Cornerstone Christian Fellowship



Joining God in reaching and transforming people into passionate followers of Christ


  • Living Free


    Scripture: Romans 6:1-23 As believers we were crucified with Christ when we trusted in Him as our saving Lord. Because of this we are no longer slaves to sin but we’ve been set free from needing to succumb to sin’s power over our lives. But in order for us to live victoriously we need to walk in light of the truth.

  • Reigning in Life


    Scripture: Romans 5:12-21 Adam’s sin didn’t just condemn him, but the entire human race as well. But through Christ we have the opportunity to reign in this life and beyond. No longer are we bound by sin but we can live lives that breaks free from the entanglements of sin so we can reign over the enemy.

  • Peace With God


    Scripture: Romans 5:1-11 Most of us don’t realize that before coming to Christ we were enemies of God. This is because you are either for Him or against Him. There is no middle ground. There is no spiritual Switzerland. But now we have peace with God through Christ and we can live joy-filled lives, even when we suffer. Suffering leads ultimately to our hope because we know that God still loves us in spite of our troubles.

  • The Father of Our Faith


    Scripture: Romans 4:1-25 Abraham is the archetype of our faith. He demonstrated his trust in God when he believed he would be given a son even though he was an old man.

  • Righteousness by Faith


    Scripture: Romans 3:1-31 Both Jews and Gentiles are both under the sentence of death because of our violation of God’s laws. But God has made us righteous through our faith in Jesus.

  • Divine Heart Surgery


    Scripture: Romans 2:1-29 Spiritual pride focuses on comparing ourselves to others. But the law of God informs us of God’s holiness and our own sinfulness. Even those who do not have the law have a conscience and that conscience tells them when they are living righteously and when they have sinned.

  • Our High Calling


    Scripture: Romans 1:1-17 Paul uses the word ‘call’ or ‘called’ four times in these first 8 verses. While Paul was called to be an apostle, we too have a calling. We are called to call people to follow Jesus. We may not have the title of an apostle but we should have the same heart as one. Paul understood that the gospel had the power to fully save people so he was not ashamed of it.

  • Peter - Restored to life!


    Scripture: John 21:1-25 The disciples had decided to go back to their fishing trade but Jesus’ call to them to be fishers of men was still in force. Peter, the outspoken leader of the group is reinstated by the Lord to ‘feed His sheep’. After denying Jesus three times the Lord now asks Peter to affirm his love for Him. Jesus predicts this love will be challenged as Peter will die a martyr’s death.

  • The King and His Kingdom


    Scripture: John 18:1-40 When Jesus was arrested He knew what was going to happen to Him and He knew that this was His purpose in coming to earth. His kingdom was being established but it wasn’t an earthly kingdom but a heavenly one.

  • The Lord's Prayer


    Scripture: John 17:1-26 Before Jesus’ passion, He prays for Himself, His disciples, and for all those who would respond to the disciple’s testimony. We can learn a lot about prayer by looking at the way Jesus prayed.

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