River Church Uk



Be enriched and encouraged as you listen to the latest talks and music from River Church. We believe in a personal relationship with God which is made possible by the life, death and resurrection of his Son, Jesus Christ; and that relationship affects everything we do. Our experience is that the supernatural power of God, which we read about in the Bible, can still be known today in our own lives (You can expect one to three new MP3 podcast episodes each week).


  • Followers of Jesus Then & Now 1: Faith

    23/04/2023 Duração: 26min

    Andy introduces our new teaching series, describing Mark's Gospel as being like a Bond movie. People at the time responded to Jesus in different ways: some were attracted, some approached in desperation and others came to confront Him. What is our primary response?

  • Abiding in Jesus (SL)

    23/04/2023 Duração: 22min

    Remaining in the Vine to produce fruit that will last (John 15:1--17)

  • By Faith (SL)

    17/04/2023 Duração: 21min

    Julie uses examples of faith in action

  • Boundless Grace (MW)

    16/04/2023 Duração: 30min

    Colin considers the boundless favour that God shows us - it's immeasurable, incomparable and far exceeds and surpasses what we deserve or are able to comprehend. Through it he offers us the highest honour and the deepest rest. Let's receive first this grace, then give it away to others.

  • Easter Forgiveness (SL)

    09/04/2023 Duração: 23min

    God's story of Forgiveness from Genesis till the end of time. Hear how God responds to true repentance

  • Easter - What's It For? (MW)

    09/04/2023 Duração: 19min

    Many in the UK know at some level what Easter is, but few really understand what it's for. Paul reminds us that the main reason is to enable us to be at one with God; free to be in communion with Him, to participate with Him, and to be changed by Him. So let's give 'em that 'what for'!

  • WIAOL10: Worship in Times of Joy (part 2) (MW)

    02/04/2023 Duração: 20min

    Emanuel explains how we can be inspired to worship by responding to God's SONG - His word speaking to us through scripture (S), through others (O), via nature (N) and as a result of the good gifts (G) He gives.

  • WIAOL9: Worship In Times of Joy (part 1) MW

    26/03/2023 Duração: 21min

    Nigel speaks about the need to have an attitude of gratitude; always to be praising; and the value of adoration in creation. He leaves us with the question: how can I experience a new song of joy in my life?

  • WIAOL8: Worship in Lament part 2 (MW)

    19/03/2023 Duração: 25min

    Paul talks about learning to lament well: it's a journey of permission where we are invited to share all our feelings with God, but one to we need to stick with, as there are no shortcuts. Finally it's a journey of hope, since it has the clear purpose of leading us back to a place of praise.

  • Be Still and know that I am God (SL)

    19/03/2023 Duração: 31min

    seek God, spend time in His presence getting to know Him better. From this place we can grow and allow Him to work through us to see His miracles, signs and wonders in the world around us.

  • WIAOL7: Worship in Lament part 1 (MW)

    12/03/2023 Duração: 31min

    Andy describes lament in his own life and explains how it's different to despair; also that it's normal, natural and definitely not the end of the story.

  • Sanctified and Ready (SL)

    12/03/2023 Duração: 21min

    Julie looks at the story in Exodus where the Israelites were told to cleanse themselves ready for the coming of God, and then how Jesus did that for us

  • Church Life in Damak, Nepal (MW)

    05/03/2023 Duração: 28min

    Bijay is pastor of New Horizons Christian Fellowship in Damak, Nepal, and is staying with Paul & Anthea for a couple of days before returning home after the Pioneer International and Pioneer UK conferences in Southampton last week. In this talk he shares from 1 Kings 11 before describing the challenges his church faces in reaching out to their community, and some of their successful initiatives.

  • A Word of encouragement (SL)

    26/02/2023 Duração: 25min

    how we might come closer to God in this lent season

  • WIAOL6: Worship In Creation (MW)

    26/02/2023 Duração: 26min

    Allowing creation to nourish our souls: Colin Barnes considers God's amazing creation and reminds us that we are dearly loved, we are beautiful, we have great potential and we are significant.

  • WIAOL5: Worship Through Justice (MW)

    19/02/2023 Duração: 19min

    There are many types of justice; Legal, Political, Social and Economic. Our starting point needs to be humility, then we need to learn how truly to love mercy, and as a result we are more likely to act with justice.

  • A call to come closer (SL)

    19/02/2023 Duração: 19min

    The closer we get to the Lord, the more natural it is to share His love and our faith

  • Undivided loyalty (SL)

    12/02/2023 Duração: 23min

    Isaiah 45:5 'I am the Lord and there is no other, apart from me there is no God’. All the glory belongs to our Heavenly Father and creator.

  • Building Your Character (MW)

    05/02/2023 Duração: 05min

    At this month's special family meeting Sandra spoke to the adults about the need to be intentional about building (Godly) character, and describes the power of inviting and receiving feedback from others about how we're doing.

  • No Loopholes (SL)

    05/02/2023 Duração: 17min

    Taking a look at how we often want a loophole to get out of doing what God wants,, from the story of The Good Samaritan in Luke 10.

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