Desert Breeze Community Church



Desert Breeze Community Church exists to provide a place where unchurched people can become fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ.


  • Embrace Your Advocate


    All other religions send ADVISORS to tell us what we must DO to be right with God. Christianity sends an ADVOCATE to tell us what He has DONE to make us right with God.

  • Conditions for Fellowship


    To Walk in the Light is a condition to maintain intimacy with God not to attain intimacy with God. Intimacy with God is a blood bought gift from God but to maintain and grow that intimacy with God you need to Walk in the Light. In fact, to Walk in the Light is a sign that you really do have intimacy with God.

  • Fellowship with God and Joy


    Satan delights in keeping true Christians unsure of their salvation because they’ll never experience the freedom, joy and confidence God wants for them. But he also delights in keeping those on their way to hell deluded into thinking that they are on their way to heaven, their consciences immunized from seeing their need to repent. To Know That You Know God is the believer’s ark in life’s storms, peace in panic, joy in sadness, the power and presence of God to face anything. “Christian assurance is Heaven on Earth!” –Thomas Brooks (1654)

  • Be Transformed by Him


    We have a new year, new me culture that looks at January 1st as a magical day were anything and everything can be transformed. New year’s resolutions such as working out, a new bible reading plan, a new budget, a new attitude on life, etc. are not bad, but if they are done out of obligation they don't transform they merely modify. Malachi gives us insight on why we need to be transformed and what it means to be forever changed by the Father Heart of God.

  • Be Generous to Him


    You can give without loving but you can’t love without giving (John 3:16; Rom5:8). Thesis: Because we are generously loved by God, we will love generously both God and others. Normal Christianity is love philanthropy—receiving so much love from God that you recklessly give it away without expecting anything in return.

  • Be Faithful to Him 2


    As the marriage goes so goes the family & as the family goes so goes society. The deterioration of our society is due to the delinquency of our children due to the disfunction of the family due to the high divorce rate. The Bible says that marriage is to be a lifelong monogamous relationship between a man & woman who are Christians

  • Be Faithful to Him


    Why does the topic of marriage show up so early in the book of Genesis? Because as the marriage goes so goes the family and as the family goes so goes society. Satan's assault on the institution of marriage shouldn't surprise us. The Bible says that marriage is to be a lifelong monogamous relationship between a man and a woman who are Christians.

  • Listen to Him


    The God of the Galaxies invites us into a relationship with Him that involves a true dialogue. A mutual giving and receiving of love and truth.

  • Worship Him


    You are what you love. And you worship what you love. And you talk about what you love. And you might not love what you say you love. If you were accused of being a wholehearted worshipper of God, would there be enough evidence to convict you?

  • Love Him


    If you only knew the Father heart of God for you. If you only knew what He thinks about you, how He feels about you and what He wants to do in and through your life it would change everything! You would love Him, worship Him, listen to Him, be faithful to Him, be generous to Him, transforming every part of your life

  • Doctrine Matters


    While doctrine IS systematic, meaning we look to what all of scripture says about a particular doctrine in order to define it, Doctrine is more than systematic, it’s a storyline.

  • End Times


    A person can get through anything with hope. What is it that a Christian should put their hope in? It is the second coming of Christ! Whether we are struggling with suffering, or are being tempted to compromise our faith in this world, it is the doctrine of the second coming of Christ that will rekindle our passion to persevere. The return of our King and how we are to live in light of it is one of the most important and practical doctrines we have as Christians.

  • New Life


    John 3:1-16 The Christian life is not about becoming a “NICE” person but about becoming a “NEW” person. It is not a morally restrained will (Self-improvement/Self-help/How-to) but a supernaturally transformed heart. The Christian life is not a call to morality and religion but a call to repent and believe in Christ Jesus (Mark1:15). It is about being Born-Again.

  • Incarnation of Jesus Christ


    Relationships are only as healthy as the individuals that make up those relationships. Therefore, individual wholeness is the key to healthy relationships. Relationships do not put us in conflict with others as much as they put us in conflict with our own sinful nature (Pride). The extent to which two people in a relationship can bring up and resolve issues is a critical marker of the soundness of the relationship. The Incarnation (God becoming man) is the ultimate example of conflict resolution.

  • Resurrection of Jesus


    At the heart of the Gospel (basic message of the Christian faith) is the resurrection. Without the resurrection there is no Christianity. The Resurrection of Jesus Christ is not just a historical FACT (Head Sound/Rational) but can and should be a daily reality of FAITH (Heart Satisfying/Relational) powerfully transforming every part of our lives.

  • Trinity


    The term Trinity is not found in the Bible, but the concept is clearly there, and the implications of this mystery are stunningly beautiful. “The historical doctrine of the trinity confronts us with perhaps the most difficult thought the human mind has ever been asked to handle. It is not easy; but it is true.” – J.I. Packer

  • Canon


    The Bible is the inspired, infallible Word of God. It is necessary, authoritative, clear, and sufficient for all of faith and life. Therefore, it is important to know which books belong in the Bible by God’s providential preservation and which books do not. The books that belong form the Canon of scripture. If there is no Canon, then there is no coherent message. If there is no coherent message, then there is no Christianity. As Greg Bahnsen states, “The notion of a canon is at the theological foundation of the Christian faith. Without revealed words available to God's people, there would be no exercise by God of Lordship over us as servants, and there would be no sure promise from God the Savior to save us as sinners.” Understanding the Canon correctly will strengthen our faith and life in our Lord and Savior.

  • Original Sin


    Why is this world so full of sin (evil) and suffering? The answers in our American culture range from circumstances, to conditioning, to our chromosomes as the cause of our sin. The various solutions offered are politics, economy, education, counseling and self-help. What if our circumstances, conditioning and chromosomes aren’t the cause of our sin and suffering but only magnify something that is already inside of us? The Bible says that our problem is much deeper, and it is called Original Sin because all of us have inherited a sin nature that goes all the way back to the garden of Eden.

  • Deity of Jesus


    Those who dare to look beyond the prejudices and encounter the historical person and work of the real Jesus Christ are never ever the same. The name Jesus means, “God is salvation.” The title Christ means, “Messiah who delivers.”

  • Why Doctrine Matters


    When pilots fly into storms, they must follow their instruments even when it contradicts their feelings, or they’ll inevitably crash. So, it is with Christians, when we face the storms of life (i.e. smart skeptics or suffering), we must follow our instruments (doctrine) or we won’t survive!

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