Element Church Podcast - Sermons



Element is a church for the broken and hurting to connect with Jesus one step at a time. Tune in each week to hear messages delivered during Sunday morning services.


  • Navigating the Darkness 04 | Are you healthy?

    19/05/2019 Duração: 32min

    Carrying the weight of the darkness we find ourselves in is easier when we’re healthy, and it’s impossible to be healthy without first being honest. In week four of our “Navigating the Darkness” series, Pastor Ryan gives us the tool of self-assessment to help us find our way through troubling times. Join the Element community as we take Pastor Ryan’s challenge to be honest with ourselves and play the long game with our lives.Support the show (https://elementchurchlaurel.com/give)

  • Navigating the Darkness 03 | Navigate the dark together

    12/05/2019 Duração: 49min

    Our relationships within a community make a big difference in how we navigate the darkness.  Sometimes the only way out of the darkness is by going through it together.  In today’s message we learn some fundamental aspects of being part of a community.Support the show (https://elementchurchlaurel.com/give)

  • Navigating the Darkness 02 | The Prayer

    05/05/2019 Duração: 41min

    Sometimes going through dark experiences makes it difficult for us to remember how to pray.  Sometimes, it’s exactly those dark times when we most need to remember how to pray.  Two things to remember about praying in the darkness:  1) praying in the dark is more likely to change you than it is to change your situation, and 2) praying in the dark is about inviting God into the darkness more than it is about expecting God to remove the darkness.  By becoming more religious in our prayers, we became less real in our prayers. Support the show (https://elementchurchlaurel.com/give)

  • Navigating the Darkness 01 | Defining the darkness

    28/04/2019 Duração: 44min

    Darkness:  A state of confusion, frustration, anger, and/or fear that comes as a result of either internal forces, external forces, or a combination of both.  Sometimes we go through life encountering dangerous circumstances and we’re desperate for a guide to help us find our way out.  In the dark moments of marriage, singleness, parenting, school, and waiting, we can find hope in the promises of Jesus to help us navigate the darkness. Support the show (https://elementchurchlaurel.com/give)

  • Easter at Element

    21/04/2019 Duração: 28min

    Christmas is the story of God with us, but Easter is the story of God for us. Join us this week as Pastor Ryan talks about grace and how what Jesus did on the cross is not just for humanity in general, but for each and every one of us on a deeply personal level.Support the show (https://elementchurchlaurel.com/give)

  • Come and See 03 | Truth and Grace

    14/04/2019 Duração: 39min

    There are times in our lives where we need to remember that was is easiest isn’t always best for us.  In today’s message we’ll take a look at a conversation in which Jesus explains the importance of how truth and grace work together to meet our spiritual needs.Support the show (https://elementchurchlaurel.com/give)

  • Come and See 02 | But God

    07/04/2019 Duração: 41min

    In the second week of our “Come and See” series, Pastor Ryan focuses on passages that illuminate the importance of finding God’s light in the darkest times. This message highlights the value of doing God’s work despite feeling unqualified for the task; it is our imperfections that empower us for sharing the gospel.Support the show (https://elementchurchlaurel.com/give)

  • Come and See 01 | Follow the Cue

    31/03/2019 Duração: 46min

    Sharing your faith can be uncomfortable, but as Christians we are called to spread the news of Jesus to everyone we meet. For a follower of Jesus, this comes down to obedience and disobedience; either you obey God and share the gospel, or you disobey God by never outwardly inviting the people around you to Christ. Join us this week as Pastor Ryan walks us through the importance of a “Come and See” approach when it comes to inviting your friends to church.Support the show (https://elementchurchlaurel.com/give)

  • Diversify 03 | The Risk of Generosity

    24/03/2019 Duração: 38min

    Whether you’ve been burned by a previous gift or are discouraged by the small impact you feel you have, generosity can be overwhelming. When done the right way for the right reasons, generosity can be restorative and life-giving for all parties involved. Join us this week as Pastor Ryan discusses minimizing the risk and maximizing the potential of being generous.Support the show (https://elementchurchlaurel.com/give)

  • Diversify 02 | Glad-Hearted Generosity

    17/03/2019 Duração: 37min

    It’s common for us to give out of guilt, but that isn’t what God wants for us. This week, Pastor Ryan talks about reversing guilt-based generosity in order to give with glad hearts. Join us for this message and hear about 4 steps towards glad-hearted generosity. Support the show (https://elementchurchlaurel.com/give)

  • Diversify 01 | Authentic Generosity

    10/03/2019 Duração: 39min

    Christianity exists as we know it today because of the generosity of the early church. Giving to people without an agenda is what sets Christians apart. We give authentically, we give regularly, and we give without any expectations. Join us in week one of Diversify as Pastor Ryan begins to explain how generosity and loving one another can change everything.Support the show (https://elementchurchlaurel.com/give)

  • Home Improvement 04 | A healthy home helps others

    03/03/2019 Duração: 45min

    Where are you irreplaceable?  Someone else can do your job, but no one else can be the biological parent to your kids or the first partner to your spouse.  Serving others is part of being a Christian, but we have to learn to respect the margins of our time, energy, and money. This week Pastor Ryan delves into 3 hesitations people have when it comes time to help others, and why good intentions simply are not enough. Most importantly, to wrap up our Home Improvement series, Pastor Ryan explains that you cannot sacrifice your family on the altar of your ministry.Support the show (https://elementchurchlaurel.com/give)

  • Home Improvement 03 | A healthy home sets boundaries

    24/02/2019 Duração: 38min

    What are some of your boundaries?  Who do you bring close, and what behaviors do you keep at a distance?  We like boundaries.  We like having doors on our houses.  But sometimes, despite our doors and physical barriers, we make decisions to allow things into our lives that perhaps we shouldn’t.  In today’s message we’ll take a look at how we can maintain some mental and emotional boundaries that will help us guard our sanity and our stability. Support the show (https://elementchurchlaurel.com/give)

  • Home Improvement 02 | Healthy parenting

    17/02/2019 Duração: 36min

    “Because your children have worth but are sinners, you much teach your children you love them no matter what, and they must obey you no matter what.” – Carl Kuhl, Mosaic Christian Church Nothing raises questions about how to be a good parent with quite the same intensity as installing a car seat for your brand new baby into your car.  Today Pastor Carl Kuhl, from Mosaic Christian Church, shares a message with Element about parenting.  You’ll find it real, honest, humorous, relatable, terrifying, and hopeful. Support the show (https://elementchurchlaurel.com/give)

  • Home Improvement 01 | A healthy home starts with you

    10/02/2019 Duração: 41min

    There is no such thing as a perfect family, not even in the Bible, so how do we create a healthier and happier home? In today’s message, Pastor Ryan explains how the first step to a healthier home starts with you. Self-awareness is a critical part of life and a critical part of our relationship with God. Even though it’s challenging, in order for us to grow and to live healthier lives, we have to become aware of our faults. Through this awareness God can reveal himself in your life even more, and begin to make positive and meaningful changes in your home.Support the show (https://elementchurchlaurel.com/give)

  • Growing Pains 04 | Time, intention, and interruption

    03/02/2019 Duração: 41min

    What do we do when someone comes looking to us for advice?  How do we use our influence to help those around us?  What do we do when we seek the advice and influence of others?  As we see in the Bible, to disciple someone is to influence them to perceive, process, and present themselves more like Jesus.  In today’s message we’ll see examples of how Jesus spent his time and energy to be intentional about positively influencing those around him, even those who interrupted him.Support the show (https://elementchurchlaurel.com/give)

  • Growing Pains 03 | The Necessity of Vulnerability

    27/01/2019 Duração: 46min

    Some of the scariest times in life are when we don’t know everything, can’t do everything, and have messed up everything.  Those are the times that we often feel most exposed and least willing to reach out to people around us.  But what if those were exactly moments when we MOST need to reach out to those around us?  In today’s message, we’ll look at how being vulnerable allows those around us to truly know us and love us.Support the show (https://elementchurchlaurel.com/give)

  • Growing Pains 02 | Trust the process

    20/01/2019 Duração: 48min

    The beginning of the new year tends to be the time many of us resolve to become better versions of ourselves.  As with most all good things, lifestyle transformation is a process that requires time and perseverance.  This can be hard when the end is out of sight and all we can see is the adversity immediately in front of us.  In today’s message, we’ll look at the life of Joseph and consider how we too can learn to trust the process in the midst of our problems.Support the show (https://elementchurchlaurel.com/give)

  • Growing Pains 01 | Put out your cup

    06/01/2019 Duração: 40min

    Two things servers need to know to increase their tips are to keep customers' cups full and don't interrupt their conversations.  But what should one do with a customer who hides their drink at the far end of a booth?  Sometimes we come to church wondering why we're not getting filled and satisfied.  Could it be possible that a simple change we can make is to stop concealing our cups and put them out at the edge of the table where it's easier for them to be filled? Support the show (https://elementchurchlaurel.com/give)

  • Christmas at Element

    23/12/2018 Duração: 39min

    The story of Jesus may seem as made up as Santa Claus, but Jesus came to Earth for a purpose. God sent his son to live a perfect life under imperfect circumstances to bring us close to Himself.  Whether it’s financial instability, rocky relationships, grief, depression, or any other strain in life, you can find a new peace in your relationship with God.Support the show (https://elementchurchlaurel.com/give)

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