First Assembly Nlr Audio Podcast



Sunday messages from Rod Loy


  • Unlocking the DaVinci Code

    30/05/2006 Duração: 46min

    Pastor Randy Jumper addresses questions raised by the DaVinci code and talks about how Christians should respond to attacks on faith.  

  • Lost, pt. 8: This Little Light of Mine

    28/05/2006 Duração: 31min

    If you are a Christ-follower, can anybody tell?  Wouldn't it be awesome if it was obvious just by looking at us that we are  life-long followers of Jesus Christ?   

  • Lost, pt. 7: Road Rage

    22/05/2006 Duração: 38min

    Anger is on the rise in America.  It seems everywhere we turn, whether it's our jobs, on the road, or a ballfield, we are faced with anger and even rage.  Why do we get angry?  What can we do about it?   

  • Lost, pt. 6: Lost and Found

    15/05/2006 Duração: 43min

    Are you lost? Even with all the roadmaps that are available to us, we sometimes lose our way, both in a physical and a spiritual sense.  It's devastating to realize you're lost. There's good news, though:  You may be lost, but you don't have to stay that way.  You can be found.  Rod Loy examines what happens when you are lost and found.      

  • Questions About the Holy Spirit

    08/05/2006 Duração: 01h16min

    The Baptism in the Holy Spirit is one of the more controversial and misunderstood aspects of Christian life. Rod Loy takes a look at what the Bible has to say and answers some common questions.      

  • Good Things Come to Those Who Wait

    08/05/2006 Duração: 25min

    It was one of our least favorite sayings when we were kids. "Good Things Come to Those Who Wait."  When you're a kid, that phrase seems like a parental excuse to not give you the things you want.  We don't want to wait.  We want everything now!  In Exodus 33, good things really come to the one guy, the only guy, who is willing to wait.

  • Lost, pt. 5: Dumb and Dumber

    30/04/2006 Duração: 37min

    Have you ever done or said something that was extremely dumb?  Everyone has, and it's nothing new.  In the Book of Numbers, we encounter some people who acted stupidly.  In the second part of the story, it's unbelievable how much "dumber" they get.  

  • Lost, pt. 4: Fear Factor

    23/04/2006 Duração: 35min

    Fear is a factor for all of us.  But, fear is primarily a matter of focus.  You get to choose.  Will you give in to fear?  Will you let it control you?  

  • One Word that Will Change Your Life

    16/04/2006 Duração: 34min

    There are many words, that when they are said to you or about you, instantly change your life:  pregnant, cancer, terminal, divorce, guilty, addicted.  Maybe you have heard those words, or maybe you are living one of them.  In this message, Rod Loy looks at another word that can change your life.

  • Lost, pt. 3: We're All in This Together

    09/04/2006 Duração: 43min

    First Assembly celebrates the completion of our first 100 church plants in our 100X100 campaign and looks ahead to the future.  Whether it's a pastor on the front line or a churchgoer in the US who sends money to support them, we're all in this together.  

  • Lost, pt. 2: Can I Get Some Help Over Here?

    07/04/2006 Duração: 29min

    One of the first places for Christ-followers to serve others is in their home church.  Everyone has different talents and places for ministry.  In this message, Rod Loy looks at the importance of teams.

  • Lost, pt. 1: Miracles in the Desert

    26/03/2006 Duração: 37min

    Being lost. It makes for great TV shows, but it's frustrating in real life. What do you do when you're lost in life?

  • Under Attack, pt. 3: Come Out with Your Hands Up

    19/03/2006 Duração: 29min

    How do you react to victory? Like many professional athletes, we are often at our worst when we win. We gloat, taunt, and make sure everyone knows that we deserve all the glory. Is that how it's supposed to be? How should we react when we win?

  • Under Attack, pt. 2 - God's Plan for My Enemies

    12/03/2006 Duração: 32min

    What is your enemy? For some people, it's bills, sickness, addiction, or anxiety. When things are going wrong, when someone is doing us wrong, when we are under attack and surrounded, we have an alarming tendency to become focused on the wrong thing. We are enemy focused instead of mission focused, purpose focused, growth focused, or God focused. How should we handle these enemies of life?

  • Under Attack, pt. 1: Surrounded

    05/03/2006 Duração: 32min

    Have you ever been there? Have you noticed how when things start out bad, they just seem to get worse? Somehow it seems like you never deal with just onebad thing--they pile on. It seems that everywhere you turn, there are more problems. You are under attack -- surrounded by your problems. Rod Loy looks at what to do when we are under attack.

  • He Sent a Lamb

    28/02/2006 Duração: 29min

    It's not popular to talk about God's judgement, but as we see in the Biblical story of Moses and the Israelites in Egypt, God had a plan for His children so that they could escape judgement. He has a plan for us, too. Rod Loy looks at God's plan in this message.

  • He Set Me Free

    12/02/2006 Duração: 43min

    Were the events of 9/11 or Hurricane Katrina judgments from God against our country? To hear some people, those major events were God's wrath poured out on a sinful nation. But is this really the case? Rod Loy looks at what happens when God judges and how it affects us all.

  • Have You Forgotten Me?

    29/01/2006 Duração: 37min
  • Why Are You Taking So Long?

    22/01/2006 Duração: 40min

    The second in Pastor Rod Loy's series "Hey God, Can I Ask You a Question?"

  • Do You Have a Plan for Me?

    15/01/2006 Duração: 44min

    This is the first message in the series "Hey God, Can I Ask You a Question?"

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