Lifegate Denver Sermons



The LifeGate Denver app features dynamic teaching content and is designed to strengthen your faith by connecting you to a variety of resources, including sermons, devotionals, music, films, event information and more.


  • Who Is My Neighbor?


    James 1:26 - 2:13 It can be hard to believe, but even in the church we can tend to create clicks and distinctions with others. James says that this should not be the picture of the church. He calls us to love our neighbors as Christ loved us, and to show mercy as we have been shown mercy.

  • Mirror, Mirror


    In James 1:19-25 the author presents a dual emphasis on receiving the Word of God and practicing it. As Christians, James is encouraging you to not just listen or hear what the Word of God says, but actually grow in your faith through practicing it. And as you do you will continue to remember who you are in Christ.

  • The Crown Of Life


    In the book of James we learn to live out our True Faith not by avoiding trials but by walking through them. In this message we hear from Pastor Nirup on what it looks like to be steadfast under trial in order that we would receive the "Crown of life" that God gives us through Jesus.

  • The True Fight


    In the book of James we learn to live out our True Faith not by avoiding trials but by walking through them. While trials may come, we are given the opportunity to ask God for wisdom, but we must ask in faith. The opposite of faith is unbelief and many of us are in a real fight with doubt. In the message, Pastor Nirup talks about our humility in this and that God honors the fight.

  • Count It All Joy


    James is the brother of Jesus but he is a servant of God. He begins his book by reminding Christians that in this life we will have trials and we will suffer. But even in that God is good and through suffering we can experience the joy of Christ. Every trial has a purpose...and that purpose is to strengthen our faith and bring glory to God.

  • That You May Believe


    If the Gospel of John ended with the death of Jesus it would simply be, an ordinary biography. But it is no ordinary story. The story of Jesus is the greatest story ever told, about the greatest PERSON who ever lived. On this Easter Sunday, we take a deeper look into the resurrection of Jesus. We see how Jesus had a marvelous encounter with Thomas, and through the kindness of Jesus, we see a man go from being a doubter to a believer!

  • It Is Finished


    The Gospel of John is a masterpiece of storytelling. Through out the text we see a marvelous story of God's unfailing love and glorious splendor displayed. In John 19:17-42 Jesus is sentenced to death. The story unfolds with Jesus being crucified, dying and being buried. Though the story doesn't end there, we do live in the hope of Christ's finished work on the cross.

  • He Stands In Our Place


    The Gospel of John is a masterpiece of storytelling. Through out the text we see a marvelous story of God's unfailing love and glorious splendor displayed. In John 19:1-16 Jesus is still on trial before Pilate and while Pilate seems to find no guilt in him, he simply cannot go against the wishes of the crowd. We see from this text that Jesus stands in our place, taking on every accusation so that we who are in Christ never have to.

  • The Tale Of Two Kingdoms


    The Gospel of John is a masterpiece of storytelling. Through out the text we see a marvelous story of God's unfailing love and glorious splendor displayed. In John 18:28-40 Jesus is on trial before Pilate, the Roman Governor. During an exchange with Pilate, Jesus presents to him the choice of two very different kingdoms - the kingdom of this world, and the Kingdom of God. The beauty of this text is that Jesus presents this same choice to you.

  • Where The Spirit Leads


    The Gospel of John is a masterpiece of storytelling. Through out the text we see a marvelous story of God's unfailing love and glorious splendor displayed. In John 18:1-27, we learn how Jesus walked in obedience towards the cross while Peter, His disciple denied Him. Yet, Peter learns to let the Spirit lead Him and becomes a pillar in the church. Like Peter, the Spirit of God is leading us into obedience.

  • Mission, Unity, Glory, Joy


    The Gospel of John is a masterpiece of storytelling. Through out the text we see a marvelous story of God's unfailing love and glorious splendor displayed. In John 17:6-26, we see that Jesus prays for His disciples and He prays for us. 2000 years ago Jesus prayed that His people would stay on mission, together in unity, to see His glory and experience His joy.

  • For His Glory - John 17:1-5


    The Gospel of John is a masterpiece of storytelling. Through out the text we see a marvelous story of God's unfailing love and glorious splendor displayed. In John 17:1-5, we see that Jesus was not thinking about us when He went to the cross. He was thinking about glorifying God the Father. In our own daily lives, as we move and breath are we thinking about “me” and “us” and our glory or are we thinking about the glory of God?

  • What God Has Done In Us


    As we celebrate one year in the life of our church, Pastor Nirup unpacks Ephesians 2:8-10. In this message we see what God is doing in us and through us as we continue to move forward with our vision to "See People Made Alive In Christ."

  • What God Has Done For Us


    MADE ALIVE is more than just another series. In fact, it is the vision of LIFEGATE. We believe that God designed you to experience life the way He designed it. The truth is, sin doesn't make us bad, it makes us dead. Without Christ we are dead to the ways of God, and God doesn't want to make bad people good, He wants to make dead people alive! We can't wait for you to experience this new series.

  • Wielding The Truth


    Truth Be Told is poised to be a powerful new teaching series that will strengthen your faith journey this year. We are all in a search for truth and our lives are shaped by what we believe to be true. The truth is Jesus came to bring each of us LIFE and in this series we will take an in depth look at the "Truth" found in the Bible and how it affects our everyday lives.

  • Sure And Shining Light


    Truth Be Told is poised to be a powerful new teaching series that will strengthen your faith journey this year. We are all in a search for truth and our lives are shaped by what we believe to be true. The truth is Jesus came to bring each of us LIFE and in this series we will take an in depth look at the "Truth" found in the Bible and how it affects our everyday lives.

  • Inspired To Live


    Truth Be Told is poised to be a powerful new teaching series that will strengthen your faith journey this year. We are all in a search for truth and our lives are shaped by what we believe to be true. The truth is Jesus came to bring each of us LIFE and in this series we will take an in depth look at the "Truth" found in the Bible and how it affects our everyday lives.

  • Set Free


    Truth Be Told is poised to be a powerful new teaching series that will strengthen your faith journey this year. We are all in a search for truth and our lives are shaped by what we believe to be true. The truth is Jesus came to bring each of us LIFE and in this series we will take an in depth look at the "Truth" found in the Bible and how it affects our everyday lives.

  • Embrace The Change


    As we enter into this holiday season we will encounter days that are full of events and emotions. With all it's moments we can often lose sight of what God is actually doing in our lives. In this series, we want to take a step back and embrace the season God has us in so that we can truly experience His promise and our calling.

  • Faithfulness In The Season


    As we enter into this holiday season we will encounter days that are full of events and emotions. With all it's moments we can often lose sight of what God is actually doing in our lives. In this series, we want to take a step back and embrace the season God has us in so that we can truly experience His promise and our calling.

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