Grattan Institute



Our podcasts cover a range of public policy topics focusing on the main issues facing Australia. We aim to further the debate, sometimes by presenting controversial viewpoints. Our podcasts concentrate on the current Grattan Programs, but also go more broadly on occasion.


  • Stuck in traffic? Road congestion in Sydney

    17/10/2017 Duração: 01h20min

    Event podcast: In this Forward Thinking event, an expert panel considered: if we can manage Sydney congestion by working our existing approaches harder or has the city reached a tipping point, where a new approach is needed and if Sydney adopted a different approach, what could it do to keep the city moving?

  • Are we facing a low growth future? - Part 2

    10/10/2017 Duração: 01h49s

    In part 2 of this two-episode podcast, with the help of Australian Perspectives Fellow Brendan Coates and Productivity Growth Director Jim Minifie we follow up on our discussion into the evidence that economic growth may be slower in the future and what might explain it with an in-depth chat about what policymakers could do in response. One of the big policy debates in Australia and around the world right now is whether economic growth will be slower in the future than in the past. Nearly a decade after the Global Financial Crisis and economic growth remains weak in many rich nations. Australia has been an exception to the malaise, but growth has slowed as the mining boom winds down. A growing number of voices are wondering whether we’ve entered a “new normal” of slower economic growth, which would have big implications for Australians’ future living standards, our public policy choices and the state of our politics. Further readings To help listeners navigate the debate, below are a few references cite

  • Competition in the Australian economy: too little of a good thing? – Melbourne

    03/10/2017 Duração: 01h13min

    Event podcast: In this Policy Pitch event, an expert panel discussed the role of competition and competition policy in the Australian economy including, how valid concerns are about competition and market power in Australia; where competition is working less well than it could, and what are its limits as a policy tool; and what else policymakers should do to ensure competition benefits the community?

  • Stuck in traffic? Road congestion in Sydney and Melbourne

    02/10/2017 Duração: 26min

    A conversation with Senior Associate Hugh Batrouney. Road congestion charges should be introduced in Sydney and Melbourne. An examination of 3.5 million Google Maps trip-time estimates across more than 350 routes suggests both cities could face traffic gridlock in future unless decisive action is taken to manage congestion.

  • Are we facing a low growth future? - Part 1

    26/09/2017 Duração: 53min

    One of the big policy debates in Australia and around the world right now is whether economic growth will be slower in the future than in the past. Nearly a decade after the Global Financial Crisis and economic growth remains weak in many rich nations. Australia has been an exception to the malaise, but growth has slowed as the mining boom winds down. A growing number of voices are wondering whether we’ve entered a “new normal” of slower economic growth, which would have big implications for Australians’ future living standards, our public policy choices and the state of our politics. In part 1 of this two-episode podcast, with the help of Australian Perspectives Fellow Brendan Coates and Productivity Growth Director Jim Minifie, we take a deep dive into the evidence that economic growth may be slower in the future and what might explain it. Stay tuned for part 2 where we will discuss what policymakers could do in response. Further readings To help listeners navigate the debate, below are a few references

  • Retail Competition in the electricity sector and energy price

    13/09/2017 Duração: 01h35min

    Event podcast: this Energy Futures Seminar, a part of the Policy Pitch series, explored the Thwaites Review findings and the Grattan Report ‘Price shock: Is the retail electricity market failing consumers?’ released earlier this year. The expert panel, moderated by Dr Sara Bice and joined by John Thwaites, Tony Wood and Sarah McNamara debated the Review’s recommendations for a regulated Basic Service Offer and related issues.

  • Next Generation: the long-term future of the National Electricity Market

    11/09/2017 Duração: 22min

    A conversation with Energy Fellow, David Blowers. Australia’s electricity system is under pressure like never before. Work should start immediately on a new ‘capacity mechanism’ in case it is needed to ensure reliable supplies in future.

  • Post Trump, Post Brexit, Post Policy: the Rise of Populism – Brisbane

    17/08/2017 Duração: 01h21min

    Event podcast: Established political parties are struggling across the developed world, while “outsider parties” rise. In this State of Affairs event, Grattan CEO John Daley presented detailed Grattan analysis about the real shifts in Australia’s economy, culture and institutions, and which of them are plausibly linked to shifts in voting.

  • Rising inequality in Australia?

    15/08/2017 Duração: 15min

    A conversation with Australian Perspectives Fellow, Dani Wood. The question of whether inequality has been rising or falling in Australia appears to be difficult to answer at first glance - and a different story emerges when looking at income inequality or wealth inequality. So just what is happening to inequality here in Australia? How do we compare to the rest of the world? And what are our politicians suggesting to bridge the gap?

  • Safety and Quality – time to stop just goggling at the problems our data reveals – Melbourne

    15/08/2017 Duração: 01h09min

    Event Podcast: The health system is awash with data. Nearly all of it tells us that we could improve. Yet our current improvement efforts are surprisingly limited in their scope. In this Policy Pitch event, a panel of experts discussed how to improve the soundness, relevance, accessibility and understanding of health data.

  • Regional patterns of Australia’s economy and population

    02/08/2017 Duração: 15min

    A conversation with Australian Perspectives Fellow, Danielle Wood. The popular idea that the economic divide between Australia’s cities and regions is getting bigger is a misconception. Beneath the oft-told ‘tale of two Australias’ is a more nuanced story.

  • Australia's Post-Finkel Energy Future

    31/07/2017 Duração: 15min

    An interview with Grattan Institute Associate, Kate Griffiths. Following the release of the Finkel review into the security of the National Electricity Market, the COAG Energy Council of state and federal Energy Ministers came together last Friday 14 July to discuss the review's recommendations. What did COAG agree, what’s missing and what are the next steps?

  • Higher education funding – the pressures, the changes and possible solutions

    17/07/2017 Duração: 14min

    A conversation with Higher Education Fellow, Ittima Cherastidtham. Higher education is a complex sector. There are many types of providers from universities to private providers and TAFEs. And with Higher Education getting a lot of attention during this year’s Budget from the Coalition, there is one issue that has and will continue to remain – that of the tension between private and public funding.

  • What are we listening to?

    12/07/2017 Duração: 54min

    A conversation with Australian Perspectives Fellow Brendan Coates and Associate Lucille Danks featuring a number of Grattan staff discussing the rise of podcasts, why they're listening and what they listen to on policy, politics... and just for fun. Links to some of the podcasts discussed: Global affairs and emerging themes The Ezra Klein Show: The Weeds: FT Alphachat: Conversations with Tyler: Australian politics and current affairs Politics with Michelle Grattan, The Conversation’s politics podcast: The Party Room Fran Kelly and Patricia Karvelas, The ABC: Conversations with Richard Fidler, The ABC: It All Adds Up, Fairfax Media: https://itunes.appl

  • Housing affordability: Resurrecting the Australian dream – Melbourne

    11/07/2017 Duração: 01h23min

    Event podcast: In this Policy Pitch event at the State Library of Victoria, Sally Capp (Victorian Executive Director at the Property Council of Australia), Nicki Hutley (Director & Chief Economist at Urbis) and Brendan Coates (Fellow at Grattan Institute) discussed the problems, and weighed the options for reform.

  • Gonski 2.0 - Where to from here

    04/07/2017 Duração: 25min

    A conversation with School Education Program Director, Pete Goss. The Coalition’s Education Amendment Bill or Gonski 2.0 as its been coined, has passed through the senate. And while Gonski 2.0 is a step forward in school funding, this is just one aspect of improving Australia’s schools. So what will likely happen now? And what should happen next?

  • Chief Scientist Alan Finkel’s Review of the Security of the NEM – Sydney

    28/06/2017 Duração: 01h21min

    Event Podcast: This Forward Thinking event followed the release of the Final Report of the Finkel Review. Dr Finkel and a panel of experts discussed how Australia can respond to challenges that our electricity system faces

  • Australia’s budget woes – Canberra

    27/06/2017 Duração: 01h11min

    Event podcast: This Capital Ideas event explored the causes of repeated budget projection errors. Katharine Murphy, political editor at the Guardian, and 15-year veteran of the Canberra press gallery, discussed the issues with John Daley, CEO of the Grattan Institute, presenting new research from Grattan Institute’s work on budget policy.

  • Energy Futures Seminar: Chief Scientist Alan Finkel’s Review of the Security of the NEM

    22/06/2017 Duração: 01h34min

    Event Podcast: This Energy Futures Seminar followed the release of the Final Report of the Finkel Review. Dr Finkel and a panel of experts discussed how Australia can respond to challenges that our electricity system faces. Please note the sound quality for this recording is poor due to audio issues on the night.

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