

Awakening Church is a community that exists to awaken this generation to new life in Jesus Christ. Join the Movement. Experience Community. Live on Mission.


  • Youth Sunday 2024

    31/05/2024 Duração: 26min

    At Awakening, we believe that teenagers are not just leaders of the church of tomorrow, but leaders of the church today. We are so excited to live that out by giving them the opportunity to lead us in worship, in service, and in opening God’s Word. Join us for a peek into what God is doing in Awakening’s youth group, a vision for discipleship, and a service full of fun created and led by students. You're not going to want to miss out!

  • A Church for Every Child

    24/05/2024 Duração: 34min

    This Sunday is highlighting our partnership with Foster the City, an organization that believes that vulnerable children and families are near to the heart of God and that the Church has the responsibility and resources to care for them. From the stories of the Patriarchs in Genesis to the words of Jesus, and from the gospel preached by Peter to the explanations by Paul, the heartbeat of God's concern for the marginalized and oppressed is undeniable. This Sunday, we will be welcoming Kylie Middlebusher from Foster the City as she preaches and shares with us how everyone can make a difference for children and families in foster care!

  • Hope for the Wait

    17/05/2024 Duração: 33min

    We are so excited to celebrate all the Awakening moms and mother figures this Sunday! We will have sweet gifts and a photo booth where you can grab a family photo that will be edited and sent to you. We will also be welcoming Liz Ditty as she teaches about the tension, torture, and the gifts of waiting.

  • Protégé Sunday

    10/05/2024 Duração: 28min

    At Awakening Church, our vision is to be a strategic training center raising up the next generation of world changers. Protégé is a nine-month immersion in leadership development for those devoted to investing in the lives of others and committed to integrating their talents, abilities, and character into living a Christ-centered and missional life. Protégé Sunday is the day where we get to hear from, be led by, and celebrate protégés in the program!

  • Anxiety: Into The Storm | Part 4

    28/04/2024 Duração: 38min

    We live in an age of anxiety—the dailiness of life presses upon us. Uncertainty, fear, worry, stress, and trauma invade our peace of mind. We have come to live with chronic anxiety as a normal and expected thing. Is this just the way life is? Is there any relief, any hope? Can we break free from the downward spiral of anxiety? Jesus of Nazareth is the most non-anxious presence in human history. What if peace isn’t a distant reality but a here-and-now invitation of Jesus? Join us for our new series, “ANXIETY,” as we learn from Jesus how to experience peace in an age of anxiety.

  • Anxiety: The Soul Of Shame | Part 3

    21/04/2024 Duração: 38min

    Shame and anxiety often form a destructive partnership in our lives. Every one of us hears the voice of shame at some point. It whispers that we are failures, fundamentally flawed, and unworthy of acceptance and belonging. It taunts us with thoughts like, "If only you were smarter, more attractive, thinner, or more successful." As shame casts its shadow, anxiety follows, an unwelcome intruder asking, "Will I ever be enough?" and "Is this how it will always be?" How does Jesus encounter us in the midst of our shame and anxiety? What hope does the Gospel offer against the burden of shame we bear?

  • Anxiety: Here, There, and Everywhere | Part 2

    14/04/2024 Duração: 39min

    We live in an age of anxiety—the dailiness of life presses upon us. Uncertainty, fear, worry, stress, and trauma invade our peace of mind. We have come to live with chronic anxiety as a normal and expected thing. Is this just the way life is? Is there any relief, any hope? Can we break free from the downward spiral of anxiety? Jesus of Nazareth is the most non-anxious presence in human history. What if peace isn’t a distant reality but a here-and-now invitation of Jesus? Join us for our new series, “ANXIETY,” as we learn from Jesus how to experience peace in an age of anxiety.

  • Anxiety: The Anxiety Club | Part 1

    07/04/2024 Duração: 35min

    We live in an age of anxiety—the dailiness of life presses upon us. Uncertainty, fear, worry, stress, and trauma invade our peace of mind. We have come to live with chronic anxiety as a normal and expected thing. Is this just the way life is? Is there any relief, any hope? Can we break free from the downward spiral of anxiety? Jesus of Nazareth is the most non-anxious presence in human history. What if peace isn’t a distant reality but a here-and-now invitation of Jesus? Join us for our new series, “ANXIETY,” as we learn from Jesus how to experience peace in an age of anxiety.

  • Savior: It Is Finished | Part 6

    31/03/2024 Duração: 37min

    There are few things in life where we feel like they are fully finished. There always seems to be more to learn and grow. Every relationship can go deeper or get better. In our careers, there’s the incessant need to keep advancing. We live not in the DONE but in the DOING, ever striving and rarely arriving. And we feel this spiritually: I need to DO ________ to experience peace or find hope and meaning. Jesus from the cross utters some of humanity's most important words– It is Finished. What if purpose and peace aren’t found in what you DO but in what God has already DONE for you?

  • Savior: Into Your Hands | Part 5

    24/03/2024 Duração: 37min

    Who do you trust? Is there someone you trust fully? Trust is difficult, isn’t it? Even the closest people in our lives hurt us, let us down, or been untrustworthy. What about God? Can you really trust God? The truth is we want to be in control. The problem is we have far less control than we care to admit. Jesus' final act on the cross wasn’t to take control but to entrust himself into the hands of His Heavenly Father. What if the freedom you always desired wasn’t found in having more control but fully entrusting your life into the hands of your Heavenly Father?

  • Savior: The Human Experience | Part 4

    17/03/2024 Duração: 36min

    What do you really want? What is your deepest desire? We try to cover up our neediness with activity and achievement. We quench our soul's thirst with trivialities. Yet the ache, the thirst, returns. This is the human experience. Can anyone or anything satisfy the soul craving? And how does a crucified God make any difference in the human experience?

  • Savior: In Pursuit of Paradise | Part 3

    10/03/2024 Duração: 38min

    How would you define paradise? Perhaps it’s a place, a scenic explosion for the senses– a breathtaking beach, a majestic mountain getaway, a quiet garden. Or a state of being– perfect happiness, bliss, with pleasure at your fingertips. Maybe it’s living your best life, stress-free, untangled by the pressure and demands of life. The craving of the soul is for paradise. True Rest, Complete Peace, Breathtaking Beauty, Pure Happiness. Where can you find the paradise your heart truly longs for?

  • Savior: The Beautiful Exchange | Part 2

    03/03/2024 Duração: 41min

    Difficulty, pain, and hurting are inescapable. We often endure life's troubles and wonder what it really means when the church says “God cares”? Could a Jesus suffering on a cross actually care about my suffering? More than that, what if He did more than care, what if He offered to meet our needs? Join us as we explore the hope that the Wounded Healer offers.

  • Savior: The Wounded Hand | Part 1

    25/02/2024 Duração: 33min

    The idea of a savior strikes us as a bit odd. We are too sophisticated and enlightened to need a savior. Can’t we save ourselves? And yet the person drowning loses all sophistication, crying out in desperation for saving. Whether we like it or not, we all are looking for someone or something to save us– that relationship, self-actualization, our career or education, or escaping by numbing out. Who will rescue us from the drudgery and bring life, hope, and purpose? The cross stands as the centerpiece of human history. On the cross, Jesus preached his final sermon. The cross, now His pulpit. The Wounded Healer utters seven powerful sayings that reveal His saving grace for a hurting and broken world. Join us for the series our hearts are longing for, SAVIOR: the sermon from the Cross.

  • Worship + Communion Sunday

    18/02/2024 Duração: 38min

    Join Awakening for a special Sunday centered around worship and communion. Hear from Sayeh Khalili as he recites from the book of Ephesians.

  • Unstuck: 90,000 Hours | Part 6

    11/02/2024 Duração: 37min

    The average person will spend about ⅓ of their life at work or around 90,000 hours working. For many, anxiety, stress, and burnout are unwelcome byproducts of their careers. Are you destined to eke out your days, or is there a better way to work? What does success look like? Is there a way to infuse what you do with meaning and purpose? How do you move from burnout to a healthy work-life balance? Join us as we conclude our UNSTUCK series and dive into God’s wisdom for how he designed work to work.

  • Unstuck: Friction | Part 5

    04/02/2024 Duração: 37min

    Every relationship, no matter how good or godly, will experience conflict. How we respond to conflict and difficult conversations will either make or break our friendships, marriages, and families. Conflict is actually an opportunity to grow in depth and intimacy relationally. Yet most of us never had a good example of how to resolve conflict well. How do we navigate conflict healthily and well? What does it look like to lean in with love even when there’s friction in the relationship?

  • Unstuck: The Lonely Place | Part 4

    28/01/2024 Duração: 37min

    We are more connected than ever as a society, and yet, at the same time, we have an epidemic of loneliness in our world. Why are so many so alone in such a socially connected world? The longing of every single person is to belong, to truly know another person, and to be known by them, to love and be loved. How do you experience deep, meaningful, life-giving friendships in the digital age?

  • Unstuck: Peace of Mind | Part 3

    21/01/2024 Duração: 37min

    How do you experience financial peace of mind? How much money in the bank do you need to have in order to feel secure? In Silicon Valley, we live under immense financial pressure, riddled with anxiety about the future, with financial peace ever elusive. God wants to help you break free and experience true financial peace of mind. Join us for part 3 of our series Unstuck as we discover God’s path to financial peace of mind.

  • Unstuck: The Debt Trap | Part 2

    14/01/2024 Duração: 34min

    In Silicon Valley, we live under immense financial pressure, with the ever-elusive goal of financial freedom beyond the grasp of many. We tend to believe that if we made more, we would finally be financially free-- retire young, own a nice house, and travel the world whenever we desire. But in reality, with the high cost of living, many are falling behind, only to find themselves accumulating more and more debt. How do we break free from the debt trap? What if the key to freedom lies in living on less instead of getting more?

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