Chronic Chronicles: Health Chat



Wednesdays at 1230PM Pacific/330PM Eastern: It is time to swap being chronically ill for Chronically Awesome! Join the Chronically Awesome Donna Kay and Jules as they teach you how to be less Chronically Ill and more Chronically Awesome. What is Chronically Awesome? Chronically Awesome is a lifestyle choice for the chronically ill. It is a positive way of living life with chronic illness. We can separate ourselves mentally from our chronic illness using artistic expression, mindfulness, and a process of building ourselves up day-by-day growing emotionally strong which makes us physically stronger. Chronic Chronicles is an educational and outreach program of The Chronically Awesome Foundation. *Things to remember: 1. This is not a show about marijuana. 2. In order to participate in the chat you MUST have a user name. Anonymous "Guest 1" type names will not be able to participate due to past severely abusive trolls. Getting a username is quick and easy. 3. Any abuse of hosts, guests, chat room members will be cause for immediate removal from the chat room and report to Talk Shoe Support.


  • EP144: #InvisibleIllnessWeek #30Things Let's Talk About Them!


    Invisible Illness Week is September 28- October 4th. One of the great traditions of Invisible Illness Week is the 30 Things Meme. The ladies of the chronicles will share their 30 things with you this week and talk about why these questions and answers are so important. Join the chat to share your answers and discuss Invisible Illness with us.

  • EP143: Steroids! Blessings & Curses of this med #ChronicallyAwesome


    Many Chronically Awesome patients are prescribed Corticosteroids due to their powerful anti inflammatory and immunosuppressive properties. That is FANTASTIC if that was that. That is however not that, the side-effects of steroids are common complaints amongst even the most awesome of us and include mood swings and weight gain. Today we are going to talk about steroid use for chronic pain and autoimmune disorders and how to cope with the side effects.

  • EP:142 Chronic Chronicles #ChronicallyAwesome Chat, Balance The Load


    The kids in school, maybe you are working, he s/o is working, you have doctor appointments and meds to remember, a house to clean and pets to care for. You are not your only commitment. How do you balance being Chronically Awesome and Awesomely Present for the things you must be present for? Let's find out!

  • EP140:AccountabilityPartners! The one that helps us get things done.


    Do you ever need some extra motivation? A reminder of the date and that the rent is due? Someone to sit with you while you do the laundry so you don't quit? THAT is your accountability partner!

  • EP139: You've Got The #ChronnicallyAwesome Look #GetUp #GetDressed Let's GO


    We don't always feel like getting up, getting showered, and getting dressed do we? Well, we have a little tip around here, sort of an unwritten rule: get up, and at least get dressed. However, when you are looking good, you are going to feel better. That is why we are here today to talk to you about ways to boost your self esteem, get into a look that is good for you (ladies and gentlemen), and pamper yourself while you are at it. Trust us, you will feel good just listening to us.

  • EP138: Be Yourself, Be #ChronicallyAwesome, Don't Stray From YOUR Path


    Who are you? â?ª#â??Authenticityâ?¬ Join us today at 10 AM on the Left Coast/ 1 PM on the "Right" Coast for our â?ª#â??ChronicallyAwesomeâ?¬ Chat Are you living as your authentic self or has something happened (or is something happening) in your life that is forcing you to live in some way that does not allow you to be you? Today we are going to talk about how to take off the mask, how to live your true life, and how living your authentic self will make your life and your health better.

  • EP137: #ChronicallyAwesome The Power of Positivity, Don't Bring Me Down!


    Being Chronically Awesome means taking the ill out of Chronic Illness and replacing it with Awesome. Being positive is good for your health. Having a positive attitude is also good for the people around you. No one wants to be around a Debbie Downer! In this episode we will talk about the impact of being positive and the impact of those downers in our lives.

  • EP136: Chronic Chronicles: #ChronicallyAwesome Chat: It Was Sh*t Week!


    What do you do when it all happens at once? When the week really hits the fan and you don't feel like you can make it through? It happened for Donna and Jules this week, now we can tell you what we did so you can use our tools for when it happens to you!

  • EP135: Chronic Chronicles #ChronicallyAwesome #ChronicIllness: Summer Fun!


    What will you do this summer? We have some ideas that won't be too hard on the Chronically Awesome but will keep you going while the weather is fine.This is the time to try and get out and into the sun while you can!

  • Ep134: ChronicChronicles: #Health #ChronicallyAwesome #OCD #MentalHealth


    " Franklin P. Jones said, â??One advantage of talking to yourself is that you know someone is listening.â?? What Mr. Jones did not realize is that there are times when one gets tired of hearing oneâ??s voice. I would like to explain why. Perhaps in the process I will explain a common and, frankly really f#%*ing annoying misconception of OCD." from WhatTheJules, Confessions of a Reluctant Activist The blog of Jules Shapiro June 30, 2015. Today: OCD, OCD and Intrusive Thoughts, The Common Misconceptions of OCD: Let's do this thing today!

  • EP133 ChronicChronicles: #ChronicallyAwesome Talk: #Anxiety in Tragedy


    Recent events have us thinking: When tragedy strikes and our televisions are non-stop terrible news, how does it impact those of us that are sensitive to triggers such as violence? How do we deal with the fear and anxiety that comes with the repetition of anything from man-made to natural disasters?

  • EP132:Sudden #Stress What's the Impact? #ChronicIllness #ChronicallyAwesome


    When something happens out of the blue it can stress anyone out, but we are Chronically Awesome, and stress can impact us more than others. What happens and what can we do about it.

  • EP131:ChronicChronicles #ChronicallyAwesome: #Family & #ChronicIllness


    Sometimes our family is the best, other times we wish we had more support. Today we will talk about how to work with our family issues and our chronic illness

  • EP130: ChronicChronicles HealthChat Innovations In #chronicallyawesome tech


    From advances in medical science to wearable technology and apps that record everything from the steps you take and the moves you make, tech is watching you and helping with pain and regenerating or stimulating the things that go ouch or make our hearts skip a beat. Technology is everywhere in health and working to keep the chronically awesome more and more awesome!

  • EP129 ChronicChronicles #ChronicallyAwesome #Health Chat Today: #Exercise


    When you are #ChronicallyAwesome (or, gasp: Chronically Ill) it can be hard to exercise, we get it, we really do. Today we will talk about the challenges, the pain, and give you some creative ideas for exercising with different types of chronic illness.

  • EP128: Chronic Chronicles #ChronicallyAwesome Chat about #DaylightSavings


    In just over 70 countries around the world, the practice of daylight savings springing forward and falling back has us convinced that two nights a year we are losing or gaining an hour of sleep. The fact is that neither of those two things are really happening, but a whole lot more is going on. Listen up, you will be amazed.

  • EP127: A PSA, Join Us Friday for a Video Broadcast on Google+


    On Friday, March 6th at 10AM Pacific/1PM Eastern we will be broadcasting via a Google+ Hangout. We hope you join us. Listen here for topic info and for Jules getting a little weird. Visit for link information on Friday morning. The show will be viewable afterward at

  • EP126: Procrastination #ChronicChronicles #Health chat #chronicallyawesome


    Do you procrastinate? Forget to pick-up meds until the last minute or you are out? Don't make necessary follow-up's with your doctor or get those lab tests you were supposed to do? What about bills? Ugh, right? Let's talk about why we do it and how to get on the right track.

  • EP125-#ChronicChronicles: #ChronicallyAwesome Pain Management


    Today we will continue our Chronic Pain Series with Part 2: Pain Management. With so many laws and complications these days, we will share some of what you can expect in pain management and how to navigate the world of controlled substances; the DEA and the inconsistancies of drug laws. (mic drop)

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