Tfc Podcast



God speaks to us through His Word about the living Word, Jesus Christ who for us and for our salvation became incarnate, suffered death, and was raised to life in love for us. Hearing the Spirit-inspired Words of life becomes in faith nourishment and life for us through Christ. We hope that you will be encouraged and nourished unto life through the recorded pulpit ministry of Trinity Fellowship Church in Richardson, TX featuring the teaching of Dr. Carl Anderson. Please feel free to contact us. Better yet visit. Still better yet, hear God speak to you and share in His Word.


  • 05/28/06 - Engaging Our Culture


    Learn how the church can engage our culture spiritually, with the correct tone.

  • 05/21/06 - Blessed Assurance


    Do you feel far away, separated from God? Paul assures Christians that God is for us. Nothing can separate us from God’s love. And, one day we will stand before Him perfect and whole because of God’s grace and mercy – not because I deserved nor earned it.

  • 05/14/06 - How should we treat the Jews?


    Given God's promises in Genesis 12:3, how should we relate to the Jews?

  • 05/07/06 - The Hope of Glory


    The Hope of Glory – Romans 8:16-27 Does life hurt too much? God has a purpose for our suffering. Like a woman who endures the pains of labor for the joy of a newborn child, our pain won’t last forever. One day we will shine in endless glory and beauty.

  • 04/30/06 - Life in the Spirit


    What a difference a chapter makes! Or should we say, what a difference the Holy Spirit makes! Our assurance and hope for the present and the future is tied to the work of the Spirit in this famous passage.

  • 04/23/06 - The Battle


    The Apostle Paul's most enigmatic chapter in the book of Romans has mystified expositors for centuries. But have we been asking the wrong questions about this chapter?

  • 04/16/06 - The Death of Death


    The resurrection provides comfort when we are oppressed by death.

  • 03/26/06 - Adam vs. Christ


    How did this world get so messed up? How can it ever be fixed? In this passage the Apostle Paul compares and contrast two pivotal people, Adam and Christ, to show how what was lost through Adam has been more than regained through Christ. Romans 5:12-21

  • 03/19/06 - Love's Initiative


    Romans 5:1-11 How can one find peace with God? The Apostle Paul in this passage emphasizes that we can have peace with God because God Himself has taken the initiative to reconcile us to himself through the death of his Son, Jesus Christ.

  • 03/12/06 - Father Abraham part II


    The daring faith of Abraham, who "against hope, in hope believed," illustrates for the Apostle Paul the kind of faith God is asking of His people, a faith fully aware of the obstacles but fully confident of the power of God who "gives life to the dead."

  • 03/05/06 - Father Abraham


    Three major world religions look to Abraham as their "Father". The Apostle Paul uses Abraham's example as a crucial precedent on how a person can come into a relationship with God. What Paul teaches is a radical departure of what we think of when we speak of "religion".

  • 02/26/06 - The Heart of the Gospel


    Theologians and pastors across time have noted the simple beauty and hope of this key passage in Romans. The title expresses well the theme of Dr. Anderson's message and the foundational understanding of the Gospel message concerning Jesus Christ. (Romans 3:9-31)

  • 02/19/06 - Norm Friberg


    TFC's annual missions weekend featured guest speaker and missionary Norm Friberg. Norm and Jaque have nearly 50 years of stories of God's miraculous work for them and through them as they served as tent-making missionaries with Interserve throughout Central Asia. Through education and medical ministries they have been a part of the planting and building of indigenous churches in Afghanistan, Iran, Turkey, and Krygystan. Norm offers his life, His passion for Gospel ministry, a few stories from his experiences, and a compelling calling for all believers to serve as missionaries with Rom. 10:5-17 as the Biblical backdrop.

  • 02/05/06 - Homosexuality – The Issue / Our Response


    What does the Bible say about homosexuality? How do you make sense of all you hear, read, and see in the news and media? Dr. Anderson tackles this controversial subject with honest, courage, and clear exhortation toward a loving and faithful response.

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