Side Quest Podcast



If Tim Ferriss and Nerdist had a love child that loved fitness and Star Wars, it would be this show. This is a fitness podcast that explores the stories of coaches, trainers, athletes and explores their struggles and triumphs. Life is like an RPG so I look to explore the tools they used to conquer their quests.


  • A Carolina Blue Dream (What Could Have Been)

    08/12/2016 Duração: 22min

    This is the audio version of a previous post on the site that you can read here.   From the start of November until the madness of March, my life becomes obsessed with college basketball. During those months, my heart and soul belong to my favorite team: The Tarheels of North Carolina.  As a kid growing up, I had one and only one dream — that I would become a basketball player. This desire was sparked, one by my undying love of the University of North Carolina (I was raised by ardent Tarheel fans) and the fact that my favorite basketball player—like all 90s kids—was Michael Jordan  Everyone wanted to be like Mike; I was no exception. What no one told me, however, was that I needed more than dreams. I needed to work---hard.  And, though, I'm not in the NBA today, every time I see a redhead sitting on the bench for the Tarheels, I'm reminded of what could have been. If I'd only given half a shit and actually tried. This guilt is what drives me today to make my dreams come true.

  • B.J. Keeton of Geek Fitness on Losing 150 Pounds, Mental Health, & Problems with Time Travel

    05/12/2016 Duração: 01h08min

    Nerds and geeks now how to get things done. And BJ is a certified geek.   A few years ago, BJ topped out at over 300 pounds. But after a trip to Harry Potter World in Florida, BJ realized something needed to change.   First, he started with diet, then he got serious about running. And a few years later, BJ lost over 140 pounds. Then he decided to create Geek Fitness to help other geeks discover how to improve their health.   But it hasn't been an easy road for BJ. Geek Fitness has done well, but last year an injury sidelined him and since then, he's been suffering from anxiety and depression.   So, BJ joins me to nerd out on our favorite movies, comics, and games. But he also joins me to discuss mental health, fitness, and my arch nemesis, running.   In this episode we discuss:   Thinking we’re unique snowflakes His struggles with lifting Wizarding world of Harry Potter Losing weight without exercise Why running Heart disease and family history health problems Self-destruction and anxiety How he’s worked thro

  • Community Questions: December 2016

    01/12/2016 Duração: 29min

    Community Questions: December 2016   Winter is here. At least for some people, it is.   And with winter comes things like the winter blues and illnesses.   So, when you're sick, should you exercise?   Can you exercise with just a standard cold or a stuffy nose? What if you have achy muscles or an upset stomach?   Hunger also hits had during the winter. And if you're trying to lose fat, sometimes, all you want is a big cheeseburger or a bowl of pasta. So can you use cheat days, or, how do you use cheat days to maximize your fat loss goals?   I answer those questions in this month's community questions episode.   In this episode, I discuss:   Cheat Days vs Cheat Meals Leptin Refeed Days Who should and shouldn't have a cheat day The Neck Rule

  • Tim Henriques on Everything Powerlifting & Gaming with his Kids

    28/11/2016 Duração: 58min

    Tim Henriques is a coach, author, powerlifter and the Director of the National Personal Training Institute of VA/MD/DC.    Tim has competed in powerlifting for 20 years. In college, Tim was named as an All-American Powerlifter with the USAPL.   In 2003, he deadlifted 700 lbs at 198 pounds which set a VA State Record. Besides powerlifting, Tim has also competed in strongman and arm-wrestling competitions.    His book, All About Powerlifting, is one of the best resources for anyone looking to get ridiculously strong.   Besides lifting, Tim is a husband, father, and a lifelong gamer.    Tim lives in Northern Virginia with his wife, kids, and dog.   In this episode we discuss:   His gaming history Playing Diablo with his kids NPAL Atlanta Why powerlifting vs bodybuilding Ray Williams 1,005 pound squat Taking care of yourself while powerlifting Dieting for powerlifters Why it’s better for him to gain weight The day after a powerlifting meet Biggest mistake he made at his first competition The basic rules of power

  • Ches of Live Like You Game on Positive Psychology and Games & What Makes Healthy Gaming

    21/11/2016 Duração: 01h09min

    I'm a firm believer that video games can teach gamers valuable life lessons. What I've done to teach how games can help you improve your health and fitness, my friend Ches has applied to more mental health and personal development. Ches is the creator of Live Like You Game. A website dedicated to helping you find all the unique ways video games can help bring out the best in you and how what you discover can help you improve every aspect of your life. His day job is being an engineer at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center. But his passion has become Live Like You Game. Like myself, Ches found that he was completely lost when it came to understanding or improving the most basic aspects of his life. He spent far too much time gaming and not enough time living. During his gaming sessions, he was on cloud nine. When he wasn't logged in, life felt like shit. So, like all the games he'd explored, Ches went on a new quest: a quest of self-discovery. It turns out that video games tap into deep psychological phenomenon, boost

  • Why the Idea of Balance is Bullshit

    17/11/2016 Duração: 22min

    It's the great white buffalo. Moby Dick. The Holy Grail.   Everyone is looking for it. But the sad truth is: you'll never find it.   It's not there. It doesn't 100% exist.   I'm talking about balance.   Remember balancing on a see-saw as a kid? Or standing on one leg?   You wanted to prove you could do it. That you could hold a position in perfect balance without quivering.  Sometimes you did---briefly---and other times you failed.   When it comes to health and fitness, people are searching for perfect balance. How can you balance good nutrition while eating the foods you love.   How can you balance work, life, responsibilities, and your goals of weight loss or muscle gain?   Balance is the perfect nirvanic state that you think is achievable.    Here's the truth: it's not. Balance is bullshit.   You're always teetering and tottering one side of the middle. You're never perfectly in balance.   That's not to say that striving for balance (or perfection) isn't a noble course. But, it's not about the attainment o

  • Coaches Corner: Rituals & Rules and Why We Need Them

    14/11/2016 Duração: 01h08min

    Coaches Corner: Rituals & Rules and Why We Need Them Since I chatted with Craig Ballantine, I've been intrigued by rules and rituals.   They provide meaning and structure to our day. And some of the most successful people in the world, swear by them.   I believe the first 30 minutes of your day are the most important minutes of your day.   For this month's episode of Coaches Corner, we decided to dive into and talk about our morning rituals.    At least, that's where we thought our conversation would go. Then, as we discussed and dove deeper into the idea of rituals, we realized that we have rituals with our work and diet.     The word freedom denotes some sense of "I follow no rules." But, that's not true. Rules give you freedom.   We need structure in our diets, workouts, mornings, evenings, or daily activities. Humans are creatures of habit.   Our most prized state is homeostasis. And rules and rituals help us to maintain that state.   In this episode we discuss:   First things we do when we wake up M

  • 7 Reasons You're NOT Gaining Muscle

    10/11/2016 Duração: 28min

    "Hey Robbie, why can't I gain more muscle? I'm doing all the right things but I think I'm just grinding my gears. Where are the gains?"   It's a question I receive often. Sometimes the answer is simple.   Are you training the desired muscle group enough?   No? Well, there's your answer.   Are you making sure to control the movements or are you letting gravity win the battle?   Ummm, I mean, I'm lifting heavy and grinding weight...but I'm not lifting it super slow.   Bro, slow down. Seriously, this ain't a race. Actually, if you slow it down and control the movement more with lighter weight you can build more muscle thanks to the midi-chlorians you have in your body.   "Robbie, I'm a hard gainer---I know it. I'm eating a ton of food and the scale doesn't move and neither are my measurements."   Are you tracking your calories?   No.   So, you really have no idea how much you're eating. I bet you $100 you're not eating enough. Whatever you're doing add another 500-700 calories and watch the gains come.   Here's

  • Steve Hall on How a car accident changed his life, how to make great pizza, & what Pokemon he would be

    07/11/2016 Duração: 57min

    Interview with Steve Hall   Steve Hall is a natural bodybuilder and powerlifter. His biggest claim to fame is that he's a pizza connoisseur.   But his story says otherwise. A few years ago, Steve was in a horrific accident that damn near changed every thing in his life. Even with extensive head trauma, something deep inside of Steve Hall told him that he could come back from this.   Fast forward a few years later, and Steve is now competing in bodybuilding shows and coaching others to look their best on stage.   Growing up Steve was a victim of bullying. Something that we talk a little about in this episode.   He is also a podcast host himself.   In this episode we discuss:   How he crafts his articles Mike Samuels Finding your voice in writing Training through an injury Eating and training on holiday How a car accident changed his life Bullying His first bodybuilding show after his accident The most important value he tries to display to his listeners/clients Bodybuilding and business: How they’re linked Wh

  • Community Questions: November 2016 Edition

    03/11/2016 Duração: 19min

    Booze.   We all love it. Whether it's beer, whiskey, tequila, or wine, drinking is often a social event.   And because you're  on a fat loss regimen doesn't mean you can't drink. But, it does take some planning.   However, when you're on a maintenance plan (not bulking or cutting), alcohol does some interesting things. It's calories seem to disappear.   Why?   Scientists aren't exactly sure, but in this episode, I cover more details on how to drink while dieting AND how alcohol stacks up versus fats, carbs, and protein.   In this episode I discuss:   - Strategies for drinking while dieting - The TEF of alcohol - Alcohol "ghost" calories - Fat storage and alcohol

  • Dom Mazzetti of BroScience on His New Book The Swoly Bible

    01/11/2016 Duração: 22min

    Dom Mazzetti is a man who needs no introduction.  He's the Brofessor, who delivers the essential gym we all need for optimal gains. Oh, and he's also the first illiterate man to write a book. A book he's titled: The Swoly Bible: The Bro Science Way of Life Hailing from the tri-state area, Dom, is what you might call: confidently stupid. Dom refuses to grow Dom Mazzetti absolutely refuses to entertain the thought of becoming an adult. Unless being an adult means knocking out reps for Jesus. Deep below his immaculately sculpted core, Dom Mazzetti is a great guy. just misunderstood. Dom is the type of guy that will give you the shirt off his back, even if you don't want his shirt, just so he can be shirtless. This is his first book. Just completely misunderstood, except to bros. Dom also enjoys being shirtless. Which is why he left the fridged, forgotten, wastelands of NJ for the sunny, shirtless, beaches of LA.    In this episode we discuss:   His greatest achievement More accomplished than Helen Keller Best c

  • What Are YOUR Values? (Why I Train Part Deux)

    27/10/2016 Duração: 26min

    While training one of my clients one day, I asked her why getting a pull-up was more important than a chin-up for her.   Her reason was simple: "if I'm hanging from a ledge and can't do a pull-up to save my life, I'd be mad at myself for dying that way."   That stuck with me for awhile. And even more so recently, I had an email come in, as well as a conversation with my wife, about why I do what I do.   Why do I track calories every day? Even though, I could eyeball it or follow simple rules to stay in maintenance.   Why do I train five days a week?   Why do I constantly try and better myself?   It all has to do with values.   This is a bit of an update from a former post and early podcast episode.   But it's not just about ME. I had an email come in from a listener and we chatted about why this---training, nutrition, and dedication---lifestyle is important to us.   In this episode I cover:   80/20 Principle You're not alone Finding your why Our relationships with food You may be someone's inspiration Watchi

  • Marshall Roy on Why We Need Empathy, Manhood, & What Star Wars Character Needs His Own Film

    24/10/2016 Duração: 01h09min

    I met Marshall Roy the night before Man Camp started. Over a couple of beers, I realized this dude is just as big a nerd as I am. After his presentation at Man Camp, I knew I had to have him on the podcast to chat. Marshall Roy is a personal trainer (2014 Best Personal Trainer in Philidelphia), an accomplished powerlifter, a black belt in kickboxing, and writer. Besides his numerous certifications from the National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM), an SFG level II kettlebell instructor, Precision Nutrition nutrition coach (Pn1), and certified practitioner of the Functional Movement Screen (FMS), Marshall Roy has also appeared on television fitness segments with The Weather Channel. He believes fitness is a decision you make repeatedly---for the rest of your life. But one where you don't need to try and strive for perfection. Instead, Marshall Roy would rather see you strive for excellence and consistency. Because as he says, "perfection is an illusion, but the achievements made in its pursuit are very real."

  • Pain, Happiness, & Contentment: The Struggles of Success

    20/10/2016 Duração: 23min

    During college, one of my best friends and former clients, Justin, said something that has stuck with me over the years.   "I don't want to be happy. I just want to be content."   Recently, while reading through Mark Manson's newest book, The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck: A Counterintuitive Approach to Living a Good Life, he wrote about pain and why people today seem to be running from pain and suffering.    We actively avoid it. Looking only for those moments of happiness and any reason we can avoid feeling our emotions.   But Mark asks a great question: "what are you willing to struggle for?"   Getting in shape, bettering our health, pursuing our dreams, starting a business it all seems so exciting and we can envision how the result. It's easy to imagine the happiness we'd feel waking up and looking great naked in the mirror or with a few more zeroes in our bank accounts.   But, are you willing to go through the pain to get that? Or are you just looking for those dopamine hits that make you feel happy?  

  • David Dellanave on Man Camp, Fueling His Curiosity, & What Makes a Good Cup of Coffee

    17/10/2016 Duração: 01h04min

    David Dellanave is a lifter, coach, and the owner of The Movement Minneapolis in Minneapolis, Minnesota.  He is one of the most well-known proponents of biofeedback training. He uses this to teach his clients to better understand the signals their bodies send them. He’s had the pleasure of coaching a number of international level athletes as well as gen pop clients. A few years ago, David and his friend/business partner John Romaniello, had the crazy idea of creating an even they called "Man Camp." Initially, construed as a bit of competition with their wives own event, John and David finally pulled the trigger and this year hosted Man Camp in Austin, Texas. Naturally, I went to the event. You can read my take on it here.   For more show notes head to

  • The Hidden Truth in Cliches

    13/10/2016 Duração: 25min

    Our world is full of cliches. You probably hear one every week, if not daily. Over time they wear on you and eventually become noise in the background and lose any sense of meaning to you. But hidden in those cliches are nuggets of truth. There may be a lot more behind those cliches, but it doesn't mean they're not, on some level, true. In this episode of the podcast, I throw out a handful of cliches you've heard before and break down what the truth is behind them. You can apply these truths to fitness, life, entrepreneurship, and even to your relationships.   In this episode I discuss:   Clean Eating Garbage In, Garbage Out. Eat less move more. Trust the Process Keep it Simple Stupid Rolling stone gathers no moss My Father was Darth Vader 10 Common Clichés And The Powerful Truths They Hold

  • 4 Fitness Coaches on The Awkward Moments of Life

    10/10/2016 Duração: 01h03min

    Holy. Shit. Two years ago, I hit publish on the very first Side Quest Podcast episode. I had no idea what would happen or how long it would last. But 125 episodes later, here we are. Last month, I celebrated one year of Coaches Corner. And it just so happened, that the 2nd Anniversary of the Podcast ended up being the next Coaches Corner. This time, we decide to take a break from fitness. We still nerd out in the end, but for this episode, we wanted to talk about life. Specifically, the awkward and often funny moments that we never talk about with others. Tanner Baze, Nick Sorrell, and Aadam Ali join me on this episode. It's an episode that feels like you're listening to a bunch of dudes discussing life on a road trip. It goes everywhere and anywhere. At the end, we break down our thoughts on Suicide Squad, as well as the other superhero films of 2016. For more show notes head to  

  • Community Questions October 2016

    06/10/2016 Duração: 29min

      In this, October 2016 episode of the podcast, I answer questions from the community of Heroes. How do you start a website? What about newsletters or email lists? How can I stay on task with calories if I don't count or track my macros?In this month's installment of Community Questions, I answer 3 questions from listeners or followers on social media. In this month's installment of Community Questions, I answer these two questions but I also get very personal with an issue I face with not tracking my food. Do I have a poor relationship with food?    

  • Mike Vacanti on How He'd Create a Dating App, Depth of Connection, & The Greatest Lesson He Learned from Gary Vee

    03/10/2016 Duração: 01h05min

    My good friend Mike Vacanti returns to the podcast. In his first episode, we talked about training Gary Vee, why he thinks about death, and poker. Now that he's left his job as Gary Vee's trainer, Mike has a lot going on. He's been posting daily YouTube videos, blogging, and creating reverse bets to keep his content flowing. But he's also released a macro tracking app after receiving thousands of requests from fans and readers to do their macros. Mike is one of the most authentic and hardest working guys I know in the fitness industry. And if truth be told, without Mike, there would be Side Quest Podcast or Side Quest Fitness For more show notes head to

  • How to Get Back in the Gym After a Break

    29/09/2016 Duração: 15min

    Simple Iron-Clad Strategies to Get Back in the Gym After a Break   We all get sick, go on vacation, or have long business trips that derail our fitness goals.   Sometimes these events can keep us out of the gym for weeks or longer.   And sadly, most of us make huge mistakes when we try and get back into the gym.   Start too fast Pick up where we left off weeks/months before Lift too heavy, too soon Spend the next few days moaning and complaining about how sore we are     "How do I get back in the gym after break?"   It's one of the most often asked questions I receive.   So in this podcast episode, I delve into the strategies I use to help clients get back into the groove and dust off the cobwebs after a long illness or vacation.   In this episode I discuss:   Getting back in the game The 3-4-8 strategy Taking it slow Having a "fuck it" day Phoning a "bro" or a friend  

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