Sunday School Bonanza Lds Gospel Doctrine Review



Church. Better.


  • Book of Mormon Lesson 39: “Behold, My Joy Is Full”


    3 Nephi 17-19—Jesus continues his ministry among the Nephites, healing them and blessing their children. The Lord has his disciples baptized and receive the Holy Ghost. Do we ponder what the Lord has taught us? Do we truly know how much we have?

  • Book of Mormon Lesson 38: “Old Things Are Done Away, and All Things Have Become New”


    3 Nephi 12-14—The Savior continues his ministry to the Nephites, teaching them the Beatitudes and announcing the law of Moses fulfilled. These are incredible chapters and the culmination of hundreds of years of Nephites prophecies. Our buddy Al Doan decided to hop in and join us for this episode.

  • Book of Mormon Lesson 37: “Whosoever Will Come, Him Will I Receive”


    3 Nephi 8-11—Samuel the Lamanite’s prophecies come true regarding the death of Christ and the ensuing calamity. Christ appears to the Nephite people and ministers to them, setting off an incredibly set of chapters of the Savior’s teachings. Dustin Homer is back.

  • Book of Mormon Lesson 36: “On the Morrow Come I into the World”


    3 Nephi 1-7—Signs appear marking the Savior’s birth. The Gadianton robbers surround the Nephites, and many Nephites fall into pride and wickedness in the ramp-up to the crucifixion of the Lord. How can we protect ourselves from spiritual robbers and pride? Dustin Homer is with us.

  • Book of Mormon Lesson 35: “Repent and Return unto the Lord”


    Helaman 13-16—Samuel the Lamanite preaches repentance to the Nephites, foretelling their destruction if they do not turn to the Lord. He also discusses the signs of Christ’s birth and death, setting in motion the climax of the Book of Mormon. Mackenna Gallacher is with us.

  • Book of Mormon Lesson 34: “How Could You Have Forgotten Your God?”


    Helaman 6-11 – Pride cycle for days. The Lamanites become more righteous than the prideful Nephites. Nephi calls the people to repentance and prays for rain. How do we keep ourselves in check? How do we avoid pride? Dustin Homer is with us.

  • Book of Mormon Lesson 33: “A Sure Foundation”


    Helaman 1-5—Internal strife weakens the Nephites and the Church. Do we se parallels to that in our day? How can we avoid contention in our wards and stakes and promote unity? How is Christ our rock as described in Helaman 5? Brad Lammi is with us.

  • Book of Mormon Lesson 32: “They Did Obey-Every Word of Command with Exactness”


    Alma 53-58—Stripling warriors! Basically, the armies of Helaman provide us with a pretty awesome case study in the exercise of faith against a backdrop of calamity and bellicosity. How is it that not one of the 2,600 Ammonite warriors perishes? What do we learn from the great faith of these young men?

  • Book of Mormon Lesson 31: “Firm in the Faith of Christ”


    Alma 43-52—War chapters! Why did Mormon dedicate so much of the Book of Alma to chapters on the atrocities of war? What do we learn of attrition and liberty? Don’t miss Captain Moroni and the title of liberty! What makes a good leader? There are some surprisingly interesting lessons here given the current election climate in the United States. Joseph Peterson is with us.

  • Book of Mormon Lesson 30: “The Great Plan of Happiness”


    Alma 40-42—How does a failure to understand the plan of salvation make us weaker in the face of temptation? How did understanding death and resurrection help Corianton? How will it help you? How does understanding the atonement change our course? Also, an attention activity we actually like! Bill Doolittle is with us.

  • Book of Mormon Lesson 29: “Give Ear to My Words”


    Alma 36-39—Alma sits down with his three sons, Helaman, Shiblon, and Corianton, to bear testimony and offer encouragement before he disappears. What can parents learn from Alma’s counsel? Too often we lean solely on Corianton’s experience to inform our view of parenting, but even parenting “untroubled” kids requires tact and finesse. Brad Lammi joins us to talk about these great passages.

  • Book of Mormon Lesson 28: “The Word Is in Christ unto Salvation”


    Alma 32-34—Alma gives his great treatise on faith and the nurturing of testimony. How can we “experiment” on the word of God? How can the word of God take root in our hearts? Frankly, there’s more material here than one lesson can handle, and for our part, far more material than we can discuss in a quick podcast. Still, amazing stuff!

  • Book of Mormon Lesson 27: “All Things Denote There Is a God”


    Alma 30 & 31—It’s a lesson on some of the darker corners of the kingdom! Korihor comes and stirs up trouble. What exactly is an anti-Christ? Alma leads a delegation to the Zoramites. While we harp on Rameumptom and the like, what about how the Zoramites do not speak of the things of God unless they are at church? That’s a very interesting bit of their theology that we don’t talk about. Dustin Homer is here to make sense of all of it for us. He’s smarter than Geoff.

  • Book of Mormon Lesson 26: “Converted unto the Lord”


    Alma 23-29—The sons of Mosiah teach thousands of Lamanites and witness great changes in heart, becoming the Anti-Nephi-Lehies. They put down their weapons, sacrificing themselves rather than shed blood. How do we become truly converted? What is implied by “truly” vs plain ol’ “conversion”? Bill Doolittle is back!

  • Book of Mormon “Lesson 25: They Taught with Power and Authority of God”


    Alma 17-22—Classic stories of the sons of Mosiah’s missionary efforts among the Lamanites, including Ammon and Lamoni, Aaron and Lamoni’s dad, and other stuff. But how did they go about this work? With a rubric? With a checklist? No. They did it through service and love. There are powerful lessons to take home from this discussion if we get past surface-level stuff. Cameron Poulter is with us.

  • Book of Mormon Lesson 24: “Give Us Strength According to Our Faith in Christ”


    Alma 13-16—Alma and Amulek continue their preaching among the people of Ammonihah, discussing the power of the priesthood and the doctrine of foreordination. Eventually, once-enemy Zeezrom is converted and baptized. The Lamanites destroy Ammonihah.

  • Book of Mormon Lesson 23: “More Than One Witness”


    Alma 8-12—Alma visits the people of Ammonihah to mixed results, but he meets Amulek, a pivotal actor throughout the Book of Alma. Why is it important to have more than one witness? Amulek and Alma tag-team the people and make it rain. Amulek contends with Zeezrom. Cameron Poulter is with us.

  • Book of Mormon Lesson 22: “Have Ye Received His Image in Your Countenances?”


    Alma 5-7—Alma explains how we can experience a “mighty” change of heart, but what does that entail? How difficult is it to change our nature? There’s a lot to learn about the process of conversion from these chapters. Remember, our road to exaltation is not littered with singular events, but with ongoing efforts and processes. Al Doan is with us, yo!

  • Book of Mormon Lesson 21: “Alma … Did Judge Righteous Judgments”


    Mosiah 29; Alma 1-4—Mosiah teaches principles of good government. Your teacher might talk about different forms of government. Push for the plutocracy, folks. It’s the only way! Alma the Younger becomes chief judge and rejects priestcraft. How does living righteous principles help us to be effective citizens and shun wickedness and priestcraft?

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