4g Family



Lessons from the 4G class at Covenant Baptist Church, Lancaster, SC.


  • Isaiah -- Chapter 6: When Isaiah Saw the Lord

    03/01/2016 Duração: 37min

    This lesson covers chapter 6 which starts with one of most well known verses in Isaiah:  "In the year that King Uzziah died, I saw the Lord."  Uzziah became king at the age of 16 and reigned for 52 years and "did right in the sight of the Lord." However, pride lead to corruption when Uzziah tried to usurp the authority of the priest and was cursed. The chapter includes an unparalleled description of the glory of the Lord and His attending angels. We must not forget the holiness of God. As a reminder, Keith Green's version of "Holy, Holy, Holy" was played. Isaiah 6 also includes Isaiah's testimony of his commissioning "Here I am, send me!"

  • Isaiah -- Chapter 5: God Has a Claim On Us

    27/12/2015 Duração: 35min

    In this chapter we hear a song of a vineyard -- a vineyard prepared by God with every thing needed for success. But, the only yield was bitter grapes.  The hearers of this are then invited into the story:  "What more could I've done?", God asks.  The answer comes quickly and in the form of judgment and curse. There's a description of various "woes" that follow -- evidences of how crazy things have become now that the people have rebelled against the Lord.  The chapter closes with the sound of hoofbeats -- the army that is coming at God's command!

  • Isaiah -- Chapters 3-4 -- Judgment and the Branch of the Lord

    21/12/2015 Duração: 37min

    Completing the prophetic section that began in Chapter 2, Art Morris finds an unexpected connection with Christmas.  Isaiah 4:2-6 are the focal verses: 2In that day the Branch of the Lord will be beautiful and glorious, and the fruit of the earth will be the pride and the adornment of the survivors of Israel. 3It will come about that he who is left in Zion and remains in Jerusalem will be called holy—everyone who is recorded for life in Jerusalem. 4When the Lord has washed away the filth of the daughters of Zion and purged the bloodshed of Jerusalem from her midst, by the spirit of judgment and the spirit of burning, 5then the Lord will create over the whole area of Mount Zion and over her assemblies a cloud by day, even smoke, and the brightness of a flaming fire by night; for over all the glory will be a canopy. 6There will be a shelter to give shade from the heat by day, and refuge and protection from the storm and the rain.  New American Standard Bible: 1995 update. (1995). (Is 4:2–6). LaHabra,

  • Isaiah -- Chapter 2

    14/12/2015 Duração: 28min

    *The next section in Isaiah starts with Chapter 2 and goes through Chapter 4.  Bill Morris covers the first half of this in this lesson.  A recurring theme of judgment is represented by Isaiah 2:17: 17The pride of man will be humbled And the loftiness of men will be abased; And the Lord alone will be exalted in that day,  New American Standard Bible: 1995 update. (1995). (Is 2:17). LaHabra, CA: The Lockman Foundation. *The volume of this recording is low because of a technical glitch.

  • Isaiah -- Chapter 1: When God Says "I've had it with you!"

    06/12/2015 Duração: 36min

    This first chapter has themes of judgment, God's righteousness, God's offer of correction, and God's promise to discipline those whom He loves. We learn that when man sins, God is faithful to confront and point the way back to reconciliation.

  • Introduction to Isaiah Part 2

    29/11/2015 Duração: 34min

    Part 2 of the Introduction to Isaiah by Bill Morris. See also the chart of the kings of Judah (The Southern Kingdom) and Israel (The Northern Kingdom).  

  • Introduction to Isaiah -- Part 1

    22/11/2015 Duração: 26min

    As the Covenant 4g class begins its study in Isaiah, Bill Morris outlines the course. Below find the week by week plan:   OUTLINE OF ISAIAH   1.     Judah’s sins confronted 1:1-31 2.     Judah’s hope 2:1-5 3.     Judah’s guilt 2:6 through 4:1 4.     Judah’s hope 4:2-6 5.     Judah’s sins condemned 5:1-30 6.     Grace—through judgement---for Isaiah 6:1-13 7.     Grace—through judgement—for Judah 7:1 through 9:7 8.     Grace—through judgement—for Israel  9:8 through 11:16 9.     The enjoyment of God’s grace 12:1-6 10.  Oracles—Babylon 13:1 through 14:27 11.  Oracles—Philistia 14:28-32 *(Chapters 15 through 23 are God’s judgement of the nations—we will skip these chapters in our study) 12.  The wasted city  24:1-20 13.  The Lord will punish 24:21-23 14.  He will swallow up death forever 25:1-12 15.  He will ordain peace 26:1-21 16.  The whole world will be fruitful 27:1-13 17.  The proud crown of Ephraim 28:1-29 18.  The city where David encamped 29:1-14 19.  Those who turned thing upside d

  • Philemon

    09/11/2015 Duração: 34min
  • Colossians 3:1-11

    19/10/2015 Duração: 36min
  • Colossians 1:21-29

    21/09/2015 Duração: 30min
  • Colossians 1:9-20

    14/09/2015 Duração: 34min
  • Colossians 1:1-8

    07/09/2015 Duração: 32min
  • Philippians 4, Part 3

    31/08/2015 Duração: 48min
  • Philippians 4, Part 2

    24/08/2015 Duração: 33min
  • Philippians 4

    17/08/2015 Duração: 31min

    In this episode, Bill Morris, leads the class in studying the first verses of Philippians 4. It includes the great advice to "worry about nothing, pray about anything, thank God for everything."

  • Philippians 3: 12-21

    10/08/2015 Duração: 35min
  • Philippians 2:19-30

    27/07/2015 Duração: 31min
  • Philippians 2:12-18

    20/07/2015 Duração: 34min
  • Philippians -- Introduction

    08/06/2015 Duração: 31min
  • Spiritual Warfare Part 2

    25/05/2015 Duração: 29min
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