Lake Tapps Christian Church



Lake Tapps Christian Church


  • On Mission - Audio

    01/04/2019 Duração: 32min

    I don't remember much about my wedding day but I do remember saying those vows. I felt the responsibility of becoming a man, growing up, and settling down. I had been determined to find a Christian wife, I am determined to raise a Christian family. We talk like marriage is the highest calling we have. The challenge is that Jesus gave us one thing to do until he returns and it's not get married. The good news is that your spouse can help you do it.

  • Humility - Audio

    25/03/2019 Duração: 31min

    Last week we tackled how to handle our weaknesses in marriage. This week we're discussing strengths. Before you get too excited about reveling in what you do well, take a moment to consider your pride. I'm thinking about those moments of confidence where you wished other people could figure things out like you have. What a better world it would be. Today we discover that strengths can produce pride, and God opposes the proud. It might explain why marriage can be so difficult.

  • My Weakness - Audio

    18/03/2019 Duração: 33min

    There's something special about marriage. It's given me a natural disposition to see my wife's weaknesses while struggling to notice my own. Today we're discussing God's plan for handling weaknesses. God doesn't embarrass us for having them, God doesn't even ask us to double down and get rid of them. It's not even a call for full transparency as we admit to our shortcomings. Instead, God describes how our weaknesses have the potential to become our greatest strength. Check this out.

  • Focus on God - Audio

    11/03/2019 Duração: 43min

    When I hear about a series on marriage I'm expecting to learn tips on how to love my spouse. If I could focus less on me and more on her, or more on 'us' then things would be better. If you promise not to tell anyone I'll admit that most of the time I know what she wants, I'm not perfect, but I have a good idea, it's been twenty-five years. My biggest challenge is me, in simplest of terms I can be selfish. The good news is that todays message isn't just about how to love your spouse it's about how to have the desire to love them well. Check this out.

  • Rich Mattocks - Audio

    04/03/2019 Duração: 43min

    Lake Tapps Christian Church

  • Good God? - Audio

    25/02/2019 Duração: 42min

    There’s one question about God that elicits the most emotion, but has no emotionally satisfying answer. If God is good, why is there so much suffering in the world? If God were all-powerful, he could eliminate suffering. If God was loving, he would eliminate suffering. So, is he unable or unwilling?

  • Generosity - Audio

    28/01/2019 Duração: 42min

    Lake Tapps Christian Church

  • God Makes it Grow - Audio

    21/01/2019 Duração: 42min

    We're into week three of our series on generosity. At this point we're starting to feel like we can do this. I can be generous, it's what God wants for me. It's just that we're not out of the woods quite yet. Today we find the disciples ready ready to give--it's just that they don't have enough to meet the need. For this reason, they opt out. It's an issue we all face. It's why Jesus steps in and shows us how to be generous when we're not sure it makes a difference. It's such a great story, it's the only one told four times in the Bible. Check this out.

  • Give As I Go - Audio

    14/01/2019 Duração: 36min

    Lake Tapps Christian Church

  • I’m most alive when I give. - Audio

    06/01/2019 Duração: 36min

    We have a natural instinct to quickly process data--we assess situations in the blink of an eye. When it comes to survival--split second decisions are necessary, when it comes to financial decisions, it pays off to see the bigger picture. Today we challenge the idea that 'what you see is all there is'. In fact, when it comes to generosity, there is much more going on than just giving to someone. Check this out.

  • Head, Heart, & Hands - Audio

    01/01/2019 Duração: 36min

    When Jesus approached Peter and Andrew fishing on the Sea of Galilee he invited them to follow him. In one simple verse we discover three characteristics of a follower of Jesus: First a disciple makes a commitment to follow. That's when we use our head. Second, Jesus transforms Peter and Andrew as they begin fishing for people. That's when we give Jesus our heart. Third, Jesus gives Peter and Andrew a job to do. When join him in sharing the good news, that's when we give Jesus our hands. Disciples give their head, their heart and their hands. Today we feature four disciples doing just that at Lake Tapps.

  • Christmas Eve: Mercy and Grace - Audio

    27/12/2018 Duração: 16min

    There is a difficult time for Joseph, just after he finds out that Mary is pregnant yet he still hasn't been informed by the angel that this baby is from the Holy Spirit. We read that Joseph is a man faithful to the law and yet Joseph doesn't follow the law. If he did Deuteronomy 22:23 instructs him to lead the charge for Mary to be killed along with her baby. Yet, Joseph decides to withhold what Mary deserves and divorce her quietly. How can he be just and yet disobey the law? Why is this in the Christmas story?

  • Save Me From My Sin - Audio

    24/12/2018 Duração: 38min

    If I ask you what you need to be set free from what would you say? Maybe it's financial debt, or an uncaring spouse, maybe it's an unfair workplace. When we have burdens in our life we long to be free from the weight. When Jesus was born God's people were thinking the same thing, free us from our troubles. The Bible doesn't say Jesus will save his people from their troubles. Instead he's saving us from one thing that is more important. Check this out.

  • The Genealogy of Jesus - Audio

    16/12/2018 Duração: 32min

    The genealogy of Jesus, if you're like me it's the part of the story that you've looked at but never really read. The surprising thing is that Matthew, a good Jew, throws a curveball to his patriarchal upbringing. He lists forty men and then blindsides his readers by including four women. Having experienced the love and grace of Jesus Matthew knew that these four women would explain who Jesus was and what he was going to do. Check this out.

  • Giving the Best I Have - Audio

    09/12/2018 Duração: 34min

    Today as Joseph and Mary enter Bethlehem looking for a place to stay we learn about giving the best we have. You might feel pressure about deciding who gets your best. You might even feel like giving your best isn't good enough. Maybe you're undecided about Jesus, not sure you want to give him your best. Think about giving the best of what you have. You don't give the best of what you wish you had or of what you used to have. Reimagine Christmas with me as we give the best of what we have.

  • Lost Connections: Secure Future - Audio

    02/12/2018 Duração: 31min

    One of the greatest threats to our well-being is feeling out of control. One of the most difficult areas to have control of is our future. You can see how having a secure future weighs heavily on how we feel today. Jesus had a lot to say about the future. He spoke about it, taught about it, and shared facts with us so that we would know how to face the days to come. Knowing the future helps us understand how to live today.

  • Lost Connection: Disconnected from our Stories - Audio

    26/11/2018 Duração: 33min

    We lose connection with our true identities when we experience shame. When we turn and face it, we begin to connect ourselves to the bigger story of humanity and regain our true name.

  • Lost Connections: Meaningful Relationships - Audio

    12/11/2018 Duração: 40min

    Harvard Professor Robert Putnam says that given a choice of how many close friends we have--the most common answer today is zero. We've slowly and steadily become a nation of lonely people. Today we study the friendship of Jonathan and David, one of the most meaningful relationships in the Bible. One of the greatest traits of a meaningful relationship is to serving and sacrifice. Only there's a twist. Being served by others doesn't cure loneliness, the only way to cure loneliness is a two-way relationship, it's give and take.

  • Meaningful Work - Audio

    05/11/2018 Duração: 32min

    They say over two thirds of us don't enjoy our jobs. Maybe it's not that cool of a job or you don't feel like it's something your passionate about. More than likely you don't like where you work because of the people. Today we dive into the lost connection of meaningful work. If you feel like you're stuck in a monotonous, boring, soul-destroying job where you die a little more each day, you've clicked on the right message. Jesus shows us how to have the ability to grow, change and make an impact in every job we have.

  • Everyday: My life is untidy because God isn't finished. - Audio

    29/10/2018 Duração: 29min

    Today's message speaks directly to the chaotic out of control nature of life. We discover that our lives are untidy because God isn't finished. The good news is that a messy life won't derail God's purpose for you. In fact, when we trust God the untidy times are moments of growth. Instead of being taking out or put on hold, God uses untidy people to get things done.

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