Captain Roy's Rocket Radio Show: The Uk Podcast For The Culture Geek, Technology Nerd, And Creative Wizard



Welcome to the greatest show in the multiverse! Strap yourself in for a rip-roaring rocketship ride as you blast off into the Infinite Ocean of Weird. Whoosh! Broadcasting 16.73 light years from Altair, the Captain talks about books, comics, movies, TV, games, toys, art, and music; with an emphasis on science fiction, fantasy, and horror. An inveterate tinkerer (you have to be to run this old tub); he also talks about whatever happens to catch his tech mad fancy. Produced using alien technology, eldritch powers, and C8H10N4O2 based beverages, following that first night fuelled by C2H5OH on the 4th(ish) of July 2012.


  • CRRRRSS1E2 Breaking Bad, Game of Thrones

    06/08/2012 Duração: 31min

    News: About this Podcast, About Me, Personal News, TV: Sanctuary, Nikita, Terminator, Eternal Law, Lost, Justified, Fringe, Dexter, The Gadget Show, The Gadget Show World Tour, Game of Thrones, Grimm, House, How I Met Your Mother, Madmen, Terra Nova, The Cape, The Walking Dead, Warehouse 13, Forgotten, Doctor Who, Breaking Bad, Alcatraz, Books: Surface Detail, Atlantis, A Confusion of Princes, Horns, Hive: The Overlord Protocol, Comics: Doom Patrol Book 1, Tech: iGoogle dead, Movies: The Amazing Spiderman, Batman: The Dark Knight Rises, Judge Dredd 3DShow Notes:

  • CRRRRSS1E1 The Amazing Spiderman, The Dark Knight Rises, MS Surface

    03/07/2012 Duração: 23min

    News: Thanks for tuning in, Technology: MS Surface, Books: Surface Detail, A Confusion of Princes, The Overlord Protocol H.I.V.E. 2, TV: The Cape, Movies: The Amazing Spiderman, The Dark Knight Rises, Highlander Reboot, Aftershow: This podcast was fuelled by two G and Ts. Show Notes:

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