Ruf At Tcu (reformed University Fellowship)



Podcasts from our weekly RUF at TCU Large Group Meetings.


  • Psalm 145: The End For Which You Were Made

    10/04/2013 Duração: 30min

    Every person, at some point in their lives, has wrestled with the question, "Why am I here?". In Ps. 145 David invites us to consider that our singular purpose is not for ourselves, but for God alone. And, contrary to the belief that this brings misery, it actually brings great joy for life to not be about 'you.'

  • Psalm 139: The Uncomfortable Intimacy of God

    03/04/2013 Duração: 30min

    Many of believe that if there is a God, He can't be bothered with the affairs of our everyday lives. Psalm 139 shows us how involved God is without lives and why He would want to do so

  • Psalm 115: What Matters Most To You?

    20/03/2013 Duração: 30min

    Here the psalmist asserts that everyone, everywhere makes something supreme in their lives. The Bible calls this posture 'worship'. How do we fix our 'worship disorders' such that Life is given to us? NOTE: Poor recording quality. Bummer, we know. Sorry.

  • Psalm 103: The Boundless Goodness of God

    06/03/2013 Duração: 31min

    In God's being in love (among other things, to be sure). But His goodness, doesn't 'stay' there; it gets expressed to his creation...and especially his people. This sort of love is uncomfortable, at times, but is the very thing that makes our hearts sing.

  • Psalm 88: The Language of Lament

    27/02/2013 Duração: 26min

    The Psalms give us a range of human emotions. Most of us, however, never really explore the sorrow and pain that are often in our lives. This leads to burying or denying what is really there. Psalm 88 gives us language so that we might express our darkest of moments before God.

  • Psalm 73: What Is Going On Here?

    20/02/2013 Duração: 29min

    It is easy to believe that when the 'bad guys' are winning, God must not be involved (at best) or he doesn't care at all (at worst). Psalm 72 reminds us of what is REAL and how this gives us the ability to face the dark side of life in the world.

  • Psalm 51: Caught. Now What?

    13/02/2013 Duração: 29min

    What do you do when you're 'busted', when you've been found out? The 51st Psalm is a confession (of sorts) of a man who was found out by God. In it we see the inner workings of repentance that ultimately lead to real freedom.

  • Psalm 34: Desperation + Deliverance = Delight

    06/02/2013 Duração: 30min

    Ps. 34 invites us to examine the ways that God gives us His grace in times of difficulty. This psalm invites us to sing in the midst of our difficulties.

  • Psalm 23: Singing Our Weaknesses

    30/01/2013 Duração: 27min

    In this classic Psalm, David models singing our weakness before God. Instead of burying them or denying them, he is able to name them honestly. Only a God who has first become weak for us can free us to do this.

  • Psalm 16: The Problem of Happiness

    23/01/2013 Duração: 33min

    Every heart longs to be happy. It motivates everything we do. And happiness is only had by loving something. David says our hearts are happiest when the love God alone.

  • Psalm 1: The Key To Flourishing

    16/01/2013 Duração: 29min

    Every human culture has some vision of what human flourishing looks like. Psalm 1 show us that every heart is shaped by something and that something will direct the course for that individual's life. "What will you love?" the Psalms asks and provides a future for the answering of that question.

  • Power: I Can

    14/11/2012 Duração: 32min

    To be a human being means to be dependent and limited. Yet, the lure of our culture and own hearts is to pursue independency and power. What does have to say about Power--it's glory and ruin? Here, we learn that power, rightly expressed, is to give up independence and love others by serving them.

  • The Problem with Hell

    07/11/2012 Duração: 30min

    What do we make of a good God and the notion of Hell? Listen here to hear about how a God of justice and a God of love are not opposites. Rather we see that love is always just...and how God has made a way for those deserving justice.

  • Marijuana Jesus

    31/10/2012 Duração: 34min

    What do we do when the spiritual "high" wears off? Ryan talks about the importance--and problems of trusting in--our spiritual states...and how Jesus is better than the best of our states.

  • Lone Ranger Christianity

    24/10/2012 Duração: 30min

    The Christian Scriptures teach that there is no such thing as a solo-Christian. When God rescues us, He puts us in community with others...and this is for our, and their, good.

  • Christianity Is Too Confining

    26/09/2012 Duração: 29min

    Perhaps you perceive religion as morally constraining. Or, have you thought about following a religious code as a means for ultimate moral freedom? This sermon shows how in Christianity one gets something utterly unique: Real Freedom within Real Limits.

  • All Good People Go To Heaven?

    19/09/2012 Duração: 30min

    Does God really help those who help themselves? Here we learn that God doesn't save morally good people (no matter how squeaky-clean they may be). Rather, God's grace comes to people who are needy, realizing that they are helpless without Him.

  • Approval: I Like It When You Like Me

    12/09/2012 Duração: 27min

    All of us are people-pleasers to some degree or another. We want to be liked and esteemed. Christianity asserts that all of the opinions of all the people in the world don't hold a candle to the approval that comes from God himself to those who are in Christ.

  • Multiple Roads, One Destination

    05/09/2012 Duração: 29min

    What are we to make of the claim that not all religions can be equally true? Is our culture now now forced to deal with the subjective value of religion alone. Christianity is unique in what it affirms. It says that God as a person has come and to do so that He might be with men. Listen here for a sermon on the challenge of exclusivity.

  • The Manageable Jesus

    29/08/2012 Duração: 26min

    Nobody likes being out of control. This leads many of us to want to have a god that we can easily manage and control. Listen in to hear how we can have the Jesus as he really is and not as we wish He could be.

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