Chosen Youth Ministries



Messages by Deb Graper from Chosen Youth Ministries in Peru, IL


  • Tootin


    Don't toot your own horn! Pride drowns out the sounds of God. One thing that I've learned over the years is that when a person says "I don't mean to toot my own horn or anything"…. is that they usually do. There are a lot of people who we deal with on a daily basis who just love to tell us how great they are; yet with somewhat false humility. I'm sure you've heard of the term. Toot your own horn

  • GIGO — Part 2


    GIGO - garbage in = garbage out! More things to think about. Last week I spoke to you about how scientists believe that our thoughts make grooves into our brains over time and after we've practiced a skill, learned something new, or studied a topic, a new groove is actually carved into our brain tissue. I then spoke to you about how our bad thoughts also over time can also create grooves into our

  • GIGO


    GIGO! Garbage in, garbage out. The garbage you let in will eventually come out. When we put on Hose-A-Palooza this year….we brought in some huge semi trucks to bring in the water for the days' events. Unfortunately, the couple of days before Hose-A-Palooza we pretty much had a monsoon blow through the Troy Grove/Mendota area bringing us buckets of rain; and because of it the ground was softened

  • Go All Out!


    Go all out! Don't be a copout, holdout, or dropout in your faith. Michael Phelps went to Beijing China for the 08 Olympics and won 8 gold medals there… When someone wins something like that we need to realize that there is much more that has gone on than just in that moment in time.  It's also about the past and all the hours and hard work that have gotten them to that point that we are watching.

  • Brokenness


    Brokenness—Don't say no to regrets; Say yes to them! Sorrow and remorse are the scars of brokenness upon our hearts proving that we belong to Jesus; in the same way that His own broken body proved His identity as our coming Messiah. There is a saying in our society; NO REGRETS. It's the thought that we can just throw all of our mistakes and hurts into a pile and just walk away from them and never

  • Good Dirt


    Hard dirt, rocky dirt, thorny dirt, and good dirt, how receptive are you to God's Word? Tonight we are going to spend some time in looking at Matthew 13:1-23; where Jesus tells his disciples about the parable of the sower, i.e.…the farmer or the planter – whichever makes it easier for you to understand. This is the story that Jesus used to explain what happens after we've shared the word of God

  • What's On My Heart


    Four of our leaders share what's on their hearts.

  • Ten


    The Ten you know them? Do you keep them? 1. No other Gods, only me. 2. Don't make for yourself an idol of anything on heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below. You shall not bow down to them or worship them; don't put those things above your worship of God. 3. You shall not misuse the name of the Lord your God; that's in curses or silliness. 4. Remember the

  • The NaCl of the Earth


    Are you worth your salt? Do others thirst for Christ because of you? How salty are you?  Matthew 5:13 you are the salt of the earth. But what good is salt if it has lost its flavor? Can you make it useful again? It will be thrown out and trampled underfoot as worthless. This scripture is from what people say is the greatest sermon ever preached. Jesus Himself spoke it from the sermon called the

  • Are You Going To Heaven?


    Five simple questions to ask yourself so that you can be sure your going to heaven 1 John in the bible was written by John who was one of Jesus' original twelve disciples. John also wrote the gospel of John, this letter and the two other letters called 1, 2, 3 John and also Revelation. This letter was written to believers but there was no specific mention as to a certain person, place or time.

  • Summerbreak


    Four weeks of summer gone, eight weeks to go… what have you done with your summer? Ah, it's good old summertime; there's just something special about summer… its freedom baby. Just the chance to open up your windows in your house and breathe in the fresh air after a long, cold winter feels freeing. Who doesn't enjoy driving in a car on a warm summer day with the windows down and a breeze blowing

  • Take Me To Your Leader


    Alien or Earthling, Jesus was an alien, how about you?Chances are you've seen a movie or two about aliens in your life as you've gotten older. Alien, E.T., Mars Attacks, Independence Day, Star Wars, Star Trek, X- Files, Signs… ….to name just a few. You could have even seen Sesame Streets' Yip Yip aliens when you were a kid. All these movies or shows investigate the possibility that

  • The Battle Within — Spiderman 3


    Often times our most difficult struggles are not with others but within ourselves.A message from the movie Spiderman 3. Romans 12:21 don't let evil get the best of you; get the best of evil by doing good. It could be Spiderman's mantra…. His life's quote; especially in this movie. The movie in condensed form: Having turned to crime fighting to avenge the death of his Uncle Ben; Peter Parker

  • Be A Trouble Maker


    The saying goes,"Nice guys finish last."Whats true in the dating world is also true in the spiritual sense.We are in need of some troublemakers; there's not enough of them around. A troublemaker is a person who either consciously or unconsciously causes trouble everywhere they go. There is just something about them. Their presence shows up even before they do. There is an air of expectancy when

  • Put Some Meat On Your Bones


    Leave your mediocrity and dry bones, and move on to maturity and put some meat on your bones. God grabbed me. God's spirit took me up and set me down in the middle of an open plain strewn with bones. He led me around and among them, a lot of bones. There were bones all over the plain, dry bones bleached by the sun. He said to me, Son of man, can these bones live? I said Master God, only you know

  • Planning Your End Game


    Are you strategizing about your potential in life?Benjamin Franklin, in his article "The Morals of Chess" (1750), wrote: "The Game of Chess is not merely an idle amusement; several very valuable qualities of the mind, useful in the course of human life, are to be acquired and strengthened by it, so as to become habits ready on all occasions; for life is a kind of Chess, in which we have often

  • No Foe Fo Sho


    No Foe Fo Sho, all about friends

  • I AM. Part 6


    Have you been pruned lately? Pastor Deb's sixth message of the I AM sayings of Christ I am the real vine and my Father is the farmer. He cuts off every branch that doesn't bear grapes. And every branch that is grape bearing he prunes back so it will bear even more. You are already pruned back by the message I have spoken.Live in me; make your home in me just as I do in you. In the same way

  • I AM. Part 5


    Oops! You're Going the Wrong Way!The way, the truth and the life.After Jesus dealt with Mary and Martha concerning Lazarus and brought him back to life after 4 days – He goes on to do some pretty interesting things in a very interesting time frame. He makes His triumphal entry into Jerusalem atop a donkey and many of the same people who had witnessed the resurrection of Lazarus were there waving

  • I AM. Part 4


    Jesus couldn't attend a funeral.Week 4 - Jesus called Himself the Resurrection and the Life.I have something to share with you guys – if I can be serious with you for just a minute….. I have recently been diagnosed with a fatal disease called Senescence…. Actually, I've had this disease for all my life and just didn't know it. It is………………………. the advancing of age… and it's fatal! And sadly –worst

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