Talk Gnosis



We talk about Gnosticism, esoteric religion, the occult, and more each week.


  • A Gnostic Dialogue About Thelema Between Jason & Nic Laccetti


    Host Jason Mehmel has been reading a lot of Aleister Crowley and Thelemic materials and just doesn’t quite get the appeal. So, we’re doing something different this show, it’s not an interview, it’s not a pre-written segment. Instead we paired Jason up your fav esoteric Catholic Thelemite Talk Gnosis Champion Nic Laccetti to chat and […]

  • Chaos Monk w/ Steve Dee


    Monastic practice is powerful and transformative but we can’t all quit our life for the cloisters. That’s why Steve Dee is back on the show to tell us about his new book “Chaos Monk: Bringing Magical Creativity to the New Monastic Path” which deals with bringing the spirituality of the monastery into our day-to-day spiritual […]

  • Gnostic Questions, Questions, Questions & Some Answers w/ Bishop Tim Mansfield


    You ask the questions about Gnosticism and we do our best to answer them. Bishop Tim Mansfield joins Deacon Jon and Jason to give our Gnosis and speculation and thoughts on questions submitted by you, the audience. Profound questions are asked and we go long but I feel like there’s something in this ep that […]

  • Gnosticism Hiding in Medieval Poetry & Literature w/ Natanela Elias


    Rather than being a quirky religion from almost 2000 years ago, Gnosticism weaves its self through Western culture and history, sometimes hiding, sometimes prevalent. In her book “The Gnostic Paradigm,” Natanela Elias uncovers gnostic undercurrents in the literature of late medieval England—and she’s our guest and guide as we examine the mystical knowledge hiding in […]

  • Zola Jesus & Living in Arkhonic Times


    Musician Zola Jesus comes back on the show to discuss everything from the creative process to Zen Buddhism to how to live in Gnostic times. We go through her brilliant new album “Arkhon”, a masterpiece which some can tell from name alone is a must-listen for any interested in Gnosticism, and is a work that […]

  • The Gospel of Judas w/ Dr. David Brakke


    For more than 2000 years, Judas Iscariot has been THE villain and betrayer. BUT in a lost-until-recently text the ancient Gnostics had an actual Gospel of Judas where Judas is… a hero? a religious leader? an ambiguous figure? an evil demon? the new god of this world?! So you can guess interpreting this text isn’t […]

  • Found Christianities w/ Dr. M.David Litwa


    From believing Jesus is a cosmic space dragon to the need to build a communal heaven on earth, there were a variety of different Christian beliefs and doctrines from a variety of lost Christianities in the 2nd Century. To find out more about these groups and their fascinating, and to modern people maybe trippy, teachings […]

  • The Cathars: History, Myth, Or….? w/ Dr. Justin Sledge


    The Cathars were medieval dualists who lived in what’s now Southern France/Northern Italy and created an alternative parallel Gnostic church of peace and light until they were wiped out by crusade and inquisition… um…right…? The Cathars have captured the imaginations of artists and storytellers for millennia but but BUT *some* scholars now believe that much […]

  • Johannite Gnostic Tradition & Fabré-Palaprat w/ Bishop Shaun McCann, Pt 2


    Check out the Johannite Church at: Join us at our yearly conference, our conclave: For more on Palaprat and the modern Johannite tradition, Bishop Shaun did a three part talk here:  [audiosrc=]  —————– Become a patron:​​ 

  • Johannite Gnostic Tradition & Fabré-Palaprat w/ Bishop Shaun McCann, Pt 1


    In the early 1800s in Paris, the physician Bernard-Raymond Fabré-Palaprat discovered (or claimed to discover, or was led to believe he discovered) a secret Gnostic tradition that stretched back in time to the medieval Templars and then even further back to John the Baptist, Jesus, and John the Evangelist. To talk to us about both […]

  • The Gnosis of Georges Bataille w/ Emmalea Russo & Nic Laccetti


    Georges Bataille (1897–1962) was a French philosopher, author, surrealist, poet, writer of erotica, sociologist, a master of transgression and filth, a founder of a secret society, and a mystic…well a mystic of some sort…you’ll see…and a whole lot of other things! To get a handle on this unique thinker, one who associated some of his […]

  • Temple Theology & The Book of Secret John w/ Bishop Tim Mansfield


    Temple Theology posits a secret lost tradition that lies behind Western religion and mysticism… and the now unveiled mysteries of Temple Theology shine a new light on both Gnosticism and one of its most famous texts: The Secret Book of John Become a patron:​​ [audiosrc=]

  • Part 2: The Secret Book of John Revealed


    Make sure you check out part 1 at: The Secret Book of John aka The Apocryphon of John is often considered the paradigm of the Gnostic myth, what many people think of when they think of Gnosticism. Though lost for more than 1200 years it was influential in its time and since its rediscovery […]

  • The Secret Book of John Revealed Part 1


    The Secret Book of John aka The Apocryphon of John is often considered the paradigm of the Gnostic myth, what many people think of when they think of Gnosticism. Though lost for more than 1200 years it was influential in its time and since its rediscovery has been blowing minds and bestowing Gnosis. It’s a […]

  • The Secret Technique of the Secret Societies w/ Sam Robinson


    The Golden Dawn, the OTO, Memphis-Misraim Masonry, Theosophy, all are esoteric societies who’ve influenced and guided spiritual seekers, artists, and thinkers–and a secret powerful technique and meditative practice is shared by all of them…well at least some streams in these movements, it’s complicated. Sam Robinson from returns to pick up where he left off […]

  • REUP: A Secret Chief, A Hidden Path of Transformation w/ Sam Robinson


    Sam Robinson of comes on Talk Gnosis to reveal a secret Rosicrucian adept and a hidden path of spiritual transformation, a technique of inner alchemy, that’s been a huge influence on a vast variety of spiritual teachers and esoteric movements. Get Sam’s book, “Alois Mailander: A Rosicrucian Remembered” at Go to not […]

  • The Gnostic “Book of Revelation”


    Do you feel like the world’s ending? Well, you might be right (this time) but for thousands of years people have seen THE END just around the corner and the canonical Book of Revelation from the Christian bible has inspired thousands of years of paranoia and division but also amazing art, literature, empowerment for the […]

  • Nonduality, Zen Gnosis, Unitarian Mysticism w/ Rev. James Ishmael Ford


    The Rev. James Ishmael Ford is an American Zen Buddhist priest, a Unitarian Universalist minister, writer, and a spiritual seeker who’s explored and been connected to the last 60 years or so of religious developments in the West. Our frank, funny, and enlightening (literally) conversation touches on everything to nonduality to the quirks of modern […]

  • The Sophisians, Napoleon’s Sorcerers w/ Dr. Darius Spieth


    A mysterious group of soldiers, theatre artists, writers, and mystics tried to bring the magic and mystery of ancient Egypt into 19th Century France through the Sacred Order of the Sophisians. A long forgotten secret society with some Gnostic qualities, the Sophisians are a fascinating group because of their beliefs, rituals, art, and entanglements with […]

  • Gnosticism & Mysticism in the Gospel of Mark


    The canonical Gospel of Mark is one of the oldest Christian documents and while many Christian mystics and Gnostics may not pay much attention to it we think it might reveal some esoteric secrets of the universe if looked at through new eyes. To talk about Mark and Gnosticism we put together another panel of […]

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