Branches. Sunday.



listen to messages from branches in spokane, wa.


  • stories sought.


    Our Seeking the Story series concludes with some thoughts from Mike about life thesis statements, and some moving stirrings from others regarding stories they pulled from the arbor.

  • move along little ducky, I love you.


    Mike talks about the balance of joy and pain and the world. And how negating one or the for the sake of the other, albeit a tendency, does a great disservice.

  • leaving the womb.


    Josh Bosse, our special guest, shares a highly insightful and subversive account of the often problematic story found in genesis 3.

  • looking for the living among the dead.


    Lis talks about the process of deconstruction and waking up to the resurrected Christ all around.

  • cedars, seeds, and the whole shebang


    Mike talks about Ezekiel 17, the parable of the mustard seed, and the residence of the Divine being all

  • the kingdom of heaven is like _______.


    Mike talks about what the word mystic means and uses some statements by Jesus as a guide.

  • sacred feminine.


    Emily and Mike debrief Emily's time at the sacred feminine retreat and go over the beauty and necessity of a more feminine view of God.

  • edge to edge.


    Mike talks about how living proximally could be the story we dive into to help reorient the larger stories of injustice. The poem / video shown can be found here -

  • it's all water.


    Not recorded was a conversation about the injustice happening at our border. Check out the newsletter for actions steps on that. Mike talks about water and its pervasiveness and how that same way of being is a metaphor for Christ.

  • rocks and reeds.


    Lis talks about rocks, reeds and the ability to not have it all figured out. And our ability to tell stories. And a story telling God. A trifecta!

  • the stranger among you.


    A Vampire Weekend music video stirs up conversation about where the Divine can be ushered in (hint: everywhere. perhaps especially in the stranger.) It was an interactive Sunday of walking through the neighborhood, so maybe you could do the same?! Video referenced -

  • you are holy because you are.


    Mike talks about how apple trees and rocks hold the secret to what we, and everything that exists, are.

  • what do 7 irons, squirrels and labatt blue have in common? old wineskins.


    Mike talks about how we often hold on to what worked once rather than making space for something new.

  • seeking the story intro.


    Mike talks about how stories can be a tool to lure out the Christ in every thing. He also introduces our new series Seeking the Story.

  • the god who sees.


    Lis Kraus, our Twigs coordinator, talks about learning to remember the moments when God has seen you. She uses the story of Sarah and Hagar as the medium to her message.

  • differentiation to integration.


    Aaron talks about the Avengers and moving from differentiation to integration.

  • bryan john appleby.


    Singer / Songwriter Bryan John Appleby joins us for a conversation about unbelief and belief. He and Mike discuss how - rather than being an enemy of belief - unbelief can call out and question certain assumed tenets of belief and, in turn, allow belief to look at itself honestly and grow and evolve into new forms. Songs played in this order: The Silent Shepherd Noah's Nameless Wife … And the Revelation Sprout Praise the Void

  • the spaces in-between.


    Mike talks about an older couple he met at a Richard Rohr conference, Jesus walking on water and the value in 6 hour car rides to alien museums.

  • the widening of the table.


    Janeen talks about the disruption we see in Mark 7 and the possibility that in the disruption of a certain way of thought, a new one can be born.

  • abundance.


    We can often feel like we need to gain and attain. But perhaps a verse in John and reality itself points us instead to abundance rather than lack.

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