Supernatural Girlz



Where Paranormal is Normal. The BEST guests worldwide interviewed by paranormal expert Patricia Baker & her co-hosts. Guests from this world...and others.


  • The AMAZING Edd Edwards ~ A Powerful Human Tuning Fork

    21/02/2019 Duração: 01h31min

    As a young child Edd showed that he had inherited an energy gift from his grandmother.  Edd has now evolved that gift into a powerful resonance that people can use to heal themselves.  Edd does not call himself a healer, however, he has been researched by many scientists who have determined that he works with several levels of consciousness simultaneously. Dr. W. C. Levengood, Biophysics Research, found that Edd trained his autonomic nervous system to interact with the ever shifting isomeric configurations, called “resonant energy”, that are in all living organisms. By attuning this resonance with a patient, he shifts the frequencies of their energy in a way that gives maximum benefit for healing. Through biofeedback mechanisms, he senses the changes in isomeric configurations and is able to shift to influence metabolic processes in a positive way, at the quantum level, and it creates, in most cases, tingling , heat and an awareness of energy flowing through the recipient’s body or bodies. Dr. Levengood pub

  • Spirits of the Old Southwest ~More Adventures into the Paranormal!

    14/02/2019 Duração: 01h31min

    The legends, the lies and the adventures of the Old Southwest as told to our guests by the Spirits themselves. Hear about the most haunted house in Tombstone, the Killing Field, the Clanton Ranch and so much more. Dwight and Rhonda Hull along with Dan Baldwin specialize in communicating with those who have crossed over.  Combining their psychic skills they search out history and unresolved deaths to find the truth. Dwight has more than 30 years as a paranormal researcher and animal communicator.  Rhonda us a world-renowned psychic medium and has communicated with the dead for most of her life.  Dan is a pendulum dowser who locates missing persons and is consiered an expert in the field.  He is the author of more than 60 books.

  • Dreaming Wide Awake ~ Lucid Dreaming, Shamanic healing & Psychedelics

    07/02/2019 Duração: 01h29min

    When you wake up in your dream you can not only influence the dream, you can influence your waking life with amazing power and control.  Brown shares with Supernatural Girlz the latest scientific research on lucid dreaming, dream telepathy and techniques for opening your mind to the vast universe.  Hear how the eagle's gift of dreaming can transform your life. David Jay Brown holds a master's degree in psychobiology from New York University.  A former neuroscience resesarcher, he has written for Wired, Discover and Scientific American.  He is the author of more than a dozen books including Frontiers of Psychedelic Consciousness

  • Crossroads of Conjure~Granny Magic, Hoodoo, and more with Katrina Rasbold

    31/01/2019 Duração: 01h35min

    The Crossroads - a place of magic and superstition.  Katrina Rasbold, Ph.D., a professional Bruja and Conjure woman takes Supernatural Girlz on a journey of exploration through the past, through power and interconnected magic.  Hoodoo, Granny Magic, Brujeria & Curanderismo all come alive with the stories told by our guest. When you find yourself at the Crossroads, you need to know what to do.  Tune in to find out! Katrina is the author of over 30 books and teaches classes internationally. You can find her at:    

  • Spirit Talk, Healing and Animal Communication with Guest Lori Spagna

    24/01/2019 Duração: 01h38min

    Can you learn telepathy?  Animal Communication? Channeling?  Tune in and find out! For over twenty years, Lori has transformed the lives of thousands of people and animals around the world via her Channeled Ascension Guidance, Intuition, Sacred Energy Healing, and Animal Communication and Telepathy.  She offers seminars and workshops about how we can improve our lives by learning from animals and aligning with our true Divine Source, The 5th Dimensional Reality, and beyond.  She has become known as an International Expert due to her recognition of the deep and intimate animal-human connection in terms of how animals mirror their human's behavioral, physical and emotional tendencies and for focus on the interconnectedness of all beings.   Lori Ann Spagna is a Best Selling Author, Speaker, Spiritual Teacher, Ascension Guide, Multi-Dimensional Channel, Intuitive, Animal Communicator, Energy Healer, Lightworker, Visionary and Luminary who assists others to awaken to their alignment with the true Divine Source w

  • Chasing American Monsters: Creatures, Cryptids & Hairy Beasts

    17/01/2019 Duração: 01h32min

    From Alabama to Wyoming and every state in between, the United States is crawling with monsters lurking in the dark corners, just waiting for the right moment to scare the pants off unsuspecting victims. This eye-opening book is a state-by-state guide to monsters, myths, cryptids, and things that go bump in the night. Discover Connecticut's Black Dog of Hanging Hills, the Tommyknockers of Pennsylvania, the Banshee of the South Dakota Badlands, and hundreds of other fearful figures. With more than 250 creatures covering everything from modern-day dinosaurs and dragons to extraterrestrials, lizard men, gnomes, and more, Chasing American Monsters brings you face to face with the unique beasts that hide in the shadows of each of the fifty states. Don't forget a flashlight, pepper spray, and a good pair of running shoes—some of these monsters are downright nasty. Jason Offutt (Maryville, Missouri) teaches journalism at Northwest Missouri State University. He's the author of four previous books on paranormal topic

  • Darkness Disguised As Light: Protection in the Unseen Realms

    10/01/2019 Duração: 01h30min

    Hearing voices? Seeing shadows? Afraid to be alone? Things really do go bump in the night. Join guest Maya Zahira on her personal journey of psychic discovery, paranormal experience and spiritual empowerment as she battles the dark forces among us. Hear fascinating accounts and true experiences with unseen beings, psychic attack, spiritual warfare and details how Maya gained life-saving information about psychic protection and the spiritual realm. Prepare to enter a world few have seen and many will not acknowledge.  Maya shares details of her harrowing story of survival against true evil. She has learned priceless lessons on her road to regain a peaceful life and shares these lessons with you, along with practical information to help you on your own spiritual and intuitive journey.

  • Start 2019 Out Right with a FREE Psychic/Tarot Reading from Corbie Mitleid!

    03/01/2019 Duração: 01h30min

    CALL IN DURING THE LIVE SHOW:  563-999-3539 Corbie is a psychic, channel and medium, reading since 1973.  She travels coast to coast and into Canada as a full time intuitive counselor, appeared frequently on radio and television and is an inspirational teacher and facilitator.  She is a featured channel in Robert Schwartz’s breakthrough series, YOUR SOUL’S PLAN and YOUR SOUL’S GIFT and is herself the author of CLEAN OUT YOUR LIFECLOSET and the just-released THE PSYCHIC YELLOW BRICK ROAD.  Corbie’s certifications and affiliations include being a Certified Professional Tarot Reader (through the Tarot Certification Board of America), a member of the American Tarot Association and an ordained minister of the Sanctuary of the Beloved (Order of Melchizedek).  Her specific skills include Tarot and Oracle/Divination deck readings, spiritual/intuitive counseling, past life retrieval and analysis, mediumship, and spirit guide conferences (including speaking with one’s Soul or Higher Self.

  • World Renowned Psychic Medium George Lugo

    20/12/2018 Duração: 01h30min

    Tune in to hear the latest adventures from the other side with Psychic Medium extraordinaire George Lugo.  He reads for Kings & Queens and everyday folks who want to hear from their loved ones and guardians from the other side of the veil.   George has dedicated his life helping people through communicating and delivering messages of hope, love and respect from loved ones who have crossed over. As a child Lugo, always felt alone in the knowledge of what he could see, do, and experienced. He could see and feel souls that watched over and protected him. He became aware he could step in and out of what he describes as this incredibly loving river, the space in which the spirit world flows through him. “There are signs everywhere, all the time,” emphasizes Lugo. Our departed loved ones want to be involved in our lives, they join us for special events, birthday parties and at Christmas. Souls are always keeping tabs on us, trying to help. Judging by the expression on other’s faces, they are not aware of the

  • The Dreamlife of Families - the Ancestral Spirit Connection w/ Dr. Edward Bynum

    13/12/2018 Duração: 01h34min

    Our dreams are an incredible resource of vast information.  From our very personal dream symbology to the universal symbols of the universe we are privy to mysteries of the unknown.  Tune in to hear clinical psychologist Dr. Edward Bynum show us how to follow the yellow brick road to the most magical of adventures.  Do families that dream together benefit form that experience?  Does this offer the healing and wholeness that so many families lack today?  And can dreaming lead us to connection across the planet and beyond?

  • The Secret Power of Crystals, Crystal Grids and Gem Essences

    06/12/2018 Duração: 01h31min

    Enter the world of crystals with our guest/expert Margaret Ann Lembo.  Hear how to use crystal grids, gem essences and more in your daily life.  Set your intention with the paranormal power of crystals. Margaret Ann Lembo is a noted sought after author and speaker with close to 30 years of experience. She is the creator of a line of award-winning Aroma-Energetic Sprays, including Smudge in Spray and the seven Chakra Sprays. She is a spiritual entrepreneur and practitioner, aromatherapist, and the owner of The Crystal Garden – a book store, gift store, and spiritual center in southeast Florida.

  • SOUL REALIGNMENT: A Powerful Process of Transformation with expert Andrrea Hess

    29/11/2018 Duração: 01h33min

    Soul Realignment® is an intuitive healing modality utilizing the Akashic Records to unlock our Soul-level potential and clear negative karmic patterns held at Soul-level. It’s not just about gathering spiritual information or knowledge or understanding.  Soul Realignment® is about truly LIVING our Soul’s identity in very real, practical ways so that we may ground who we are as Divine Beings into our human experience! It’s about experiencing yourself, at the level of your every day life, as the spiritual Being that you are, and harnessing the power of your intuitive and manifesting abilities as you create the life you want, based on your Divine Gifts and who you are, at Soul-level. "Are you ready to access the wealth of wisdom that lies just beyond the edge of your consciousness? Our Soul is the key to unlocking our spiritual potential." ~ Andrrea Hess Created by Andrrea Hess in 2007, Soul Realignment® is a highly specific, cohesive system of accessing information within the Akashic Records.  There are cur

  • The Spiritual Life of Animals, Do They Communicate After Death?

    22/11/2018 Duração: 01h28min

    Do animals have the ability to communicate with humans in the Afterlife?  Do they reincarnate?  Do they have consciousness?  Souls?Author and producer Elena Mannes shares her profound experiences after a near fatal car crash.  Her relationship with her own dog Brio, sent her on a path of exploration weaving the world of the living with the world of animals who have passed. Elena is an award-winning director/producer whose honors include six Emmy Awards and two Directors Guild of America Awards.  She is the producer of "The Amazing Animal Mind." She lives in NYC. Don't miss this one!  

  • The Forbidden Mysteries of Faery Witchcraft with Storm Faerywolf

    15/11/2018 Duração: 01h28min

    The Faery tradition of Witchcraft challenges you to draw on your inner darkness. Forbidden Mysteries of Faery Witchcraft invites you to walk the bardic path of poetry, art, song, and ecstasy as you cultivate the power of the forsaken shadows. Guiding you through enchantments, reflections, demonic rituals, divine possession, necromancy, and Occultus Maleficum, guest/expert Storm Faerywolf helps you cultivate techniques for refining and strengthening your own magical will. Peer behind the veil of comfort and face your most powerful fears. Go beyond the ease of logic into the realm of the raw irrational. Dare to ally with spirits that can open the doorway to unimagined sources of energy. When you learn to connect to the mysterious current of the unknown, you can achieve magical success. Storm Faerywolf is a professional author, teacher, warlock, priest, and initiate of the Faery tradition of witchcraft. He holds the Black Wand of a Master and is the founder of the BlueRose lineage of Faery. He is one of the fo

  • The Qabalah, A Map From the Godhead to Your Head with Guest/Expert Lon DuQuette

    08/11/2018 Duração: 01h32min

    In the words of Occult expert Lon Milo DuQuette, "You can initiate yourself."  Lon's latest book, Son of Chicken Qabalah, offers simple and practical Qabalah initiation.  Tune in to hear Lon describe the simplest path to understand and work the magic of the mystical Qabalah. Lon is the author of seventeen books that have been translated into twelve languages.  He is also an internationally recognized authority on tarot, Qabalah and ceremonial magick and has written extensively about the life and work of Aleister Crowley.  He is the US Deputy Grand Master of ordo Templi Orientis.

  • The Spookiest Paranormal Adventures with J-Adam Smith, Knoxville Ghost Hunter

    31/10/2018 Duração: 01h30min

    On Halloween, certified Paranormal investigator and Founder of Knoxville Ghost Tours takes us on a special trip through the dark, spooky past of Knoxville, TN.   J Adam Smith has been investigating the paranormal for nearly two decade  and is an Internationally acclaimed investigation based sensitive and MasterTeacher for the Paranormal Field, he has been featured in “Ghostly places in Tennessee” book, seen on Travel Channels - Paranormal Paparazzi, NBC, ABC, and countless other Magazines, Journals, and internationally syndicated radio shows. He is the Founder of Haunted Knoxville Ghost Tours, which has been classified as "The Hidden Gem of Haunted America" and one of Americas first investigation based ghost tour and leads master classes and certification classes in the paranormal field.   

  • Bloody Mary Voodoo Queen of New Orleans: Hauntings, Horrors & Spirits!

    24/10/2018 Duração: 01h31min

    Tune in to hear from the voodoo source - Bloody Mary joins us to share her knowledge of Voodoo, Hauntings & Spirits! Born on the bayou, Bloody Mary was raised in the Crescent City. She grew into a sincere and valuable priestess who also serves her home town of New Orleans secretly as a psychopomp. She is a known publicly as a Priestess, storyteller, celebrity historian, author, psychic medium, ghost hunter and owner of the infamous Bloody Mary’s Tours – an Avant-garde Boutique tour company. Bloody Mary is now also the curator of the New Haunted Museum and voodoo pharmacy, Le spirit shop at 826 & 828 N. Rampart St street which has already received international acclaim as they are featured on TLC Paranormal Lockdown, Buzzfeed Unsolved and new secret pilots being filmed now. She is an 11th generation Creole and Voodoo Queen in New Orleans Voodoo tradition and Mambo Asogwe in Haitian Voodoo. As a true mystic, she combines her abilities as Shaman, Mambo, Voodoo Queen and Psychic into all aspects of her

  • Physical Mediumship - A Rare Form of Mediumship with Guest Kai Muegge

    17/10/2018 Duração: 01h32min

    Here in the United States we are very familiar with psychic mediums, but it is a rare thing indeed to come across a physical medium.  Physical mediums are located mostly in Europe and are able to manifest physical objects from other dimensions during seances, and sometimes manifest a full body apparition of someone who has passed to the other side.  Tonight we speak with one of the world's best physical mediums - Kai Muegge from Germany.  Kai is one of the founding members of the ASSMPI and is also a research medium dedicated to Physical Mediumship and applied Science. Kai is a certified physical medium who demonstrates physical phenomena and has been one of the most scientifically tested physical mediums to date. The ASSMPI is a non-profit organization set up to help increase standards and professionalism in all forms of mediumship and supported research.  A very unusual show!  Don't miss this one.  We're not in Kansas anymore.

  • The Real Witches of New England with guest/expert Ellen Evert Hopman

    10/10/2018 Duração: 01h30min

    What is it really like to be a witch?  Our guest, Druid initiate Ellen Evert Hopman shares interviews with witches in New England from many different covens and magickal practice.  Some are descendents of the 40,000 - 50,000 men and women who were hunted and hanged as witches in this dark time in our history.  What was the real reason for these executions?  Was it religious persecution or something else? Tune in to hear about the forces in play that led to Tituba and Mary Bliss Parsons, the Witch of Northampton, being accused of witchcraft.  Hear about witches today from Massachusetts to Maine! Ellen Evert hopman is a founding member of the Order of the White Oak, an Archdruidess of the Tribe of the Oak and a member of the Grey Council of Mages and Sages.  She is the author of several books including Secret Medicines from your Garden.  Ellen lives in Massachusetts.

  • Ghost Hunting with Hollywood Ghost Hunter & Stuntman Rick McCallum

    03/10/2018 Duração: 01h31min

    Rick McCallum began his stunt career in 1982, performing a fight scene with Chuck Norris on the film Lone Wolf McQuade, and has more than 70 credits to his name. Rick has performed in numerous action and horror movies, and also has doubled for Daniel Baldwin, Barry Bostwick, Greg Evigan, Oliver Platt, Chris Noth, and  many horror icons, including Kane Hodder, Ra Mihailoff and Sid Haig, as well as playing the monster in Deepstar Six, and the title character in the film Darkwolf. Recently, he has worked on features in Australia, the Hamptons, South Carolina, Tennessee and Louisiana. Rick has also acted in many films, including Naked Gun 33 and 1/3, Hatchet 2, where he played the silent hunter John, and recently in Clint Eastwood’s J Edgar. He has also stunt coordinated the Friday the 13th video game, and the Cold Storage webisode of the Walking Dead. Rick, along with Kane Hodder, are the founders of the Hollywood Ghost Hunters. They have investigated hundreds of haunted places including  Mansfield Prison, Cli

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