Tim And Tom



Tim and Tom bring you fun and exciting interviews, podcasts, and videos; using Kansas City as their backdrop.


  • SAT 2


    Your brain is about to be slammed through a table of wrestling knowledge as T-Mac and Captain Awesome BREAKDOWN the week's news and rumors. They also systematically rundown the entire week of wrestling and let you know exactly what you should think about it. Don't like it? Too bad! Prepare yourself; you're about to get put through the SPANISH ANNOUNCE TABLE!!!

  • SAT 1 - You Will Never EVER Be The Same AGAIN


    Your brain is about to be slammed through a table of wrestling knowledge as T-Mac and Captain Awesome BREAKDOWN the week's news and rumors. They also systematically rundown the entire week of wrestling and let you know exactly how you should feel about it! Don't like it? Too bad! Get yourself ready, you're about to get put through THE SPANISH ANNOUNCE TABLE!!!

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