99 Hobbies



We encourage ham radio operators to try something new with the hobby. Don't say you are bored, just try something new. I'm talking with people who have done some fun stuff that you can do too! Just like ham radio, newcomers and old-timers are welcome here.


  • Only for women: the YLRL


    The Young Ladies Radio League (YLRL) is a very serious, very fun, and very active group on the air. Today I talked with Anne Manna WB1ARU about the YLRL and why women should get on the air.BTW, guys should plan for these contests. Even if we don't get points (sometimes we do), just striking up a QSO will attract others to the frequency, of course.There are upcoming contests - give it a listen!!!Show notesYLRL is at http://www.ylrl.orgWRONE is at http://www.qsl.net/wrone

  • QCWA at Boxboro


    Have you been a ham radio operator for 25 years or more? The Quarter Century Wireless Association (QCWA) wants to hear from you. Chuck, K1IGD explains why.This conversation was from the floor of the Boxboro convention, and in all fairness to Chuck, I really did stick a recorder in his face and ask him some questions. He did a great job of describing the QCWA in three minutes or less. I want to talk to him again. This was fun!Show notesQCWA is at www.qcwa.orgThe Boxboro convention is at www.boxboro.orgChuck's contact information is at www.qrz.com

  • Boxboro Convention:


    While I was at the Boxboro convention (www.boxboro.org ) this year, I bumped into Joel Harrison, W5ZN. As you might expect, he was very busy there, but was gracious enough to spend a few minutes for an interview with 99 Hobbies. What a great guy, and I just really liked his attitude about ham radio and its future. Unfortunately, the recorder was off for a lot of this, but here is 3 minutes of our chat.As I listened to this clip, I can hear us talking pretty quickly, lots of excitement, and a really fun time. If you have never been to a convention (they are different from a hamfest) you should give it a try.

  • SATERN and emergency communications


    No, not a spelling mistake. This is SATERN, the Salvation Army Team Emergency Radio Network. Every year around this time you hear a lot about hurricanes, and you also hear amateur radio volunteers performing public service, providing communications when the usual means fail. You can join them.At the 2006 Boxboro convention I talked with Joe Fratto, N1RLO, who was manning the SATERN booth. This was another guerilla attack by me, and Joe had no advance notice that I was looking for someone to point a microphone at. Joe was very gracious and talked with me about some of the cool stuff that SATERN does when nature lashes out.Show notesSATERN is at www.satern.organd much contact information is there, for your particular part of the world.

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