Glasgow Centre For Population Health Podcast



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  • GCPH seminar series 2: - Prof Tom Devine - 'The Transformation of Scotland, 1980-2005'

    04/12/2005 Duração: 01h28min

    In this lecture, Prof Devine argued that over the past twenty five years Scotland has undergone a remarkable series of changes in economy, society and culture. While they are similar in scope and scale to those of the Industrial Revolution of the 19th century, they have largely been unnoticed or ignored. Prof Devine asked the questions 'how did we arrive here?' and 'how does this view sit with the more usual view of Scotland as a downtrodden underperforming underdog?'.

  • GCPH seminar series 2: - Prof Andrew Steptoe - 'How Stress Gets Under Your Skin: Psychobiological Studies of Social Status, Stress and Health'

    30/10/2005 Duração: 01h20min

    This lecture (the first in the second seminar series) explored the relationships between psychology, biology, physiology and socio-economic status. Prof Steptoe shared many interesting insights concerning health and health inequality, developed by the emerging field of psychobiology.

  • GCPH Seminar Series - Glasgow's Healthier Future Forum 1: Part 3

    20/06/2005 Duração: 13min

    The first meeting of Glasgow's Healthier Future Forum took place on 15 June 2005 in St Andrew's in the Square, Glasgow. The Forum was a half-day, round table event consisting of short inputs influenced by ideas emerging from the Centre's first year of work. Presentations were interspersed with discussion amongst the 160 participants, focusing on the usefulness of the ideas to practice. Part 3: Jim McCormick.

  • GCPH Seminar Series - Glasgow's Healthier Future Forum 1: Part 2

    20/06/2005 Duração: 28min

    The first meeting of Glasgow's Healthier Future Forum took place on 15 June 2005 in St Andrew's in the Square, Glasgow. The Forum was a half-day, round table event consisting of short inputs influenced by ideas emerging from the Centre's first year of work. Presentations were interspersed with discussion amongst the 160 participants, focusing on the usefulness of the ideas to practice. Part 2: Harry Burns, Andrew Lyon and Carol Tannahill.

  • GCPH Seminar Series - Glasgow's Healthier Future Forum 1: Part 1

    20/06/2005 Duração: 40min

    The first meeting of Glasgow's Healthier Future Forum took place on 15 June 2005 in St Andrew's in the Square, Glasgow. The Forum was a half-day, round table event consisting of short inputs influenced by ideas emerging from the Centre's first year of work. Presentations were interspersed with discussion amongst the 160 participants, focusing on the usefulness of the ideas to practice. Part 1: Carol Tannahill, Sir John Arbuthnott, Phil Hanlon and Valerie Millar.

  • GCPH seminar series 1: - Maureen O'Hara PhD - 'Minding the Future'

    22/05/2005 Duração: 01h32min

    Ours is an age of complexity, uncertainty and rapid change. Our response to these conditions has also made ours an age of anxiety, the effects of which are to be found everywhere - deteriorating mental health, increasing crime, a global environment under strain, the persistence and deepening of unequal patterns of distribution in income, wealth and well-being. In this lecture Maureen O'Hara presented a fresh look at these challenges and suggested that, if we can come to understand them in a different light, they offer the hope of transformation.

  • GCPH seminar series 1: - Prof Lord Richard Layard - 'Happiness'

    10/04/2005 Duração: 01h43min

    Prof Layard believes that the happiness of society does not necessarily equate to its income. Most people want more income, yet, as societies become richer, they do not become happier. Evidence from a range of sources shows that, on average, people have grown no happier in the last fifty years, even as average incomes have more than doubled. In fact, many countries have more depression, more alcoholism and more crime than fifty years ago. This paradox is true of Britain, the United States, continental Europe and Japan. In this lecture Prof Layard discussed both explanations of and remedies for this phenomenon including serious efforts by civic authorities to promote more pro-social cultures among children and young people.

  • GCPH seminar series 1: - Sholom Glouberman PhD - 'Changing Ideas; Changing Health'

    28/02/2005 Duração: 01h34min

    Central to this lecture was the premise that there is a strong connection between science and culture: how people think about the world is closely related to how they value and think about other things as well. Glouberman focused on changing perceptions of order and disorder, the environment and identity through the ages. The implications of the interaction between these three 'big ideas' and our view of health were explored.

  • GCPH seminar series 1: - Prof AC Grayling - 'Imagine the Perfect Polis: Creating Health in the City'

    30/11/2004 Duração: 01h06min

    The opening lecture of the seminar series, given by Prof Anthony Grayling, looked at the history of the city and what it can teach us about the search for the good life. Central to this was consideration of what a 'community setting' should best be like to ensure that individual flourishing and wellbeing happens.

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