and he would br

  • Doubting Myself

    22/06/2016 Duração: 03min

    Daily Wisdom  – Motivational Podcast – Day 768 – Inspiration: Above and Beyond There are many people who unfortunately live with doubt. This doubt is clustering their mind, taking them by surprise every single day and holding them hostage, not being able to move forward or think positively. They’re doubting what they can do, they’re doubting where they can go, what they can see, what they can accomplish. This doubt brings them not only into captivity, but it keeps them from moving forward. Now what are they doubting, if you think about it? They’re doubting not only the abilities of their own capabilities but they’re also doubting the Creator of the world that says, “You can’t do anything. And if you try, you might not succeed.” Why think that way? Why even believe that you can’t accomplish so much and do greater things? Why even believe that you are limited? Think about this for a second; a tree has the ability to grow, but how tall? How tall will be determined by its velocity, it will be determined by its na

  • The Need To Know

    21/06/2016 Duração: 03min

    Daily Wisdom  – Motivational Podcast – Day 767 – Inspiration: Above and Beyond There is an interesting concept about human beings, we want to know everything. We want to understand everything and we don’t want to have any questions in our life. The question which we can ask, “Why does the Creator of the world do a certain thing one way, and another thing another way?” How can we know that? How can we answer this question? You see, the whole question has absolutely and fundamentally no basis. Here is an illustration which might make it easier to understand, imagine a small child who is only interested in food, playing, toys, and the like. Let’s say this small child would ask a profound philosophical problem or the construction of an intricate machine. At this point a small child would not know. It would seem to be, in this case, absurd. Even though the difference between the small child and the philosopher, or engineer, is only a degree of difference. How could the small child be expected to know that? It

  • Ripple Effect

    20/06/2016 Duração: 03min

    Daily Wisdom  – Motivational Podcast – Day 766 – Inspiration: Above and Beyond In life, we often don’t realize what our actions can do. It is interesting that every single action that we take affects the whole world. Have you ever heard the concept about the butterfly that flaps its wings and the sound that it creates by flapping its own little wings can create a tsunami - literally - on the other side of the world. It sends waves all the way to the other side of the world. We don’t always know the power of our actions, and we don’t always realize that our choices can create a ripple effect, and that those ripple effects can be, literally, to no end. Often, we may not even discover the full impact of our actions. Only sometimes we are lucky to see that behind the curtain of life, how all the strings of life are being pulled and directed. We see what we’ve done, and we see the effects that it had on other things, places, and people. I can tell you for a fact that I have been fortunate enough, thank G-d, to see

  • Over Come Temptation

    17/06/2016 Duração: 03min

    Daily Wisdom  – Motivational Podcast – Day 765 – Inspiration: Above and Beyond How often are we faced with the issues that tempt us to do things which are not proper? There is a lesson in every one of us. Part of our divine mission involves being exposed to temptation – that is the way the world was created. That is the reason why we were created, to be tempted, to prevail, and to help raise all men and women to a higher level. It is understood, that we are speaking of tests and temptations which the Creator placed right before us. It is a fundamental belief that man has the capacity to remain steadfast in the face of all difficulties and tests. Any one of them have been imposed to us by Divine Providence. Man is not any time subjected for himself, or herself, to test temptation. We know that these temptations are there to try and find out if we can circumvent and overcome them. We already know that this is part of the plan. Speak to any human being who’s an adult today and ask them, “How many temptations

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