Restoration: A Messianic Synagogue In Seattle



Restoration is a Messianic Syanagogue in Seattle. Our mission is to lead people become fully devoted followers of Yeshua. Matt Rosenberg is the Rabbi of Restoration in Seattle and his sermon series are practical and relevant and come out of both the Tanakh (Hebrew Scriptures) and the Messianic Writings (New Testament). You can also find our messages on iTunes and the free Restoration Seattle App (for iPhone, Android, & Windows Phone).


  • Work As Worship - Ruth Part 3

    01/06/2024 Duração: 31min

    Every job and project offers opportunities to worship God through our work, to enjoy His blessings, and to give thanks for all the good that comes from our work. Do not worry, and do not be afraid. The King has given us His Kingdom, and when we work for the glory of God, He will provide everything we need in this Tov Meod (very Good) creation. Watch "Worship As Work" part 3 of our Ruth series as we approach Shavuot!Link: #Pentecost #thehappyrabbi #seattle #jewish #messianic #restorationseattle #JewishinSeattle 

  • Conspiracy of Kindness

    25/05/2024 Duração: 24min

    There are two types of Chesed (loyal love) in the Bible: Chesed in relationship to God and Chesed in relationship to other people. We often desire kindness and mercy for ourselves, but justice for other people. There is nothing God wants more than to pour out His Chesed on those who know they don’t deserve it. When you know you don’t deserve it, and you are shown Chesed by God anyway, you can freely share Chesed with those who don’t deserve it in your life. The only conspiracy that truly matters in life is "The Conspiracy of Kindness."Link: #Pentecost #Ruth #thehappyrabbi #seattle #jewish #messianic #restorationseattle #JewishinSeattle

  • Famine to Fullnes - Ruth Part 1

    18/05/2024 Duração: 34min

    The Book of Ruth is not a fairy tale. The characters are not one-dimensional moral characters in a fairy tale. It's not a romantic comedy. Instead, it's a real, painful, sorrowful story that follows the tragedies of the book of Judges and leads to the story of King David, and ultimately to Yeshua our Messiah, a perfect savior who comes through a broken family, just like us. Jump into the book of Ruth with us as we approach Shavuot!Link: #Pentecost #Ruth #thehappyrabbi #seattle #jewish #messianic #restorationseattle #JewishinSeattle 

  • Nothing New Happened in Acts Chapter Two

    11/05/2024 Duração: 29min

    Christians often believe the "Church" began in Acts 2, but it started at Mt Sinai when Israel gathered to receive the Torah. Acts 2 is the fulfillment of God's promises to the Jewish people twice, on Shavuot, 1500 years apart, with the giving of the Torah and the Holy Spirit. To learn more, watch "Nothing New Happened in Acts Chapter Two!"Link: #Pentecost #thehappyrabbi #seattle #jewish #messianic #restorationseattle #JewishinSeattle 

  • Be Rich

    04/05/2024 Duração: 30min

    In 1 Timothy 6, Paul advises the rich to accumulate wealth through good deeds, generosity, and sharing. He warns against trusting in riches and encourages them to trust in God who provides everything so that we can share it with others. Our last message in our series "The Good Fight" might just change your life if you tune in!Link: #seattle #jewish #messianic #restorationseattle #JewishinSeattle 

  • Yeshua, The Passover Lamb

    27/04/2024 Duração: 24min

    To understand the death and resurrection of Jesus, you must understand the sacrificial system and the Passover Lamb. This Passover, discover how Yeshua is our Passover Lamb.Link: #Pesach #PassoverLamb #thehappyrabbi #seattle #jewish #messianic #restorationseattle #JewishinSeattle 

  • Passover & A God Who Keeps Promises

    20/04/2024 Duração: 29min

    "Promise" refers to something that will happen in the future. It is not possible to promise something that has already taken place in the past. Unfortunately, we have had experiences with broken promises. However, we know that God never breaks His promises. He made promises to our ancestors, and although they did not always see the fulfillment of those promises during their lifetime, we have seen them come true. As we begin Passover, we remember that we worship a God who always keeps His promises.Link: #Pesach #PassoverLamb #thehappyrabbi #seattle #jewish #messianic #restorationseattle #JewishinSeattle 

  • Video Passover Seder

    19/04/2024 Duração: 50min

    Restoration presents this free Video Messianic Passover Guide which is now available on the Restoration App, Facebook, and YouTube. You can use it at your home and share it with your friends. It is the third-best seder ever, after Moses and Yeshua, and it will take less than an hour!Passover begins at sundown on April 22 and ends sundown on April 29 (only 7 days in the written Torah)! Happy Passover and enjoy!Link: #Pesach #PassoverLamb #thehappyrabbi #seattle #jewish #messianic #restorationseattle #JewishinSeattle 

  • Carry The Weight of Honor

    13/04/2024 Duração: 28min

    Marty McFly once said to Doc Brown about the responsibility of the space-time continuum, "That's heavy!" Interestingly, the Hebrew word for honor means heavy or weighty. The way we honor our parents, which is the fifth commandment of the ten, has a direct impact on how we honor God and other people around us. It's a heavy responsibility that we have to carry. You can learn more by checking out the message on how to "carry the weight of honor."Link: #seattle #jewish #messianic #restorationseattle #JewishinSeattle 

  • Live What You Teach

    06/04/2024 Duração: 29min

    It is important to practice what you preach and let your beliefs influence your actions and words. This will help you live a more authentic and truthful life. As Paul advised Timothy, let us help you "Live What You Teach!"Link: #seattle #jewish #messianic #restorationseattle #JewishinSeattle 

  • The Way of Life or The Way of Death

    30/03/2024 Duração: 27min

    Everyone has choices in life. The Psalmist highlights the fact that the people we associate with can greatly impact our attitudes and behaviors, and that it is important to choose our companions wisely. This age-old lesson still holds true today, as the company we keep has the potential to either uplift us or bring us down. Choices matter and the wisdom of Psalm 1 leads us away from the path of death and towards the path of life!Link: #seattle #jewish #messianic #restorationseattle #JewishinSeattle 

  • See God Anyway

    23/03/2024 Duração: 28min

    God is always with us, even when we can't see or feel His presence. And sometimes, the difficult and painful experiences we go through can lead us to greater joy and growth in the end. It's like God is throwing a party for us, inviting us to embrace all of life's ups and downs and celebrate the journey. This Purim, amidst the chaos of the world, we must strive to "See God Anyway." Let us show you how!Link: #Esther #thehappyrabbi #seattle #jewish #messianic #restorationseattle #JewishinSeattle 

  • Believe, Repent & Live

    16/03/2024 Duração: 28min

    Take a journey through Biblical & Historical context to understand the Gospel through a bronze snake on a pole in the Torah. Jesus uses this symbol to explain the concept of being born again to a Pharisee. The story's central message, in John 3, is that one can avoid condemnation and death by believing, repenting, and living. The path to life requires death, and the very things that cause harm may be the ones that God uses to make someone look up and see Yeshua. Watch "Believe, Repent & Live" today!Link: #seattle #jewish #messianic #restorationseattle #JewishinSeattle 

  • What Did Jesus Say About the Sabbath?

    09/03/2024 Duração: 30min

    The Pharisees accused Yeshua of breaking the Sabbath in the First Century. They were developing their own system of interpretation of the Written Torah, which became known as the Oral Torah. The accusations had more to do with their own authority and man-made laws than the commandments of God. Let us show you what Jesus said about Shabbat and how He understood the significance of the seven-day cycle that he built into the fabric of creation.Link: #seattle #jewish #messianic #restorationseattle #JewishinSeattle 

  • The Great Mystery of Godliness

    02/03/2024 Duração: 33min

    In the community (ekklesia) of the Living God, all leaders must follow the service model laid out in the Torah and by Paul in 1 Timothy 3. It is important to avoid the benefaction model of Ancient Rome, which was based on personal gain and instead use our position as a platform to serve others. The ultimate goal is to become humble servants, rather than behaving like Gentile Lords. This is the "Great Mystery of Godliness" that all followers of Yeshua must keep in mind, as it is crucial to lead by serving others. Watch the message today!Link: #seattle #jewish #messianic #restorationseattle #JewishinSeattle 

  • Ordinary People & Extraordinary Things

    24/02/2024 Duração: 30min

    It is not necessary to be extraordinary or "extra-ordinary" to influence others. In fact, you can achieve this through ordinariness. Living a life of "faithfulness and love and holiness, with sound judgment," and striving to lead a peaceful and quiet life while embodying godliness and respectfulness are the keys to influencing others. It is important to be mindful of your outward conduct and how others perceive you, including those who may be outside of your immediate circle.Link: #seattle #jewish #messianic #restorationseattle #JewishinSeattle

  • Dare To Be A Sinner

    17/02/2024 Duração: 29min

    In 1 Timothy 2, Paul advised Timothy to live with godliness and respect towards everyone. He emphasized the superiority of Yeshua over Artemis in Ephesus, a city dominated by the Temple of Artemis, without ever mentioning her name. Paul warned Timothy that having bad character, even when doing things right, leads to doing everything wrong and having a false sense of righteousness. As Bonhoeffer said, we have to create communities that "Dare To Be Sinners" so we can lead other "great and desperate sinners" back to God. Learn more in this weeks message “Dare To Be A Sinner.”Link: #seattle #jewish #messianic #restorationseattle #JewishinSeattle 

  • The Goal of the Torah

    10/02/2024 Duração: 33min

    Paul had a realization long before the Oral Torah was codified. He understood that man-made rules are not Torah. While customs, traditions, guidelines, and rules are not inherently bad, they become problematic when people add their own man-made rules to God's commandments and treat them as equal to the Written Torah. Paul found that Messiah is the goal of the Torah and that Yeshua's words are given as Torah! Let us show you how in this weeks message!Link: #seattle #jewish #messianic #restorationseattle #JewishinSeattle 

  • The Good Fight

    03/02/2024 Duração: 31min

    In a world where social media has made it challenging to distinguish between real and self-proclaimed experts, it's important to choose battles wisely. Paul's advice to Timothy on fighting the good fight against those misusing the Torah to harm people in Ephesus is a reminder to stand up for what's right without getting caught up in unnecessary conflicts. Let us show you how in the first message in a new series on 1 Timothy called "The Good Fight."Link: #seattle #jewish #messianic #restorationseattle #JewishinSeattle 

  • Make A Differnece

    27/01/2024 Duração: 28min

    Everyone knows the Jewish people are chosen by God, but most, including most Jewish people themselves, do not know the purpose of this chosenness. The truth is that we are chosen to make the God of Israel known to the nations. Through Yeshua, Gentiles are also chosen for the same purpose - to make God known. If you want to make a difference watch this weeks message "Make A Difference."Link: #seattle #jewish #messianic #restorationseattle #JewishinSeattle 

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