Creating Real Marriages That Last With Dr. Mike Glenn



Creating Real Marriages that Last with Dr. Mike Glenn is about marriage, family, and faith. Mike speaks from his experience as Jeannie''s husband for 35 years and Senior Pastor of Brentwood Baptist Church for over 23 years.


  • What Happens When Millennials Run the Workplace?

    16/05/2016 Duração: 10min

    In today’s episode of Creating Real Marriage that Last, we discuss what happens when Millennials run the workplace. A lot of the millennials are really good at stuff I don’t know anything about. But I’m learning that if I want to continue to be effective, I have to let them teach me. When I’m working with a Millennial, I start from a position of humility. I say something like, “Hey, I noticed you’re really good at this. Can you explain this to me?” When you ask for help, Millennials are really eager to show you what they know. They also want to find out if you’re the real deal. I learned that during my time with Kairos. From authenticity comes the opportunity for ministry.

  • The Quiet Before The Storm

    09/05/2016 Duração: 13min

    In today’s episode of Creating Real Marriage that Last, we discuss why setting aside time for prayer, reflection, and quiet is so important. We all have demands on our time, but no one was more needed than Jesus. Even with all that others required of Him, He made it a habit to disappear for quiet moments of prayer with His Father. The world is not going to give you the time and space to be quiet. You have to be intentional. Look at the rhythms of your life and find what works for you.

  • Forgetting The Future

    25/04/2016 Duração: 09min

    Today on Creating Real Marriages that Last, we talk about the importance of not forgetting about the future. Sometimes we get so overwhelmed by the never-ending list of things we have to do right now, that we literally forget there’s a tomorrow. You also have to balance looking ahead at the future with investing in your relationships now—especially with your spouse. We also discuss how to bring up conversations about the future (finances, funerals, etc.) with your spouse.

  • The Priceless Gift of Your Full Attention

    11/04/2016 Duração: 13min

    Today on Creating Real Marriages that Last, we’re talking about the priceless gift of your full attention. If you’re spending time with your spouse or your children, and you’re trying to do something else at the same time, you’re not giving them your full attention. It’s not possible to multitask and do multiple things well at the same time. So, we talk about how to communicate with those you love and give them the gift of your full attention.

  • Two Great Lies You've Been Told

    05/04/2016 Duração: 09min

    Today on Creating Real Marriages that Last, we discuss two great lies we’ve been told by our culture. The first lie is we can be anything we want to be. The reality is that there are things you’re good at and things you’re not, and that’s OK. We all have limits. The second lie is that you can be anything you want to be if you just work for it. That’s not true either. I’m never going to be a talented musician simply by practicing. It’s not my gift. If I were to work really hard at it, I’d just end up feeling drained and disappointed. Your gifts come easily to you, and often it’s someone else who points out those things that you’re really good at.

  • When the Gift Only Makes Matters Worse

    28/03/2016 Duração: 07min

    Today on Creating Real Marriages that Last, Amy-Jo and I talk about giving gifts to your spouse. Guys have trouble with this. A lot of guys feel guilty about spending too much time at work and allowing their priorities to get messed up. So, they buy a really nice gift once a year, thinking it’ll make everything better, but it actually makes things worse. You can’t make up in one gift what you haven’t done all year long. What she really wants is your attention throughout the year.

  • When You Don't Love Yourself

    22/03/2016 Duração: 15min

    Today on Creating Real Marriages That Last, we talk about the importance of a healthy view of ourselves. Often we’re so afraid of being prideful that we have gone to the other side and now fail to love ourselves at all. To fail to love ourselves is to discredit the Artist. God introduces Himself in Scripture as an Artist. His crowning creation is humanity. Healthy self-love comes first from the understanding that you bear the Imago Dei—the image of the Creator Himself. We also discuss how parents can help their children develop a healthy view of themselves by filling them with the truth of God’s love for them.

  • Why I'm Stepping Down from Kairos

    15/03/2016 Duração: 15min

    Today on Creating Real Marriages that Last, I discuss some of the reasons I’ve chosen to step down from my role as the leader and teaching pastor of Kairos. I’ve been part of this young adult ministry since it began 11 years ago. However, a few years ago I began to realize it was time to pass the leadership on to another person. Now, Chris Brooks has transitioned into the role, and he’s already doing a great job. In this episode I also share my advice to leaders as they consider the future of their ministries and determine when it’s time to pass the baton to someone else.

  • Young Adults And Careers

    15/01/2016 Duração: 16min

    Today on Creating Real Marriages that Last, Amy-Jo and I are discussing Millennials in the workplace and church. There is a growing weariness among young adults. They’ve seen the disappointment of their parents in their careers, money, and relationships. So now they’re looking for meaning and want to follow their passions to make a difference in the world. As a pastor, I have to learn how to reach this generation in a way that’s different from the generation that came before them. Listen in as we discuss some of my thoughts about Millennials.

  • The First Seminary Was A Home

    06/01/2016 Duração: 11min

    Today on Creating Real Marriages that Last, we’re talking about the idea that the first seminary was in the home. Look at the story of Apollos in Scripture. Priscilla and Aquila brought him in and discipled him in their home. This idea is reinforced when we talk about the reality that parents are the first disciplers of their children. I learned to love Scripture from my dad. The gospel music my mom played on the piano became the soundtrack of my life. Discipleship happens best in the ebb and flow of daily life experiences.

  • New Year

    04/01/2016 Duração: 05min

    On today’s episode of Creating Real Marriages that Last, Amy-Jo Girardier and I discuss new year’s resolutions. Mine for this year is simply “Less is more.” My big thing is to determine how much can I get rid of and eliminate so that I can make space for the things that really matter. We also talk about the church in the new year, including my biggest concern and what I’m most excited about for the church.

  • Christmas

    17/12/2015 Duração: 11min

    In this episode of Creating Real Marriages that Last, Amy-Jo Girardier and I talk about Christmas. We discuss traditions and helpful ideas for celebrating Christmas with your family. Make sure you’re celebrating Christ, not the big celebration culture presents to us. Prioritize a worship experience somehow, whether it’s a Christmas concert, a Christmas Eve service, or something else. Worship is what Christmas is truly all about. Protect worship and time with close family and friends. That's all that matters. These are just a few things you can do to help make this Christmas less stressful and more special.

  • Prayer

    15/12/2015 Duração: 12min

    In this episode of Creating Real Marriages that Last with Dr. Mike Glenn, we discuss prayer. Amy-Jo Girardier and I discuss what Mike's parents taught him about prayer and how to teach your kids to pray. We also discuss how you can incorporate prayer in your family's life.

  • Building Confidence In Your Spouse

    02/12/2015 Duração: 09min

    Today on Creating Real Marriages that Last, we talk about how you can build your spouse's confidence. You should be an expert on who your spouse is and what he or she does well. Notice your spouse’s gifts and encourage him or her in those gifts. When you compliment or praise your spouse, it has to be grounded in reality. Nothing is more damaging than false praise. Point out concrete examples of things your spouse does well. Remind him or her that you will always be there, even if failure occurs in one area of life. That’s how you help build your spouse’s confidence.

  • Working With Young Adults

    26/10/2015 Duração: 10min

    Today on Creating Real Marriages that Last, we discuss working with young adults. I’ve had the privilege of leading young adults at Kairos every Tuesday night for over 10 years. Before this ministry began, I had no idea the amount of hurt these young adults are carrying around. I was looking at them thinking they have the whole world, but they’re just trying to breathe. On the Emmaus Road Jesus teaches us to walk alongside people and listen to their stories. That’s what we need to do with these young adults. We need to listen to their stories and walk alongside them, teaching them how to follow Jesus. It’s a privilege to watch them grab hold of who they are and experience total redemption in their lives through Christ.

  • Young Adults Living With Parents

    15/10/2015 Duração: 10min

    In this episode of Creating Real Marriages that Last, we talk about young adults living who are living with parents. It’s a much more common occurrence than it used to be. When I was growing up, the idea of a young adult moving back in with parents wasn’t even a thought to me. To be fair, there are a lot of different dynamics happening for young adults in today’s world. There’s the incredible burden of college debt, and jobs are difficult to find. Kids are maturing more slowly than in previous generations, and some parents are less mature too. For a young adult to move in with mom and dad isn’t always bad. It’s OK as long as there is a plan for moving forward.

  • Original Meaning Of Marriage

    08/10/2015 Duração: 16min

    Today’s Creating Real Marriages that Last podcast is an excerpt from a sermon I preached in 2010 about God’s original plan for marriage. These days people study all the keys to having a good marriage, but at times they've missed the forest for the trees. We've become so consumed with the “how” of a good marriage, that we’ve missed the “why” of marriage. So, in this sermon I talk about God’s intention for marriage, based on Genesis 2.

  • New Grandparent

    01/10/2015 Duração: 14min

    In today's podcast, Mike discusses what it's like to become a new grandparent.

  • Millennial Parents

    25/09/2015 Duração: 05min

    Today on Creating Real Marriages that Last, Darrel and I talk about Millennial parents. Studies tell us that many Millennials are choosing to wait to have children after they are married. This generation knows what was missing in their own lives and now crave stability more than anything. They’re rejecting what they saw in their families. So, they are prioritizing their marriage and children. For the Millennial, there is no sense of permanence in the world. That’s why many of them are choosing to make the home a safe, stable, healthy place. Some are even choosing to work from home so they can enjoy their families even more. They want their work to have meaning, and they also want their marriage to have meaning.

  • What A Real Man Knows

    17/09/2015 Duração: 04min

    In today’s episode of Creating Real Marriages that Last, we discuss “what a real man knows.” I often remind young men that in marriage, women are not looking for a boy to raise. They look for someone who knows who he is and is confident in his own skin. They also look for someone who has a plan for his life and can provide for his family long term.

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