Dire Weasels: A Real(ish) Play 5e Dungeons And Dragons Podcast



Once described as if D&D and Cards Against Humanity had a baby. That seems fairly close.


  • Episode 43: Something or other about Hazelnuts (AKA the light inside the DM gradually dims until he is nothing but meat, bones and secrets)

    21/07/2015 Duração: 01h29min

    There's some fighting, a ton of non canonical sports talk and some dm wanting to let the life seep out of him. It's a more entertaining listen than that description would indicate.   @direweasels are: @absurdistkobold, @walk6070, @chalupabatman27, @arcanevice, @eskimomo9. @malvinity is the star guest du jour.    Email us at direweasels@gmail.com and rate and review us at itunes. Also, feel free to visit us at direweasels.podbean.com. If you have any Patreon ideas, talk to us. We want very much to make it awesome, and it's coming soon.

  • Late Night with John, Mort and Dyrtle (AKA when the effectively unlaid plan goes appropriately poorly. AKA 2, crimes against spelling, grammar and reading/comprehension)

    15/07/2015 Duração: 01h22min

    Gwynn also makes an appearance in the stream chat. Mort and John stream and mostly talk with Dyrtle while she supplies some of the worst fanfiction imaginable. John attempts to read this in dramatic fashion, but mostly gets upset at the grammar and spelling. This is a weird one, but hopefully it's entertaining for all of you folks.   @direweasels are: @absurdistkobold, @walk6070, @chalupabatman27, @arcanevice, @eskimomo9, and check out Mort (@mortimaus) and Dyrtle (@dyrtletheturtle), both of whom are awesome and always come through when we at Dire Weasels headquarters need some people to hang out for a non canonical episode.   Email us at direweasels@gmail.com and rate and review us at itunes. Also, feel free to visit us at direweasels.podbean.com. If you have any Patreon ideas, feel free to kick them our way, as we will definitely not be dropping that campaign on you all at episode 50.

  • Episode 42: Just Can't Wait

    08/07/2015 Duração: 01h55min

    A random encounter turns into another Karaoke Kast, this time Disney edition. Enjoy! @direweasels are: John @absurdistkobold, Forrest @walk6070, Matt @chalupabatman27, Ivana @arcanevice, Mollie @eskimomo9, and Ben @bapperson in his final episode! Email us at direweasels@gmail.com and rate and review us at itunes. Also, feel free to visit us at direweasels.podbean.com. If you have any Patreon ideas, shoot them our way. It's coming up, and we want to make sure it's fantastic for all of you.

  • Episode 41: Legend of the Unhidden Temple (AKA, Your DM effed up, and we lost an episode)

    01/07/2015 Duração: 01h59min

    This one was a lot of fun for me, because I was basically messing with the party for the entirety of the episode.   @direweasels are: @absurdistkobold, @walk6070, @chalupabatman27, @arcanevice, @eskimomo9. @bapperson is the star guest this time around.   Email us at direweasels@gmail.com and rate and review us at itunes. Also, feel free to visit us at direweasels.podbean.com. If you have any Patreon ideas, shoot them our way. It's coming up, and we want to make sure it's fantastic for all of you.

  • Boner Episode: Cards (Again)st Humanity

    24/06/2015 Duração: 01h40min

    Hello Listener (Errr...Reader?)! We're releasing a second boner episode for you because life happened and Matt hates us. Also, sorry it's a day late. It's Beatriz's fault, that lazy cunt, aim all your hate mail toward her. Obviously this episode will be explicit like all the other ones so if this offends you, sucks to be you.    Your hosts of the @DireWeasels Podcast are @absurdistkobold (John "Joe" Venrick, DM), @arcanevice (Ivana "Not Beatriz" Sarmiento, Kung Pao), @chalupabatman27 (Matt Hankins, Norville), @eskimomo9 (Mollie M, Aerrin), and @walk6070 (Forrest Walker, Gerbo).

  • Episode 40: Tropesy Turvy

    16/06/2015 Duração: 01h16min

    The group continues their adventures through the Nega-World and start on their true quest now that the party is fully assembled, at least in theory. In all actuality, we were all a little kooky and didn't got a whole lot done, but it was a lot of fun!  Your hosts of the @DireWeasels Podcast are @absurdistkobold (John Venrick, DM), @arcanevice (Ivana Sarmiento, Kung Pao), @chalupabatman27 (Matt Hankins, Norville), @eskimomo9 (Mollie M, Aerrin), and @walk6070 (Forrest Walker, Gerbo).

  • Episode 39: Atop the Bean Stalk

    09/06/2015 Duração: 02h04min

    What awaits the weasels at the top of the bean stalk? Giants, treasure, neither, both? Stay tuned to find out! @direweasels are: @absurdistkobold, @walk6070, @chalupabatman27, @arcanevice, @eskimomo9. @mortimaus star guests like a proper star guest.   Email us at direweasels@gmail.com and rate and review us at itunes. Also, feel free to visit us at direweasels.podbean.com. If you have any Patreon ideas, feel free to kick them our way, as there might be a milestone coming up at some point in the not too distant future that would make a reasonable time to debut such a thing.

  • Episode 38: What's Old is New Once More

    02/06/2015 Duração: 01h46min

    Things get super tropesy and silly, and an old friend returns to the fold. All in all, this one came out pretty entertaining.   @direweasels are: @absurdistkobold, @walk6070, @chalupabatman27, @arcanevice, @eskimomo9. @mortimaus star guests like a proper star guest.   Email us at direweasels@gmail.com and rate and review us at itunes. Also, feel free to visit us at direweasels.podbean.com. If you have any Patreon ideas, feel free to kick them our way, as there might be a milestone coming up at some point in the not too distant future that would make a reasonable time to debut such a thing.

  • Episode 37: Follow Your Nose

    26/05/2015 Duração: 01h38min

    Following the Hard Reset, Leona tasks Gerbo with ass-embling the party. After recruiting the "help" of the Warrior and following his unorthodox methods, the Monk and the Mage are soon added to the fold. Only the Halfling remains un-recruited but once again the party is split between upstairs and in the basement. Will things fare better this time? Probably not. Your hosts for the @DireWeasels podcasts are John @absurdistkobold Forrest @walk6070, Matt @chalupabatman27, "Mystery Host", and special guest Andrew (Mort)@mortimaus. Email us at direweasels@gmail.com and rate and review us on iTunes. Also, feel free to visit us at direweasels.podbean.com.

  • Bonus Episode: Cards Against Humanity

    23/05/2015 Duração: 01h32min

    Due to some scheduling issues, most of the regular cast couldn't make it this week, so we just decided to play Cards Against Humanity with some of our fans in the Twitch chat. Listener discretion is advised! The @DireWeasels featured in this episode are @absurdistkobold and @walk6070, with special guest star @mortimaus.

  • Arbitrary Adventures?: Bloopersode (AKA Episode 4 was a $**# Show)

    15/05/2015 Duração: 55min

    These are the bloopers from back when we used to pull extra bloopers from the episodes (these days they tend to get placed at the end or just left in the episode, so barring anything unexpected, this might be the only bloopersode). Enjoy, everyone.    @direweasels are: @absurdistkobold, @walk6070, @joshslyter, @chalupabatman27, @arcanevice, @eskimomo9   Email us at direweasels@gmail.com and rate and review us at itunes. Also, feel free to visit us at direweasels.podbean.com.

  • Episode 36: Hard Reset

    15/05/2015 Duração: 01h40min

    Trust me, you're better off just listening to this one unspoiled. A lot of stuff happens which changes things going forward.    @direweasels are: @absurdistkobold, @joshslyter, @walk6070, @chalupabatman, @arcanevice, @eskimomo9   Email us at direweasels@gmail.com and rate and review us at itunes. Also, feel free to visit us at direweasels.podbean.com.

  • Episode 35: Bad Housekeeping

    15/05/2015 Duração: 02h30min

    The guys find themselves in a hairy situation when a run of the mill combat turns out to be more than anticipated. Split between fighting upstairs and in the basement will the players find a way to weasel their way out of this one or find themselves engulfed in sweet, sweet oblivion? The answers to these questions and more (mainly from emails) NOW!    Your hosts for the Dire Weasels Podcast are - Josh Slyter - DM (@joshslyter), Matt Hankins (@chalupabatman27), Forrest Walker (@walk6070), John Venrick (@absurdistkobold) and Jacob (@Idon'tbelieveintwittersodon'ttweetatme).   Find us collectively @direweasels, email us at direweasels@gmail.com and rate and review us at itunes. Also, feel free to visit us at direweasels.podbean.com.

  • Episode 34: Filler Episode aka Weasels get an Effing House

    15/05/2015 Duração: 01h45min

    Norville is MIA this week, and we talk about hot sauce for something like 15 minutes. It's not as bad as that description would indicate, but not a whole lot actually happens. Marc (@0dius) edited this episode, so hit him up if you think it sounds even more amazing than usual. My Perry cider decision went much better though.    Your hosts hosting the hosted Dire Weasels podcast hosting hosty hosts are: Josh Slyter - Apologetic DM (@joshslyter), Matt Hankins - Sir Not Appearing in this Film (@chalupabatman27), Forrest Walker - Oh, you know by now (@walk6070) and John Venrick - The person writing this description as he listens to this episode in anticipation of eventually posting it (@absurdistkobold).   Find us collectively @direweasels, email us at direweasels@gmail.com and rate and review us at itunes. Also, feel free to visit us at direweasels.podbean.com.

  • Episode 33: Maybe next time, find out if she's married before you f%*k her (and other assorted nonsense). Also, apparently I can keep adding words to this title, and no one will be the wiser.

    15/05/2015 Duração: 02h14min

    The gang gets introduced to a couple of new folks, and one of them has lived life in such a way that it complicates the lives of his new traveling companions. The last 10 minutes of the episode (or so) are mostly devoted to the discussion of concerts and music. Also, I made a horrid decision in an effort to make Ace Perry cider reasonably palatable. There are bloopers, but not so many as to fill the entire outro.    Your hosts for the Dire Weasels podcast are the following: Josh Slyter - DM(@Joshslyter), Matt Hankins - I can't think of his character's name offhand.... maybe he should work that information into his introduction (@chalupabatman27), Forrest Walker - an almost skewered gnome (@walk6070), Jacob Insert last name when I learn what it is (doesn't believe in twitter, apparently), John Venrick - Stream master and editor of the episode you are presently reading the description of (@absurdistkobold), and Marc special star guest who happens to possess the sort of sense of humor that lends itself well to h

  • Episode 32: Returning to Cloudcity...wait no.

    15/05/2015 Duração: 02h34s

    The crew picks back up after having apparently "fixed" the unicorn wizards book and begins the trek back to Cloudspire in special guest star Stephanie Kingston's final episode.    Your hosts for the Dire Weasels Podcast are - Josh Slyter - DM (@joshslyter), Matt Hankins (@chalupabatman27), Forrest Walker (@walk6070), John Venrick (@absurdistkobold) and Steph Kingston - Featured Guest Star (@stephokingston).   Find us collectively @direweasels, email us at direweasels@gmail.com and rate and review us at itunes. Also, feel free to visit us at direweasels.podbean.com.

  • Episode 31: Into the Woods

    15/05/2015 Duração: 02h29min

    The party finds themselves inside the Unicorn Wizards story book with little clue as to what "fixing" his book actually entails. I would also be remiss to not apologize for how sloppy drunk I got during this episode. It's really bad, guys. Seriously.    Your hosts for the Dire Weasels Podcast are - Josh Slyter - DM (@joshslyter), Matt Hankins (@chalupabatman27), Forrest Walker (@walk6070), John Venrick (@absurdistkobold) and Steph Kingston - Featured Star Guest (@stephokingston).   Find us collectively @direweasels, email us at direweasels@gmail.com and rate and review us at itunes. Also, feel free to visit us at direweasels.podbean.com.

  • Episode 30: Follow the Patchouli Cloud (aka karaokecast)

    15/05/2015 Duração: 02h17min

    The usual cast of characters meet up with a new character, who totally isn't grating at all (and collectively they all set out to meet the legendary Unicorn Wizard). Exposition, quests, karaoke, and some 80 grade lipbalm discussion are all a part of perhaps the most zany episode in a good bit. This is the first episode I have edited, so hopefully I managed to make it entertaining for all of you. I re-uploaded this episode because I forgot to run levelator before I posted it the first time. Sorry, guys and gals.    Your hosts for the Dire Weasels Podcast are - Josh Slyter - Dominmaster (@joshslyter), Matt Hankins - Insert some effing DBZ reference (@chalupabatman27), Forrest Walker - Some short thing which isn't a dwarf or a halfling... why do gnomes exist again? (@walk6070), John Venrick - definitely not a super intelligent shade of blue (@absurdistkobold) and Steph Kingston - Featured Star Guest and organic free range vegetable enthusiast (@stephokingston).   Find us collectively @direweasels, email us at di

  • Episode 29: Gettin' Jala Peno Business

    15/05/2015 Duração: 02h09min

    Hey, y'all. Forrest edited this week, so you get a quality description! The group makes chase after a mysterious hooded figure disappears into the woods after last week's chase. Will the Weasels find the villainous Jala Peno? Will Darren Everwind convert to the Church of Gerbo? Will Forrest fail every damn roll he makes? (Spoiler: yes, he will). Find out all this and more on the spiciest episode of Dire Weasels yet!    Your hosts for the Dire Weasels Podcast are Josh Slyter- DM (@joshslyter), Matt Hankins - Norville Glimmerbottom (@chalupabatman27), Forrest Walker - Gerbo Namfoodle (@walk6070), John Venrick - Leonan Demoneye (@absurdistkobold), and Phillip Canada - Darren Everwind (@canada_phillip).   Find us collectively @direweasels, email us at direweasels@gmail.com and rate and review us at itunes. Also, feel free to visit us at direweasels.podbean.com.

  • Episode 28: Enter Player Four

    15/05/2015 Duração: 02h10min

    The Dire Weasels get their first guest star, Phillip Canada. I mean, I don't really have much more to say on the subject. Listen to the episode. Stuff happens. Probably.    Your hosts for the Dire Weasels Podcast are Josh Slyter- DM (@joshslyter), Matt Hankins - Norville Glimmerbottom (@chalupabatman27), Forrest Walker - Gerbo Namfoodle (@walk6070), John Venrick - Leonan Demoneye (@absurdistkobold), and Phillip Canada - Darren Everwood (@canada_phillip).   Find us collectively @direweasels, email us at direweasels@gmail.com and rate and review us at itunes. Also, feel free to visit us at direweasels.podbean.com.

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