Voices On Fire For Christ



We were born to burn with blazing passion for Christ. Come hear truth that fans the flames, shatters the shackles and sets captives free!


  • Shiloh 3: Return to Victory

    01/11/2015 Duração: 02h16min

    We have seen that there are seasons where God's plan for the battle is defeat. We have seen that God doesn't need us to secure the victory; He is God all by Himself. But today, we will learn that, even after defeat, after the dry and barren seasons, the Lord will return to the repentant, weary heart. THERE CAN BE VICTORY, even after seasons of defeat. Join KQC Ministries for Church without Walls as we return again to Shiloh. 

  • Church Without Walls: Shiloh 2- God Knows How to Win All by Himself!

    25/10/2015 Duração: 02h39min

    This week, we return to Shiloh to a defeated people of God, a supposedly victorious enemy and, in the midst of it all, a mighty God who knows how to save, deliver and win the victory all by Himself.  Don't ever worry about your shortcomings getting in God's way.  Today, you'll see that our God can be God, our God can save, deliver, sanctify, defeat the enemy and win the victory without any human help whatsoever. All we bring to the table is an empty possibility.  God is God and He'll know how to use us if we're available

  • Living in Christ: Power, Resources and Responsibility of Descipleship

    20/10/2015 Duração: 02h06min

    What does it really mean to be IN CHRIST?  Find out as we go to and through the Word of God with Holy Ghost FIRE! This message will settle the doubts, scatter the demons, deliver the captives and set passion and purpose in your soul.  Don't miss it!

  • Church without Walls: Shiloh 1- When God's Plan for the Battle is Defeat

    18/10/2015 Duração: 02h11min

    Have you heard of what the Lord did in Shiloh? Paul, James, Peter and John all warn New Covenant believers of the gravest danger of false security. It is not enough to say, "I prayed a prayer one time" or "I belong to such and such denomination" or a thousand other false proclamations.  Even Jesus warned of those who will cry with vehement conviction unto Jesus, "Lord! Lord!" only to hear Him reply, "Depart..." What are the dangers? Are there sings to watch for, patterns to avoid? How does one recognize if they have left the narrow road and courted the Lord's oposition?  Go back to Shiloh.  See what the Lord did there.  Learn the lessons that will save your life from eternal forfeit.  Today's will be the first in a series of messages on Shiloh, messages that will refresh the weary sojourner, correct his or her course and ensure that our trajectory leads us home to the Father.  Come, follow us to Shiloh!

  • Young Warriors Roundtable: The Fire of the Next Generation

    13/10/2015 Duração: 02h20min

    Let no one despise your youth is not a suggestion; it's a commandment!  When you're young (whether physical age, spirtual age or experience), people, the nemy and your own mind will try to tell you you cannot make a difference: "You're not ready." You don't have the resources or experience." etc, etc, etc.  But just as one word of truth can put a thousand lies to flight, the true testimonies of the righteous decimate the lies of the enemy everyday.  So, tonight, come hear from youth from different cultures, backgrounds and levels of ministry as they share what the Lord has done and is doing.   You'll hear powerful testimonies, a right now word and find answers to your questions and needs during our open line segment.  So, don't miss this and if you know people who are young of age, young in the Lord or just young at heart, get them to Voices on Fire for Christ for this unforgettable experience. Call in number (646) 721-9917

  • Failing to Pass the Mantle: Fatherlessness in the Modern Church

    11/10/2015 Duração: 02h44min

    Before sending His people across the Jordan to possess their promised inheritance, the Lord through Moses commanded the people that the Word of God, His covenant requirementrs, commandments and promises, should be written upon their hearts, perpetually in their mouths and taught to their children and grandchildren for all generations (see Deut 4 & 6).  It is not enough that we love the Lord our God with all our hearts, souls and strength; but we MUST pass that passion and purpose in Christ to the next generation.  In the age of technology and information that we live, it is possible to have thousands of teachers, a myriad of voices in the religious arena; but where are the spiritual fathers who turn the hearts of children to our Great Father in heaven?  We must pas the batton to the next generation or suffer dire consequences.

  • Intimacy with Christ: The Real Issue of Life and Living

    06/10/2015 Duração: 01h54min

    When asked, Jesus defined eternal life as intimacy (That they may KNOW You, the only true God and Jesus Christ whom you have sent.  So, iof knowing Christ, if intimacy is the key to salvation, deliverance and victorious living, why do so many settle for a superficial knowledge of a thirdhand God that others talk about?  Why not know Christ for YOURSELF

  • Homecoming 2: The Prodigals, Wayward and Lost Come Home

    04/10/2015 Duração: 02h01min

    Jesus explains the kingdom of God as a man who had a young son who asked for his inheritance NOW, took a journey away from the father who loved him and wasted his inheritance on prodigal-riotous, sensual living fulfilling every lust. But passion springs forth new passion until at last, he was consumed and found himself alone, confused, hungry LOST!  Perhaps that's YOU- party central on the surface, but dark, broken and brooding within.  Perhaps you wonder IS THERE ANYTHING MORE TO LIFE THAN THIS? Is there ANYTHING of real value? Is love real and is true love even possible for someone like me.  Join us this Sunday and find answers, find love, find hope, healing and purpose. Find HOME!

  • Test Run

    04/10/2015 Duração: 31min

    Test run of blog talk and Mixlr

  • A Desperate Cry for Mercy, Revival & Deliverance: A Prayer Service

    29/09/2015 Duração: 01h56min

    Througout the Bible we are given examples of societies both of the people of God and of those estranged from God who, when faced with judgement and wrath were given the opportunity to cry out for mercy!  In 2 Chronicles 7 the Lord promises that "If My people who are called by My name will HUMBLE themselves and PRAY and seek My face and TURN from their wicked ways, THEN will I hear from heaven...forgive their sins...heal their lands.  Now" declared the Lord, "my eyes are open and My ears attentive to prayer made in this place."  In Joel 2:17--19 declares boldly to those facing judgement: "Let the priests, the ministers of the LORD, weep between the porch and the altar, and let them say, Spare thy people, O LORD, and give not thine heritage to reproach, that the heathen should rule over them: wherefore should they say among the people, Where is their God?  Then will the LORD be jealous for his land, and pity his people. Yea, the LORD will answer..."   Brothers and Sisters, IT'S TIME TO PRAY!  Join us this Tues

  • Fire Baptized Preaching: The Key to Power, Purpose and Deliverance

    27/09/2015 Duração: 01h58min

    Our God is a consuming fire, a holy God who answers by fire.  The Church was born in FIRE, preached FIRE, lived FIRE and spread that FIRE.  So, what are we to do in a generation where the darkness expands and consumes so much and so many?  Restore the fire! Rekindle the flames.  It's time to return to preaching that demands the question: Did not our hearts BURN when he spoke?  We've tried programs, systems, manifestations and sideshows a plenty.  The gimmicks of the modern church have tickled ears, titillated passions but brought no lasting effect.  Why don't we try pentecost? WHERE IS THE FIRE?!?!?!!?

  • Would You Be FREE: A Mass Deliverance Event

    22/09/2015 Duração: 01h59min

    Skeptics, agnostics and unbelievers alike decry the "bondage of religion" embracing instead the"freedom to live as they choose" which is but a veneer that covers their bondage to sin.  On the other side, many religionists tout the freedom and purpose offered by a life of service to God while finding themselves still enslaved to secret sin, running from conference to conference, meeting to meeting seeking true liberty.  There is yet, a better way.  Anarchy is not freedom. Neither is denial. To be free, truly free you must not only be free from but free UNTO.... unto death! There is a death that IS life and a dying that makes every captive free.  Come, find true freedom, life and purpose beyond the lies of license and limits of legalism.  There is a place where death gives way to life out of which true freedom reigns

  • Come through the Veil: True Cost of Entry to the Holy of Holies

    20/09/2015 Duração: 02h09min

    It is the glorious privilege of Divine condescension that we may come BOLDLY before the throne of grace and find grace for every situation in life.  However, the cost of admission to that throne was great. And though the veil was torn in two, we must come through that rent veil as a reminder of that cost.  Doing so assures reverence that makes our prayers there effective, fervent and real. Join KQC Ministries for Church without Walls as we enter into the most holy place through the rent veil and find grace for the journey.    

  • Voices on Fire for Christ: The Omega Man Chronicles

    15/09/2015 Duração: 02h34min

    This week, KQC Ministries welcomes internet radio host, deliverance minister and anointed man of God, Bro Shannon Ray Davis.  A veteran of Deliverance ministry, Bro Shannon will be sharing his heart, taking your calls and beating the demons back to hell where they belong. No demon is safe, no dark corner elusive enough to escape the anointed ministry of the Omega Man-KQC tag-team.  If you are need of deliverance, fortification in Christ or have questions about spiritual warfare, join us for this power-packed episode of Voices on Fire for Christ.  Tuesday, September 15 at 7:00 pm Eastern right here on Blog Talk Radio

  • The Need to Go through Samaria: Canceling the Curse of the Angry Watchman

    13/09/2015 Duração: 01h59min

    The true disciple of Christ recognizes the need for separation, purity, vigilence and avoiding the places of mixture where carnality and confusion lurk.  However, there are times and seasons where the Lord calls us INTO Samaria, the place of mixture, in order to redeem a remnant. The hour has not come that the bride should tarnish her garments snubbing her nose at those whose garments are wrinkled and torn, No, the hour is short.  This is the time for redemption, deliverance, empowerment... a time for fire baptized preaching and bold pioneers to plumb the depths of hell and bring forth a remnant ready to receive their King.

  • Fire on the Altar: Forged in, renewed by Holy Ghost Flames

    08/09/2015 Duração: 01h57min

    Too often, modern Christianity treats the new life in Christ as a fragile thing to be sheilded and protected.  But this life was forged in holy fire.  It is sustained by Holy Ghost Fire that is ceaseless, matchless, immutable and unsurpassable.  The Christ filled life is not a boring life of constraining rules and regulations but a life of purpose, passion and POWER.   You were born to burn, not for a moment but for eternity. So, where has the fire gone and how do you restore it? Join KQC Ministries for Voices on Fire for Christ to hear more THIS and EVERY Tuesday @ 7:00 pm.

  • When Worship Becomes Mockery

    06/09/2015 Duração: 01h59min

    The ultimate expression of honor and reverence is worship, the actions and attitudes by which we express what someone or something is worth to us.  To worship is to show profound devotion, respect and adoration.  Thus, the cetral aspect of any religious service is worship. And the ultimate hypocrisy and disrespect is to worship without regard: to go through the motions without the requisite emotion, to follow ritual without right relationship and heart.  To make a show of pretended devotion is the ultimate mockery.  Yet, for so many gathered together for religious services, worship has become just that: MOCKERY. What does it mean when our worship becomes mockery?  Why does so much of modern worship degenerate into self-worship which mocks God and hos do we avoid this curse and ensure that our worship is sincere?   Join KQC Ministries for Church without Walls as we travel through time to Pilate's Praetorium to find the root of worship that is mockery and find our way back to the true heart of worship.

  • Watchmen 6: Sound the Alarm & Be Vigilant Lest You Fall

    01/09/2015 Duração: 01h59min

    This final installment of the Watchmen series will unveil a vision that the watchmen of our day must see, a vision from the past from those who watched over a people of God ripe for judgment.  Much of what calls itself the body of Christ stands today in a reprobate condition.  Expert after expert stands with contradictory assessments of what "the church must do to survive and thrive in the 21st centrury."  But the watchman sees the root cause, the condition of the heart. . . and. . .  he sees the solution. Everything we've learned to this point was to bring us to this vision.  Don't miss this exciting, Holy Ghost empowered, prophetiuc final installment in the Watchmen series.  

  • Church without Walls 6: Physician Heal Yourself

    30/08/2015 Duração: 01h59min

    Just as Jesus endured the cross, His followers too will endure hardships, trials and sufferings.  But if God is a good God, why do even His beloved ones suffer in this life?  What is the purpose of our sorrows?  How do we (and why MUST we) find strength to endure? Today we wrestle not with flesh and blood, but with the hard questions.  Today we confront the issue of suffering: its purpose in the life of the believer and the great trial of our faith it imposes.

  • Watchmen 5: Are You a Watchman?

    25/08/2015 Duração: 01h57min

    We have thoroughly considered the calling, need for, responsibilities of,concepts and actual practice of being watchmen.  Now comes the heart check: Are YOU a watchmen. Join us as Pastor Pete Torres closes out (for now) the powerful series on watchmen and make a decision for your own life as to whether YOU will take up the call to watch while others sleep, to get in the battle while others simply watch. So, are you a watchman?

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