Add Masterminds



A podcast about everything... and nothing.


  • 39: If You Don't Read My Book, You're Going to Hell

    25/07/2020 Duração: 01h33min

    Bridge Livwat and Jimmy Humphrey talk about radio voice, Zoom small group, Jesus vs. Caesar during COVID-19, standing or kneeling during national anthem, new sport franchise names, sports during COVID-19, drug testing, being born again, ranking people, boos, and problematic terms.

  • 38:

    04/07/2020 Duração: 59min

    Bridge Livwat and Jeff Dornik solve Aunt Jemima, talk about sins we identify with, originality, how power changes our incentives, the analytical brain and COVID-19.

  • 37: As American as Orange Bananas

    20/06/2020 Duração: 56min

    Bridge Livwat and Jimmy Humphrey talk about why people protest, arguing with idiots, decoys of the enemy, satire, being drunk on our own fruit, being chosen by God even though there are better people for the job, Gideon, COVID-19, and Netflix.

  • 36: Beware of Your Elephant

    23/05/2020 Duração: 01h17min

    Bridge Livwat and @sttheosaurusrex talk about too much change too fast, gatekeeper gatekeepers, the righteous mind and the art and science of every profession.

  • 35: Sweet Sweet Jimmy the Talking Table

    09/05/2020 Duração: 01h39min

    Bridge Livwat, Jeff Hendricks and Jimmy Humphrey talk about Tiger King, life sentence with an asterisk, Netflix, animals and heaven, grief, the pamphlet hero, fact planets, The Doctor in Black, What Bridge thinks is overrated, social distancing, quarantine, sporting events with no crowds.

  • 34: Something About an Algorithm

    11/04/2020 Duração: 01h33min

    Bridge Livwat and Jeff Hendricks talking about not talking Tiger King, Tik Tok, algorhythm in your brain, Childlike wonder, the brain’s reticular activation system, childlike vs. childish, business growth models applied to the church, Devin Townsend’s giftedness, art that helps people vs. art that hurts people, Compulsive creativity, bands that are inspired by other bands, Horton Hears a Who, removing stumbling blocks, pointing out the darkness and leading people the light, Alisa Childers and Christian Musicians’ Musicians.

  • 33: Scape Greatest Of All Time

    05/04/2020 Duração: 01h27min

    Bridge Livwat, Jimmy Humphrey and TheosaurusRex talk about treading water, scapegoating, wherever people are rn, The Menno Mob, Vincent and the Doctor vs Joker: mental health in media,  our music was much better, having a hospitable mind, sermon - stop it, first page search rankings, and seeing the world with Jesus’ eyes.

  • 32: Jimmy Has a Six Pack

    21/03/2020 Duração: 01h07min

    Bridge Livwat, @sttheosaurusrex, and Jimmy Humphrey discuss the chimpocalypse, COVID19 denial mode, stages of grief with COVID19, our freedom and its infringement on others’ freedom, empowering others, final Bachelor update, favorite Simpsons moments, and Godspell.

  • 31: Deep Goofball

    22/02/2020 Duração: 01h05min

    Bridge Livwat and @sttheosaurusrex discuss Ok baby, the unchanging God, the struggle for Holiness, fiercely protecting the wholesome vs letting people do things without concern, having others' fight our battles, entertaining guests, fruitfulness and happiness, money in ministry, N.A.S.A., how to sound high, let us lettuce, words that sound cool with accents, raw materials and art/prophecy, the sound of the rain, everything is X, making a confession.

  • 30: Naked in Heaven

    01/02/2020 Duração: 01h26min

    Bridge Livwat and @sttheosaurusrex talk about being naked in heaven, the lost art of encouragement, Godfather favors, Star Wars hot takes, forgiveness love languages, acts of compassion leading to stress reduction, toxic people, dumb theology arguments‬, learning from atheists, if you were the only one, the pastoral don’t care guy, the refreshing nature of the truth and a tested new attack, the mantle of calling, establishing equality and justice by making yourself less weighty.

  • 29: Justin Bieber is Canada's Kanye West

    11/01/2020 Duração: 37min

    Bridge Livwat, Jimmy Humphrey & @sttheosaurusrex discuss: called to suffering or God making the best of your poor decisions, hating everything about someone you hate wholesome, Wisdom from the bachelorette, Being AuthenticAF or Perception is reality, the Ender Wiggen school of retaliation, and "I'm so much better at being humble."

  • 28 - @sttheosaurusrex The Fancy Dinosaur

    21/12/2019 Duração: 01h25min

    Bridge Livwat, Jimmy Humphrey and Immanuel Marsh talk about accents, life coaches, hypocritical professionals, parents suck, seeing the shortcomings in other people but not us, coping with the fact that rain falls in the righteous and the wicked, scamming the scammers, artificial intelligence/automation, more imagination to think rationally, being a band, soundcloud for viral tweets, metrics, futurepassive/futureguided, enneagram, test small before big, Bill Murray, things that have become our things, the cat meme, getting out of your lane as much as possible, everybody is a monkey a gun, counseling people who have trauma, God & consciousness radio signal‬ and group pics.

  • 27: Okay Zoomer!

    23/11/2019 Duração: 01h14min

    Bridge Livwat and @stthoesaurusrex talk about ASMR, lucid dreaming, loving hurting people, being nice to your friendly neighborhood retail employee, Ok Boomer, manufacturing controversy for clout, the doing being balance, goldfish creativity, untouchable day, grace, giftedness, what we are not good at, confidence vs. arrogance, being a rock star, identity surgery, how much of me is required, why people are anal jerks and the perils of trying to read peoples’ minds.

  • 26: Humility, Love and Star Screw Drivers

    09/11/2019 Duração: 55min

    Bridge Livwat, Jeff Dornik & Jimmy Humphrey talk about weird responses to “how y’all doing?”, saying stuff no one else is saying, Jimmy don’t do music, making strangers laugh, star ratings for churches, becoming more productive, Wilson Fisk, what happens when eating together, “Wut”: next level “what”, poo flavored yogurt loserthink, cognitive dissonance as a coping mechanism, personality types, Recess (this whomps), elephant rider emotion logic analogy, not overthinking complicated stuff, defining  love from a broken identity. 

  • Episode 25: Still Small Voice with Jimmy Humphrey

    14/09/2019 Duração: 01h17min

    John and Jimmy Humphrey discuss a purely hypothetical ADD Masterminds Cruise, Ken Ham, recognizing God’s voice, giving birth is gross, essential oils, miracle mystery & authority, clanging cymbals, our addiction to stimulation, our pseudo-connected society, like a real person, psychedelic Beatles, the key to contentment, living out our callings, experiments in science & experiments in art, art emulation of nature, and the chances of your family killing you.

  • Episode 24: Can't Argue With That...

    03/08/2019 Duração: 01h27min

    John & @sttheosaurusrex talk about McDonald’s butt cushions at church, pastors giving us “this one for free‬”, @sttheosaurusrex’s not ex-girlfriend Hannah Brown, black pants store, duct tape solutions, can’t argue with that‬, power & character, mad problem solving skills, compartmentalized Christianity, being fully congruent, having a challenge network, responsibility to warn others, men’s modesty, and the 10 million dollar mistake.

  • Ep. 23: I Know Things About Things!

    22/06/2019 Duração: 01h23min

    John & @sttheosaurusrex discuss: mumble podcasting, gambling, dreams, humbly owning a room, Tyler Joseph, knowing things about things the foundational knowledge of the average American, Wisdom, diversity, protesting, primitive emotions,  your emotional wake, biobreaks, playing some ball, biting off a little more than you can chew, Will Smith & world class content, giftedness, hedgehog vs. fox, wisdom of crowds vs. stupidity of groupthink, more blessed than you apparel.  

  • Episode 22: Like an Angel Screaming in My Ear

    13/04/2019 Duração: 01h14min

    John & @sttheosaurusrex talk about the difference between shame & conviction, an angel screaming in my ear, pretty people, smiles & sadness, learning about God from children, singleness, Gaither vocal band, details of our lives, social media sabbath, 12 year old dying, woman bleeding 12 years, I don’t get astronomy, Velcro Teflon mind theory, Do winners leave YouTube comments, Likes incentive on social media, making things pornographic, John’s salvation axiom, feelings don’t care about facts, being an empath, valleys are pretty

  • Episode 21: Put an F in the Chat

    30/03/2019 Duração: 01h04min

    John & @sttheosaurusrex talk about Pee Pee Island, the best is not always the favourite, NCIS,  hotdogs are sandwiches and other facts that don't care about your feelings, being fully human, F for lifeway , the Bible as a manual vs a window,  the purpose of prophecy, the faith paradox, mormons, catholics, & baptists, get behind me satan, the femininity of God, plus John gives a hot take on why the gospel is offensive.  

  • Episode 20: Worst Baby Ever

    09/03/2019 Duração: 01h16min

    ADD Masterminds polls, fave robots, fave punctation names, apologizing when you did nothing wrong, things that sound good to pray, but you probably shouldn't, Youtube “celebrities”, artists, soul ideals phantom pains, talking to your past self, conspiracy theories, new word: mathemartoscientologicemotional, fear of empathy, the weight of babies, judging babies *correction, John says “Sam Smith”, he means “Sam Harris”

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