Vineyard Columbus Sermons



Welcome to the Vineyard Columbus podcast! We want to be a relevant church that does not exist for itself, but for Christ and for the world. Here you will find our weekend messages taught by Rich Nathan and others. We hope God blesses you through these messages.


  • The Cure for Troubled Hearts (Audio)


    John 14:1, this one little verse, contains some of the best mental health counsel than any of us could ever hear at any time in our lives. "Don't let your heart be troubled. Trust in God, [Jesus says] Trust in me." In chapter 14 of the...

  • When Christianity Gets Redefined (Audio)


    In recent years there have been a lot of attempts to redefine Christianity. Many are arguing that Christianity has to become more relevant by abandoning the supernatural elements of the faith or abandoning certain moral absolutes. Jesus continually...

  • When a Loved One Dies (Audio)


    Rich continues his series on the gospel of John, and now there is a transition in the gospel. Jesus is moving towards the cross. Our larger society completely dismisses any discussion of afterlife or eternity. But through this story, the story of...

  • What Makes Jesus a Great Leader? (Audio)


    It seems that everyone has their own idea about what makes a great leader. What makes Jesus a great leader? It was out of the context of talking about leadership that Jesus stands up in the Temple and says, "I am the Good Shepherd." Rich...

  • When Popular Opinion is Wrong (Audio)


    Throughout history, people who buck popular opinion often find themselves persecuted, sometimes violently. What happens to people when they decide to march to the beat of a different drummer? When they challenge prevailing opinions? What happens when...

  • Is Your Approach to Life Wrong? (Audio)


    As Rich continues in the series from the gospel of John, he talks about the wrong approaches that we take to life. We discover that the approaches that Jesus takes to life are really counter-intuitive; they go against our initial thoughts. The root of...

  • Tested By the Lord (Audio)


    One of the things that people do not understand about having a relationship with the Lord is that the Lord regularly puts his people to the test. Testing is designed to strengthen our faith and to deepen our loyalty to Christ. God tests us to put into...

  • Have You Ever Missed a Miracle? (Audio)


    God is active and moving in our lives today, but sometimes we don't see what he is doing. Sometime we miss a miracle because we are impatient. Other times, we miss the miracle because it doesn't fit into our definition of how God works. Rich...

  • The Battle is Around Jesus (Audio)


    Everywhere you look in the world, arguments and controversies are surrounding Jesus Christ. The crucial question of the hour is, who is Jesus Christ and what shall we do with him? Rich uses the story of the Samaritan Woman at the well to teach how we...

  • Have You Considered Getting a Life? (Audio)


    What is it that we really need? Jesus says that we need to get a life; we need to be made totally over. Has there ever been a time in your life where God dug you out of the way and put in you a new life? Rich uses the story of Nicodemus to break down...

  • Christ the Revolutionary (Audio)


    There is something utterly revolutionary about Christ's coming into the world. Christ reveals the glory of God by overthrowing the Old Order and replacing it with something entirely new. Rich teaches how Jesus is different than any revolutionary...

  • The Jesus I Never Knew (Audio)


    In this passage, John reveals Jesus as the "lamb that takes away the sins of the world." Rich preaches on this passage by turning our common perspective of who Jesus is upside down. In light of this Jesus we never knew, we are called to...

  • Why Did God Come Down? (Audio)


    The Gospel of John is written by one of Jesus' closest friends. This message begins a new series that will take you through the book of John. The first chapter of John is like the overture to a great symphony in which all of the themes that we...

  • Sex: A Gift or a God? (Audio)


    Breaking from the text of Song of Songs, Rich preaches on the Romans 1 to unpack how we think about sex. Rich uncovers the lies our sex-saturated society constantly feeds us and equips us to see sex as God intended it. Our society has made sex into a...

  • On Love and Beauty (Audio)


    Rich begins a series from one of the least preached books of the bible. He takes a look at Song of Songs not allegorically, but as a collection of love songs between a man and a woman. Both men and women have difficulty understanding what God calls...

  • The Gift of Prophecy (Audio)


    Do you know that God continues to speak today? Prophecy is often a confusing or almost scary thing for some people. Other people do not know how to use the gift they have been given. This message defines the gift, and gives some guidelines for using...

  • The Gift of Faith, Healings and Miracles (Audio)


    Do you experience healings and miracles in your life? Often the gift of faith is the backdrop for the exercise of the gift of healing and the effecting of miracles. The gift of faith is often given to a believer before a miracle takes place. This...

  • The Gift of Wisdom (Audio)


    In this passage of 1 Corinthians, Paul says that the most valuable kind of wisdom is not the kind that comes from education or reading the philosophers but from the Holy Spirit. This message explores the gift of wisdom and why we need it. Wisdom gives...

  • From Famine to Fullness (Audio)


    Rich takes a look at the famine in 2 Kings 6 and how it affected the people. When they finally received food, they could hardly believe it. People are desperate for something real that will feed their deepest longing. Jesus satisfies that longing...

  • The Jesus Model of Outreach (Audio)


    Want to be inspired to share Jesus with those outside the faith? We can go our whole lives living around other Christians, but Jesus calls us to share our faith. In this teaching, be envisioned once more to fulfill the call of Jesus to reach out to...

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