Boundless Grace Church



Boundless Grace Church


  • Bread, Wine, and Dirty Feet pt 2

    01/06/2014 Duração: 4035h00s

    The Spirit was sent to “help” the followers of Christ be successful in carrying out His plan of Salvation on the earth. ​ You shall receive power to testify. You shall receive revelation. You shall receive gifts to help you build my Church: You shall receive help in becoming Christ-like.

  • Imitate Who

    25/05/2014 Duração: 4047h00s

    1.Those who imitate God best are those who appreciate his grace the most. ​ 2.Those who imitate God best are those who imitate his walk and not just his talk 3.Those who imitate God best are those who decide to sin the least.

  • Growing Believers

    18/05/2014 Duração: 4411h00s

    Growing Believers rip off the rags of their old life Growing believers are all ears in the context of teaching ministry in the church Growing believers make it their business to build people up rather than beat them up


    11/05/2014 Duração: 2862h00s

    Rose Maxwell's Testimony & Encouragement on Mother's Day

  • Bread, Wine, and Dirty Feet

    04/05/2014 Duração: 3060h00s

    Jesus washed the dirty feet of his disciples to illustrate the all powerful truth: people don’t care what you know until they know that you care. Jesus broke bread with his disciples to illustrate the necessity of being bruised so that they could be blessed. Jesus drank wine with his disciples to illustrate the Superior power of his blood to cleanse our souls from sin and shame.

  • Learning to live a WE life in a ME world

    27/04/2014 Duração: 2896h00s

    Walking worthy of our calling means assuming personal responsibility for the unity in the community. Three essential qualities manifested by those whose walk is worthy: Humility, Gentleness, Patience Churches that maintain unity command the blessing of God

  • What a Difference a Day Makes

    20/04/2014 Duração: 3296h00s

    We don't always recognized God, even when He's right next to us (v13-26). The scriptures are essential to recognizing Jesus for who He really is (v27). Spiritual clarity often comes on the heels of despair (v28-35).

  • Unity in the Church Community

    15/04/2014 Duração: 1683h00s

    One Body, One Spirit, One Hope, One Lord, One Faith, One Baptism, One God and Father

  • Righteous Prayers for a Real Church

    06/04/2014 Duração: 2728h00s

    Paul Prays that the Church be filled with the Spirit so that faith would be ignited among the saints. Paul prays that the church would comprehend the love of Christ, not as second hand knowledge that merely fills the mind, but personal knowledge that transforms the heart. Paul’s prays that the Church would be filled with the fullness of God, which will edify the saints and glorify God.


    30/03/2014 Duração: 3755h00s

    I. Paul was delighted to share the profound mystery of grace II. Paul was delighted by the privilege afforded him by grace III. Paul was delighted to pray for the Spirit’s ministry among the church Application: 1. We must first embrace the message of grace ourselves and reject the lie that we are unworthy to be used of God. 2. Befriend people who have yet to understand grace and be sensitive to the Holy Spirit. Don’t force God on anyone. 3. Be a good listener. Evangelism is as much about listen as it is talking. 4. Recognize sharing your faith is about story not steps, it’s about relationship not outcomes.

  • Climate Change We Can All Agree With Pt.2

    24/03/2014 Duração: 2627h00s

    Remember that Christ came, not to create a new religion, but a new man. Remember that Christ came to make you His Holy Temple.


    16/03/2014 Duração: 2106h00s

    Remember how you felt when you were labeled by the religious right. Remember that you too we're once on the wrong side of truth. Remember what Christ did for you apart from any effort on your part.

  • You were born prepared for divine purposes

    09/03/2014 Duração: 3088h00s

    We are created in Christ Jesus to make manifest the glory of God. We were created in Christ Jesus for the purpose of good works not just good words. We were created in Christ Jesus for preordained purposes to further God’s agenda on earth.


    02/03/2014 Duração: 2405h00s

    People who recognize the grace of God come to realize their need of it. People who recognize the grace of God recognize both the giver and the gift. People who recognize the grace of God make it their goal to live for the benefit of others.

  • Addicted Free Living

    23/02/2014 Duração: 3236h00s

    The Gospel is Sufficient to Set Captives Free. I am not ashamed of the gospel because it completely restores sin ridden people back to God. I am not ashamed of the gospel because it promises power from the Holy Spirit to break free from the cravings of the flesh. I am not ashamed of the gospel because it is available to anyone who will reach out to Christ by faith.

  • Illumination - God desires us to know Him better

    16/02/2014 Duração: 2351h00s

    God desires that we know Him better. Knowing God better will require assistance from the Holy Spirit. Three things we must know to know God better (personally)

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