Reflective Bible Study Gospel Adventure



Your Life. Gods Truth. His Way.


  • Servants of God: Luke 17:1-10

    24/08/2023 Duração: 10min

    Year in Luke – Episode 34: As Jesus continues teaching, discover some challenging things He says when He turns His attention onto the disciples, and what we can learn about God from what Jesus challenges His disciples to do. Listen to this episode and/or subscribe on

  • Flashback Episode — Staying Forgiven: Matthew 18:15-35

    21/08/2023 Duração: 09min

    Flashback Episode: Year in Matthew – Episode 34: In one of the most challenging passages in the Bible, discover how important it is to be forgiving towards others and how God took the first step by forgiving us through Jesus’ sacrifice. Join the discussion on the original episode's page: Click Here.Listen to this episode and/or subscribe on

  • Predicting Two Resurrections: Luke 16:19-31

    17/08/2023 Duração: 11min

    Year in Luke – Episode 33: In a very unique parable, discover how even seeing someone raised from the dead is not enough to convince those stuck in their ways the truth about who Jesus is and what God wants for His people! Listen to this episode and/or subscribe on

  • Flashback Episode — Simple, Child-like Faith: Matthew 18:1-11

    14/08/2023 Duração: 09min

    Flashback Episode: Year in Matthew – Episode 33: When asked about who would be the greatest in the kingdom of heaven, Jesus responds with an interesting answer — specifically an answer that has some significant challenges for all of God’s people. Join the discussion on the original episode's page: Click Here.Listen to this episode and/or subscribe on

  • Learning from Dishonesty: Luke 16:1-18

    10/08/2023 Duração: 10min

    Year in Luke – Episode 32: From the parable of the dishonest manager, discover how God doesn’t praise this man, Instead, discover something that we should do with our money that will likely be more successful when our lives are filled with honesty and integrity, specifically characteristics this manager did not have! Listen to this episode and/or subscribe on

  • Flashback Episode — God’s Adoption Perk: Matthew 17:24-27

    07/08/2023 Duração: 09min

    Flashback Episode: Year in Matthew – Episode 32: When we are adopted into God’s family, discover through a short miracle, how God wants to help pay what we owe when we become His children, and discover how this truth can transform our lives! Join the discussion on the original episode's page: Click Here.Listen to this episode and/or subscribe on

  • The Parable of the Patient Father: Luke 15:11-32

    03/08/2023 Duração: 11min

    Year in Luke – Episode 31: While most people might refer to this parable as the Parable of the Prodigal Son, discover how it might be more deserving of a different title — specifically one that emphasizes the character of the father. Listen to this episode and/or subscribe on

  • Flashback Episode — Keeping Secrets and Missing Opportunities: Matthew 17:1-13

    31/07/2023 Duração: 09min

    Flashback Episode: Year in Matthew – Episode 31: In one of the most special events Jesus shares with three of His closest disciples, He tells them to keep this event a secret until a certain point in the future. Discover what this event was and a huge opportunity these three disciples miss because their minds were focused on something else. Join the discussion on the original episode's page: Click Here.Listen to this episode and/or subscribe on

  • Completing His Family: Luke 15:1-10

    27/07/2023 Duração: 10min

    Year in Luke – Episode 30: In two well-known parables, Jesus shares an interesting angle on how far God goes to rescue His people who have wandered away from His family! Listen to this episode and/or subscribe on

  • Flashback Episode — Proclaiming Jesus: Matthew 16:13-28

    24/07/2023 Duração: 10min

    Flashback Episode: Year in Matthew – Episode 30: In a short passage, discover how Jesus compliments Peter with one of the highest compliments imaginable, before calling him Satan a few verses later. Discover what made Peter worthy of both the complement and the rebuke and why Peter’s thinking might not have been that crazy even if it wasn’t correct. Join the discussion on the original episode's page: Click Here.Listen to this episode and/or subscribe on

  • Dedicated to Jesus: Luke 14:25-35

    20/07/2023 Duração: 10min

    Year in Luke – Episode 29: In one of His most challenging messages, discover how Jesus doesn’t want us to hate those closest to us. Instead, discover how we should filter our lives through His life and the mission He brings into history! Listen to this episode and/or subscribe on

  • Flashback Episode — Spiritual Signs and Spiritual Truth: Matthew 16:1-12

    17/07/2023 Duração: 08min

    Flashback Episode: Year in Matthew – Episode 29: When the religious leaders come to Jesus with a trap, discover how Jesus counter-challenges them before warning His disciples about being deceived by their teachings. Join the discussion on the original episode's page: Click Here.Listen to this episode and/or subscribe on

  • Letting God Repay Us: Luke 14:1-24

    13/07/2023 Duração: 11min

    Year in Luke – Episode 28: While a guest in a Pharisee’s home, Jesus heals a man suffering from a disability, Jesus teaches about banquets in God’s kingdom, and Jesus shares a message about where we should place our focus. Discover an amazing promise about living in a way that God cannot help but repay you for when Jesus ultimately returns! Listen to this episode and/or subscribe on

  • Flashback Episode — Help in Times of Need: Matthew 15:21-39

    10/07/2023 Duração: 09min

    Flashback Episode: Year in Matthew – Episode 28: In two very different events, discover how Jesus helps those in need, sometimes after they have persisted in their request, and sometimes before they even let Jesus know their needs. Learn how these two events challenge us to trust in God to give us what we need each day! Join the discussion on the original episode's page: Click Here.Listen to this episode and/or subscribe on

  • An Always-Present Decision: Luke 13:22-33

    06/07/2023 Duração: 10min

    Year in Luke – Episode 27: When someone asks Jesus about how many people will be saved, discover in Jesus’ response an amazing challenge and a powerful promise that likely includes you and me living over 2,000 years later! Listen to this episode and/or subscribe on

  • Flashback Episode — Avoiding the Pharisee Trap: Matthew 15:1-20

    03/07/2023 Duração: 10min

    Flashback Episode: Year in Matthew – Episode 27: Following an innocently sounding question, Jesus challenges the Pharisees about where their hearts are and how they are more willing to disobey God to obey tradition. Discover how we can fall into the same trap, and how we can avoid it. Join the discussion on the original episode's page: Click Here.Listen to this episode and/or subscribe on

  • Outlasting Sin: Luke 13:1-17

    29/06/2023 Duração: 11min

    Year in Luke – Episode 26: In two very different events, discover a shared theme that has startling implications for our lives and for what God wants to do for us when we repent and turn to Him! Listen to this episode and/or subscribe on

  • Flashback Episode — Four Events – One Big Theme: Matthew 14:13-36

    26/06/2023 Duração: 09min

    Flashback Episode: Year in Matthew – Episode 26: While most people split this passage up into sections, discover a big theme that applies to all four events in our passage, and a secondary theme that is just as powerful! Join the discussion on the original episode's page: Click Here.Listen to this episode and/or subscribe on

  • To Serve Jesus or to Be Served: Luke 12:35-53

    22/06/2023 Duração: 10min

    Year in Luke – Episode 25: In one of Jesus’ challenging messages that Luke included in his gospel, discover how Jesus comes to divide the earth, and an amazing reward that awaits those who decide to serve God with their lives! Listen to this episode and/or subscribe on

  • Flashback Episode — The Fateful Promise: Matthew 14:1-12

    19/06/2023 Duração: 10min

    Flashback Episode: Year in Matthew – Episode 25: While we usually look at Jesus’ life and one of the events in His ministry, Matthew’s gospel takes a brief detour to tell us about the fate of someone else in the first century, and Matthew details how this significant individual was killed. Join the discussion on the original episode's page: Click Here.Listen to this episode and/or subscribe on

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