Simply Living For Him



Podcast by Karen DeBeus


  • Podcast 22 Our Life as a Work-at-Home Family

    09/04/2016 Duração: 25min

    Three years ago we began the journey as a work-at-home family. Today I am sitting down with my husband to share what our daily life looks like as a self-employed family living life together. Between Steve's graphic design company, my writing, and our whole family's endeavors on our (little) hobby farm, we are learning what matters most each day. --- Send in a voice message: Support this podcast:

  • The Most Asked Homeschool Questions

    06/03/2016 Duração: 33min

    I have heard it all when it comes to people asking about homeschooling. Many of these questions I myself once asked before I ever knew God would call me to homeschool. Tonight I am answering a few of the most asked questions! --- Send in a voice message: Support this podcast:

  • Don't Escape Motherhood: Embrace It

    19/02/2016 Duração: 22min

    When my children were very young I bought into the lie that I needed to escape the difficulties of motherhood, rather than embrace them. Perhaps I didn't recognize those little people were my mission at the time. Instead of focusing on just surviving the day, I could have focused on how God would bring me through each moment. My children were watching– did I really want them to remember me just making it, or embracing the life God had given me? Let's not just survive our days, but thrive because we know that God has given us an amazing blessing to raise future adults. He gives us an opportunity to grow closer to Him each moment of motherhood, by recognizing we can only get by in His strength. Yes, it is hard, but any mission is hard. We should expect it to be grueling at times, but rest assured that God uses our hardships for His good. We are serving Him through each moment of difficulty, so rather than focusing inward, if we focus on the task at hand and on others, we are sure to find so much more joy. Mo

  • Episode 19 Homeschooling and Social Media

    22/01/2016 Duração: 27min

    Let's face it- social media can be our friend one day and our biggest enemy the next. However, we can choose to use it for good, or we can choose to let it consume us. Do you know that studies have shown, too much time on the internet can cause feelings of depression and discontentment? I bet the Bible doesn't have those same statistics ;) Think about this: We wouldn't normally socialize with all kinds of people during school time, so why do think it's OK to be on social media during those hours? Look your kids in the eye and let them know they are more important than what acquaintances are doing on Facebook. Don't have one eye on them and one on your phone. Join me as I talk about how we can handle social media use in our homeschool and make sure we stay focused on the task at hand. --- Send in a voice message: Support this podcast:

  • Episode 18 Simplify The New Year

    31/12/2015 Duração: 29min

    Today I am sitting down (in my pj's ;) to talk about simplifying in the new year. Right now everyone is making resolutions and vowing that this year will be the year that they change. Yet, after a few months old habits start creeping back in and before we know it, those resolutions are long forgotten. I could easily sit and talk about practical ways to purge clutter, get more organized, and reduce mental clutter and info overload, but you know what?That information is everywhere and you don't need me to tell you the same 'ol story. So you might be surprised to hear what I am really talking about to simplify this year...once and for all! --- Send in a voice message: Support this podcast:

  • Authentic Friendships Episode 17

    18/12/2015 Duração: 20min

    This summer something amazing happened- I started inviting women to my house to pray. Little did I know, God would orchestrate those times for women to connect in ways I never imagined. When everything was left at the door, but we met on the common ground to sit at Jesus' feet, beautiful things happened. I learned from those times that we need to have more of those moments where women come together and seek Him together. Women came from all different stages of life and different areas of their walk, yet we all had our eyes on Jesus. It was amazing. This summer I want to invite you to join me as we gather women from all walks of life to sit at Jesus's feet together. No pretending, no worrying about looking perfect, no masks. Women that have had enough of the emptiness the world offers that want more of what HE offers. We are holding a women's retreat in Gettysburg, PA. You can read all about here or listen in as I talk about my desire for our time together, as God-honoring women in God-honoring friendships

  • Keepin' It Real: Podcast 16

    15/11/2015 Duração: 45min

    Join Karen as she talks about the importance of keepin' it real on a daily basis. She will discuss how we can focus on walking this journey together as homeschool moms by supporting each other. It's a marathon to run together, and not a race against each other. --- Send in a voice message: Support this podcast:

  • How Dad Can Be Involved In Homeschooling Podcast Episode 15

    01/11/2015 Duração: 32min

    Think homeschooling is just mom's job? Really, it takes the whole family. Whether Dad has a supporting role or a very active role, He is the head of the home and his involvement is necessary. Since many dads work outside of the home during school time though, then just how does he get involved in the teaching? First, by being the head of the house, his influence is essential in raising our kids. Next, it is quite easy to find ways for dad to teach using his talents, skills, and gifts. And don't think it has to be during school hours! Dads can "teach" lessons that are far more important that those found in textbooks between the hours of 9-3. Join me with my special guest, my handsome hubby, as we talk about how he gets involved in teaching life skills, entrepreneurial skills, and just by his example, he is teaching my kids as much (and probably more!) than any of my lessons plans and textbooks! --- Send in a voice message: Support this podc

  • Why(and How)We Quit the Rat Race Episode 14

    24/10/2015 Duração: 23min

    Living Simply I was always a simple girl at heart. I always looked at things differently as a girl...I wondered why people always seemed to be busy, but not enjoying life. I never wanted my life to be lost in the hustle and bustle. I looked at things in the perspective of, "What does this matter years from now..." As I grew older and had my own family, I knew I didn't want to be part of the rat race. I wanted a simple life focused on God and family. Yet, the world we live in is busy. It is complicated. And early in our marriage, we were headed toward the rat race. My husand worked late hours and never was home for dinner. With fcusing on the Lord, though we now enjoy three meals a day together. Join me as I talk about how we quit the rat race and why we live to keep up with God, and not the Joneses. And while I know that this life isn't for everyone, and some people enjoy the hustle and bustle, it is still important to remember who and what we are being busy for... --- Send in a voice message: https://a

  • Help! I Don't Enjoy Homeschooling Right Now! Podcast Episode 13

    10/10/2015 Duração: 36min

    Don't just survive the day---don't just "hang in there." You can have JOY in your homeschool, regardless of the craziness that surrounds each day! Are you feeling like you can't go on just one more day? Everyone else looks like they are enjoying homeschool, and you are secretly loathing it? Join Karen as she discusses how to find joy, even in the midst of hard times. Get the JOY back in each day, knowing that you are fulfilling a calling and raising the next generation for Jesus! Whether you are going through major life troubles that are making it difficult to homeschool, or it is just the monotony of the days that are stealing your joy, all of us have had times where we just don't enjoy homeschooling. Be encouraged as Karen shares her own experiences of job losses, homeschooling a bunch of littles, and just not even wanting to get out of bed some days. Yet, because of God, she is now finding joy as she completes the task He has called her to fulfill! Karen will also discuss the necessity of forming rea

  • Special Guest Leslie Nunnery of Teach Them Diligently Episode3

    07/10/2015 Duração: 26min

    I am so thrilled to be able to introduce to you today, Mrs. Leslie Nunnery, founder of Teach Them Diligently. She and her husband, David began Teach Them Diligently back in 2011, and many have been blessed by their endeavors since. Today I wanted to share with you the heart behind Teach Them Diligently, so you can get to know more about who they are and the great work God is doing through them. You will be blessed to hear more about this FAMILY event! Teach Them Diligently is distinctive from many other homeschool conventions because the foundation will be discipleship, parenting, and missions. Academics and how-to workshops on homeschooling will be important, as will legal discussions regarding homeschooling. But, discipleship will be the foundation, and we believe that it is the foundation for what so many Christian parents do every day as they educate their children. Another distinction is that all profits from the Teach Them Diligently Convention will go directly into mission endeavors. --- Send in

  • Simple Schedules: How to Develop the Best Homeschool Schedule for You Family- Episode 4

    07/10/2015 Duração: 25min

    Are you struggling with how to have the "perfect" schedule in your homeschool? Are you struggling with keeping on track? Is your homeschool full of disorder or chaos, because there is no schedule? Have no fear. Listen in as Karen discusses how scheduling has changed in her homeschool and how God uses schedules for a purpose! --- Send in a voice message: Support this podcast:

  • Special Guest-Marianne Sunderland From Homeschooling With Dyslexia Episode 5

    07/10/2015 Duração: 25min

    This episode is something that I am so thrilled to share with you. I know this will bless many out there in the homeschooling community. Join me as I talk with Marianne Sunderland from Homeschooling with Dyslexia as we talk about how to recognize learning differences early on, how to deal with them when homeschooling, and more. Marianne has a vast amount of experience as she has homeschooled seven of her eight children while dealing with dyslexia. She is an amazing mom, who is embracing their learning differences. She is a wealth of information on this topic, and what a blessing to chat with her. --- Send in a voice message: Support this podcast:

  • Simply Christmas

    07/10/2015 Duração: 32min

    This is the season where we are celebrating Jesus- and that should bring us such JOY. Yet the very things we are celebrating get lost in the worlds' message of busyness and materialism, and we find ourselves complaining, stressed, and overwhelmed. That is NOT what God wants us to feel at Christmas. We should be rejoicing all season long- our Savior is coming! The message of Christmas is by no means simple, it is extraordinary- that God came down as a baby, to live and ultimately die for our sins. Yet, we become so distracted by the busyness, materialism, and consumerism at this time that we lose focus. Let's simplify this season by focusing on having less "stuff," and doing more real things. Let's connect with others, connect with God...and ultimately share the greatest gift of all. Share Jesus. --- Send in a voice message: Support this podcast:

  • An Unlikely Homeschooler-Episode7

    07/10/2015 Duração: 22min

    Almost ten years ago, God called me to the journey of homeschooling, and I went kicking and screaming! I ran from God at first, but I knew deep down that God was calling me to this journey, so I answered the call. I never thought I would homeschool, nor did I feel equipped. With family opposition, my own pride and insecurities, the odds were stacked against me...but GOD prevailed! I sought out on this journey for "just one year." Now, I haven't looked back, and couldn't imagine doing anything else. Whether God is calling you to homeschool or something else, this podcast will encourage you to step out in faith, whether you are comfortable or not...becauseGod will equip you for whatever He calls you to. It will be life changing. --- Send in a voice message: Support this podcast:

  • Simple Organization- Getting to the Heart Podcast Episode #8

    03/10/2015 Duração: 22min

    Are you constantly feeling disorganized? Are you always looking for a new planner or system to help keep your home running more efficiently? Are you wanting that perfect looking home where everything matches and is Pinterest perfect? For years, I was always trying to control disorder in my home, by thinking I needed to have the next best method of organization...whether it was a new planner, homeschool curriculum, chore system, meal plan, or discipline method...I was always searching for the answer to disorder. And while those things are certainly good in and of themselves, when I looked deeper I realized they were not only making my life MORE complicated, I was also searching for order and peace in all the wrong places. So I stopped chasing the Instagram ideal home, and found my true satisfaction comes from the simple things. Join me for this discussion on going back to the basics. Let's not get distracted with how things look on the outside, but let's focus on the inside. This is by no means a condemn

  • What is a Real Homeschool Podcast Episode #9

    02/10/2015 Duração: 20min

    What is Real Homeschool? Podcast Episode #9 This book is not really about social media per se, but more about our hearts in a world that continues to push us to be more like it. Everywhere we turn, social media is screaming at us and showing us pictures of what we should be. Slowly, gradually, we start following the world and trying to bring God with us, rather than letting God lead us and then bringing the world with us! They are the desires that creep in and take my focus off of my true purpose in homeschooling. You know what I mean— when the focus becomes all about finding the best curriculum or filling up the schedule with the most extracurricular activities? Or how about decorating the perfect homeschool room? Or the hours spent online searching what others are doing, while neglecting your own time with the Lord? These are all things that have become an issue with me, and I am sure with others, especially as social media grows. I have often thought about those early homeschoolers who had no Internet or

  • Finding Freedom From Clutter! Episode10

    02/10/2015 Duração: 34min

    I recently wrote about living a clutter-free life and that post really hit home with so many people. Tonight, I sat down to discuss this issue, and really get to the heart. For years now I have been simplifying and living a more clutter-free life, and last year it all really came to a head when we moved to a new home. We took only what was necessary, and I have found so much freedom in having less stuff. It was a fresh start. The irony of our society is that we have so much stuff, and continue to seek more, yet we are finding people more and more stressed, busy, and dissatisfied. Why is that? Our joy comes from so much more than stuff and externals do not define us. Jesus does. Even if you aren’t moving to a new home, you can still choose to start fresh and lessen the amount of clutter in your life. Face it, more stuff means more stuff to manage and it often brings more stress. Do you want more peace? More joy? Freedom to live life without being weighed down by stuff? Join me as we discuss finding free

  • Help! I'm Not Equipped to Homeschool! Episode11

    02/10/2015 Duração: 26min

    Help! I’m Not Equipped to Homeschool I’m not organized enough. I’m not smart enough. I’m not disciplined enough. We don’t have enough money. I’m a mess! Help! I’m Not Equipped to Homeschool! Feeling like you are being called to homeschool, but don’t feel equipped? Or are you in the midst of homeschooling and feel like you just can’t go on? Have no fear. If God has called you, He will equip you! Join me as we talk about all these things and how I have learned to overcome. You may not be equipped, but God supplies the equipment! --- Send in a voice message: Support this podcast:

  • Start Simplifying Right This Moment Episode12

    02/10/2015 Duração: 35min

    So you want to simplify your life, but don’t even know where to start? Usually, the hardest part is taking the first step. Have you read all about simplifying, reducing clutter, and purging the house—-and then you look around and are so overwhelmed, you throw in the towel before you start. Or do you get super motivated to start your plan and go full force, only to find in a few days you start to unravel it all? Simplifying is about so much more than clutter- it is a heart issue that starts inside and works its way out. Simplifying is such a buzz word these days, and for me it is about SO much more than just getting rid of “stuff.” It is about understating the heart behind why we have so much clutter, and why we think we need so much. It is about focusing on the fact that God is all we need, and nothing else can fill that void. Yet, as a society we have bought into the lie, that more stuff equals more happiness. And the more we toil and attain, the more unhappy we become. Our houses are full, and our hearts

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