Push Pull Legs Podcast



Tom Hall - Dan Meek - Fitness - Health - Coaching - Training - Nutrition - Myth Busters - Opinions are our own - Guest Opinions are their own and do not represent employers! we think...


  • 161. The Reality of Trainer Earnings? - Trans Athlete Discussion

    19/03/2019 Duração: 45min

    Interesting show, a very big brand put a nutrition article about sweeteners... using a nutritional therapist as a source... yeah... about that!? Also we talk about the real big topic of trans athletes, in particular men transitioning to women and what the testosterone level is needed.  also what is the residual training benefit!? lastly we talk about the truth of the first earnings of a trainer in the first 1-3 years oh and we talk pie

  • 160. Question Time

    12/03/2019 Duração: 49min

    We answer a host of questions from you guys, if you ever want to get yours answered, we usually put a tab in our instagram stories! then let us know!   we range in topics from, leaving your own coach... how much protein for a gym going footballer, how much is too much volume, Managing expectations and much much more...

  • 159. 1.6% Body Fat???

    05/03/2019 Duração: 42min

    You read that correctly... a lad playing american football has measured his body fat at 1.6%... we explain why this has to be wrong.  also we review our takeaways from our superb weekend workshop with some great trainers

  • 158. How Would You Organise Your Supermarket?

    26/02/2019 Duração: 38min

    bbc radio 5 looked into the misleading nature of healthy option food... often is isn't correct, we wondered could a supermarket be ordered differently? also we have a chuckle about not knowing context...

  • 157. Josh Silverman - Screening, Programming and Correctives Workshop Preview

    20/02/2019 Duração: 54min

    This week on the show, Josh is back, as we have dedicated this show to overviewing what we will be covering in our upcoming full day workshop. If you are interested in coming jump on the LDNMuscle website and come on down! What is a screen, assessment and test! how you do you make informed decisions based of the results you have obtained!? how does this apply to online coaching!?

  • 156. Coaching Infobesity

    13/02/2019 Duração: 42min

    How much is too much information!? we discuss what is the right amount of coaching cues toggle to an online client, nitrating client, or a 121 client learning a skill. or just in life!  

  • 155. Alex "Smith" Kraszewski - Physiotherapy and The Complete Trainers Toolbox

    07/02/2019 Duração: 01h04min

    Alex is a friend, physio and guy we turn too when we don't know an answer... or need help!  we have referenced him plenty of times over the years on the show, so we thought we would have a chat with him about rehab, physio, personal trainer, the NHS and Private healthcare. Also you lucky health professionals he has teamed up with some top coaches to provide... The Complete Trainers Toolbox. go grab it.... NOW

  • 154. "5 Things You Might Be Surprised Affect Your Weight" ... or not ...

    31/01/2019 Duração: 45min

    oh my there is some misinformation out there... we discuss an article from the BBC with 2 Prof and 1 Dr cited as their sources... amazing... and T nation have some fun polls! we argue for and against, to the best of our ability!

  • 153. Should I Cut or Should I Bulk?

    23/01/2019 Duração: 49min

    Should i cut or should i bulk.... or should you just chill out and maintain? "sign up for our course with LDNmuscle, jump on their website, on our instagram, Facebook group or listen to episode 152 for all the details! From seeing a range of people enter all of these phases the boys discuss how to get the best out of them, how long to stay in each phase, what are the common issues. also why dan... has never really got on in bulking last;y we get some nice apple sandwiches...

  • 152. 2019 Health and Fitness Predictions

    16/01/2019 Duração: 53min

    2019 Fitness predictions... but first Heres the link to our London Workshop - https://www.ldnmuscle.com/shop/academy/aspc/ - If you have any questions DM us! - What trends do we want to happen? What trends are going to happen... but we would like to stop... And Is obesity a disease!?

  • 151. Dr Emilia Thompson - Meditation and Mindfulness and 2019 Predictions

    09/01/2019 Duração: 01h12min

    We kick of the new year of 2019 with a Guest! Dr Emilia Thompson - (a pretty damn good coach) We cover topics from all over the health and fitness spectrum. Meditiation, Mindfulness, Mindful eating, Dieting, Intuitive eating, Goal setting and the sport of bodybuilding... if you fancy any of that then go follow her social media @emiliathompsonphd Thanks for listening... apologies dan is such a fangirl in this show

  • 150. The Pulley Awards 2018

    26/12/2018 Duração: 01h18min

    Well, its that time of year the 2018 pulleys... With our Special Recurring Guest - Josh Silverman The Oscars do Films The Grammys and Brits do Music.. For everything Health and Fitness.... There are the Pulleys... The Categories Are: The Best / Worst in all - Cereal, Machine or gym equipment, Exercise, Gym Attire, Coffee, Burger or Food Joint, Protein bar, Best Gym, Guest Listener And MOST stupid thing Peace out, see you in 2019

  • 149. Glucose Disposal and Pulley Preview

    19/12/2018 Duração: 51min

    Glucose Disposal Agents are apparently gathering traction... Dan myth busts and talks about the use, so you don't have to waste your money. also tom went on the FMS and came back with questions and answers also... start sending in your nominees... for the pulleys

  • 148. Trust Your Coach?

    12/12/2018 Duração: 46min

    When do you take your Milk Thistle? didn't think so... Bullet Points We have a little fun with some supplements, some unfortunate athletes suffering from REDS - Relative Energy Deficiency in Sport. and some questionable use of PAP by PSG... oh and avocados fund Mexican drug lords... its true #evidencebased

  • 147. Does the 800Kcal Diet Solve Obesity and Type 2 Diabetes?

    05/12/2018 Duração: 41min

    so, with tom battling the little c... we soldier on and chat about the research published over the 800kcal diet and ask the question... will this sort of kcal intervention ever actually really eradicate the issue of obesity and type 2 diabetes. surely there are other factors that seem to be more responsible. also we answer a couple of questions

  • 146. Christmas Nutrition Overkill

    28/11/2018 Duração: 43min

    its that time of year where we will get bombarded with "swaps" on food and how to keep the weight off during the holidays... so we though we would off our thoughts before December and the holiday party season is in full flow. also, dan john gave a great statement about overkill, love it lastly the list...tiers... are back!? christmas chocolate selections anyone?

  • 145. Prioritise Strength Training for Body Composition, Not Circuit Classes.

    22/11/2018 Duração: 52min

    we discuss, why endless cardio and circuit classes might not be the answer to your body composition goals, the three lift solution for leg training and what do we think is coming back on the fitness trend merrygoround discussing a post from a great coach, sohee lee. saying that for body composition should have a training hierarchy of strength training top... then anything else afterwards... not these endless cadet classes and cardio that you seem to peak after 4 weeks. and then plateau. also we chat the 3 lift method for legs... and lastly what do we think in terms of fitness trends will be coming back around... from the last 10 years or so

  • 144. Josh Silverman Strikes Back - Fitness / Nutrition methodologies or cults?

    14/11/2018 Duração: 01h06min

    We.... well Tom welcomes back the ultimate substitute teacher in Josh Silverman as Dan is on holiday, we invited josh to fill his small angry man shoes and talk about fitness and nutrition methodologies and how they can turn into a cult if you not careful. further more we dive into performance nutrition and the application of that looking at weight gain and loss...

  • 143. Fasted Weight Training - Exercise Selection

    07/11/2018 Duração: 52min

    A show full of interesting advice....not given by us! well, critically evaluated by us anyway. an article about fast weight training was given to us to have a browse through, we give a few considerations that the authors thought they had written... about... but maybe left out on purpose. we have a little look and share a bit of advice on how to order exercises in your own programmes. oh... stupid things... prunes... fibre and.... our favourite fitter food

  • 142. When Amylase Attacks!

    31/10/2018 Duração: 38min

    ITS TOM'S BIRTHDAY! .... but in other news, there was some questionable advice given out this week on amylase, orange juice, coffee and caffeine by a fun duo of a popular strongman and the truly awful DNA testing company.

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