


How do I quit feeling so jealous of successful friends? Can I befriend my ex?Should I ask my coworker why she unfollowed me on Twitter? Every week Jenn & Trin answer your questions about friendship! We try to advise on the tricky stuff that's making you feel weird. Submit your questions to Keep in mind we're not therapists or doctors, although we have spent plenty of time with them.____________________(New to the show? Welcome! This episode is a great place to start. This one, too.)


  • Quit it with the Sack Tapping

    22/05/2020 Duração: 41min

    The first asker is caught between two friends going through a sudden divorce, oh no! The second asker isn't freaking out about COVID, and can't understand why everyone else seems to feel differently. Hm!! Most importantly, we want to know: Why do all men go through a phase of hitting each other in the testicles? Aaaa!!! CWs: - Discussion of testicles and kicking them, first ten minutes of the show. - Discussion of divorce, death throughout show. - Big death mention at 27m20s, big climate change mention at 37m00s. - Poop mention, eating poop mention 27m20s

  • Hork Down a Pie!

    14/05/2020 Duração: 38min

    Sometimes, you just need a little more. We’re here to help you figure out how to effectively ask for it. How can I get my friends to talk freely about their guilty pleasures? What can I do to encourage my buds to initiate more conversations and online hangouts? In personal news, Jenn has started Animal Crossing, and Trin waxes poetic about her Wonder Woman emotions. Content Warnings: - Food mentions around 7m00s, 7m50s, and 18m18s. - COVID-heavy second question. - Occasional joking references to porn starting at 14m08s. - Death mention 19m43s.

  • Low Stakes Vandalism

    07/05/2020 Duração: 35min

    First up: “I was out on leave and I’m worried my coworkers are resentful that I’ve been gone. What can I do to feel less terrible about this?” Then, “I feel closer to my coworkers through this pandemic trauma. Is this why hazing works?” Around Friendshipping Headquarters, Jenn just started playing Animal Crossing, and Trin can’t stop screaming. Big week all around for everyone. Production note: Trin is wrong; Spanish Flu was not our most recent pandemic. But she is correct that we did not have The Internet back then. CWs: Discussions of COVID and hazing

  • Bonus Episode: Animal Crossing Etiquette

    04/05/2020 Duração: 45min

    Today on this here podcast, it’s all about being polite on our favorite utopia simulator, Animal Crossing. What’s the tea on Blood? Do you leave a tip for big gains on the Stonk Market? Why is my friend sitting motionless on a log? Whew! Now that we got that out of our collective system, we’ll be back on Thursday with your regular friendship programming.

  • Turn Off My Face

    01/05/2020 Duração: 49min

    “My friend mailed me $50. She’s the worst, right?” This week, Jenn wonders if there’s a gas leak, Trin deeply mispronounces “Oregon,” and neither of us can quite wrap our brains around an asker who feels grievously wronged by a sorta disappointing wedding gift, I guess. Thank goodness, the second question is about Animal Crossing (but is applicable to the other social tech that we now rely on for human interaction). CWs: Queerphobia, and money are discussed at length. COVID mentions.

  • The Butter Garage

    23/04/2020 Duração: 46min

    Is it okay to like having time off from work? Jenn and Trin tell you the hard truth about enjoying your life. We also get down with house envy, the box full of personal shame that lives in everyone’s home, and empathizing with your bored house cat on a level you never thought possible. CWs: Discussion ADD/ADHD spectrum. Brief, sudden masturbation mention when we read the first question.

  • Steamboy 3000

    16/04/2020 Duração: 45min

    Mary Tyler Moore, the real one*, wants to know how to deal with the guilt of her shelter-in-place privilege in relation to her friend Ethel, who has it much harder as the single caretaker of four kids and one adult nurse. This week we once again validate an asker and everything they are doing. Plus: How to gracefully exit a group video call when everyone knows you don’t have anything better to do, and Tom Nook is an oligarch who must be deposed, his monopolies disbanded, and his assets redistributed to the people. *real in the existential sense CWs: Humorous, metaphorical mentions of blood. Discussion of COVID. Poop mentions, Casual death mentions. Trin goes on an anti-capitalist rant again.

  • We're All Depressed Here

    09/04/2020 Duração: 41min

    How can we fight off the terrible dark feelings of pessimism? And what can I do when my friends set up wayyy too many group video calls? I don’t have anything else to do, and they know it, so I feel like I have to go to all of them. Help! This episode once again starts with a Pop Culture Corner, with some mentions of cinematic violence. Are you all into that segment? Should we keep doing it? Let us know! CW: COVID discussion throughout, discussion of the fall of civilization/human extinction Send your questions to

  • Everything Feels Sharper Now

    02/04/2020 Duração: 35min

    My friend doesn’t believe in science. Can this friendship be saved? This week, we discuss the value of doctors, social distancing, and saying your weird thoughts out loud sometimes so someone else can correct you. General CW for realistic but hopeful COVID19 discussion, existential dread.

  • Huge Powerful Energy

    26/03/2020 Duração: 34min

    How should I check on my friends while we're social distancing? Is asking "how are you?" a silly question right now? We're all in this alone together! Content warnings for discussion of COVID-19.

  • OK Mildred

    12/03/2020 Duração: 31min

    My friend sends me extremely long text messages. Paragraphs and paragraphs. All the time. Can I clue her in that this is a little much for me? This one's got advice, a little bit of Love is Blind, a little bit of politics, some quotes from literature, everything you could ever want. CW: at 3:00 min, hyperbolic cancer mention; discussion of politics; brief mention of COVID-19.

  • A Lunar Eclipse Happens

    27/02/2020 Duração: 30min

    We've got a listener who is new to town! "I (he/him, gay) was lucky enough to graduate from college and move to Chicago. How do I go about finding Hobbies for Gays™ that I’m interested in? How have you made and found friends after getting out of school?" Here's some ideas for meeting new people and finding a community. CW: repeated use of the word 'penis' in the first three minutes.

  • Double-fisting Fire

    20/02/2020 Duração: 38min

    "I told my best friend not to share my pronouns with his parents so they don't tell MY parents, but he did anyway. How can I move forward from this?" This week's episode is all about boundaries, respect, and privacy, with a little metal smithing thrown in for good measure. Do better, Jared!!! CW: depression (brief), gender identities.

  • Dad's Power Tools

    13/02/2020 Duração: 38min

    "I’m throwing a Galentine’s Day party. I’m not sure if I should invite my (AFAB, she/they) non-binary friend. How can I do this without making them feel misgendered?" How timely! Includes discussion about Birds of Prey and our absolute perfect taste in movies. CWs: gender discussion, genitalia mentions, discussion of sexual assault portrayals in movies, Trin lists several queer stereotypes in a row (humorous intent).

  • Rich Euro Aunt

    06/02/2020 Duração: 38min

    Do you have to make nice and visit with your distant family members? In this episode we discuss your obligations, if any, to your family and buds. Frankly, you gotta wonder: what's the point of having an aunt in Europe if you can't jet off to Paris. CWs: frank homophobia discussion, parents, transphobia, racism mentions.

  • Don't Email My Wife

    30/01/2020 Duração: 33min

    "My friend is undergoing a volatile divorce. It's making him angry and impatient, and he's even made a few jabs at me. How do I handle this?" Allow us to give you permission to take a break from your friends! Put 'em on ice for now! And don't miss another gripping Pop Culture Corner. CW: divorce, break-ups, depression, size/weight, and shopping with your mother

  • Gooey Weird Things

    23/01/2020 Duração: 33min

    "I've become friends with my massage therapist, and now when I go in for an appointment, we end up just hanging out instead of giving me the massage I need!" Here's an episode about boundaries with friends who also provide a professional service for you. There's a very minor spoiler for the show CHEER in the first ten minutes (it's not really a spoiler, but just incase). Please note strong content warnings for sex and vaginas.

  • Trash to Treasure To Trash

    16/01/2020 Duração: 28min

    We hear from a listener in an open marriage who wants to maybe make a move on a new friend. This episode's got everything: Oscar snubs, metalworking class, make a haiku together, and even some advice. Content warnings for marriage discussion, dating, sex.

  • Tallahassee vs. The World

    10/01/2020 Duração: 42min

    Do you HAVE to be friends with your partners friends? No, you do not. Look, some friendships just aren't meant to work out. Just people are meant to be polite acquaintances and that's A-OK. This episode is about deciding not to struggle through a makeshift, forced relationship. You have enough to worry about. Content warnings for discussion of insecurities!

  • Don't be a Flat Earther

    27/12/2019 Duração: 29min

    An annoying person from the asker's high school past is showing up to Christmas Eve! So, yes, it is true that this episode did become posted by us two days after the advice could be useful. Enjoy! CWs - Religion mention: 4m49s Food discussion: 7m26s - 9m04s; dinner party mention throughout

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