Fuzzy Logic Science Show



Get your science on Fuzzy Logic Science Show from Canberra's Radio 2XX 98.3FM


  • Science comes before a fall

    11/09/2011 Duração: 53min

    How can we help prevent falls?  What are the real hidden dangers of home renovation?  Could we be eating algae meat anytime soon?  Emma, Jen and Broderick answer these questions and more.  Includes a special demonstration of Auto-Tune software turning Emma's speech into song!

  • Stardust and Tales from the USA


    We have a packed show today including special interview with Prof Tevor Ireland from the ANU who's in the news this week with results from the Hayabusa mission to collect dust from the Itakawa asteroid.  And what a story it is! The little spacecraft went on an extraordinary journey with lots of trials a tribulations along the way. Plus fresh from our visit to the USA we interview Prof Jean Brodie, UC Santa Cruz. We talk about dark matter, and the origin of galaxies. And we have tales from the USA, anecdotes and observations from the SW USA. Why does Vinnie suck his forearm? Also some bleak thoughts on how development is done in this part of the world. Brought to you by Michael and Rod

  • We Didn't Start The Fire

    03/07/2011 Duração: 43min

    Things heat up this week as Fuzzy talks about how bushfires affect climate change, what HIV and dementia have in common, why bees honey is so good for you and who crows can recognise. Presented by Rachel & Broderick.   Originally broadcast on 03/07/2011.

  • One fish, four fish, red fish, sawfish

    03/07/2011 Duração: 40min

    In this episode of Fuzzy we learn why a sawfish has a saw, how plant gels could help people walk again, where bees travel around canberra and whether being a leftie really does make you smarter. Presented by Nat & Broderick.  Originally broadcast 12/06/2011.

  • Neuro Fuzzy

    28/06/2011 Duração: 54min

    Today's guest with wonderfully eclectic range of topis, is pioneering neurologist Dr Colin Andrews. He works with leading edge treatments of neuro-diseases such as Multiple Sclerosis and Parkinsons Disease. He was recently on the 7:30 Report after successfully treating an MS patient with a combination of chemo therapy and bone marrow replacement. Along the way we also talk about drugs, accidents, alcohol, and the movie Awakenings. Plus....a surprising use for botox! Hosted by Pallavi and Rod.     We're on Facebook.

  • Consider the Cockroach

    20/06/2011 Duração: 51min

    The poor old cockroach, the insect everyone loves to hate. But there's a lot more to the humble roach. Did you know some varieties live for 15 years? Did you know some rear their young? And then there's another poor friend, the slug (no, not an insect).  Our guest today, Martyn Robinson from the Australian Museum reveals an unexpected way you might actually find them useful. They can do more than just eat your garden. Then we visit the NICTA research labs for a look at some some hi-tech projects. Foosball and Femtocells! Brought to you by Rod

  • Paper Choices

    02/06/2011 Duração: 41min

    We all use paper. Lots of paper. But we also love trees, and do we ever think about how many trees it takes to make our paper? And building paper pulp mills in Australia is very controversal. We talk to Dr Tom Rainey from the Centre for Tropical Crops and Biocommodities, QUT who's been looking at how we make paper, and sugar can bagasse as an alternative source for pulp. Interview by Kiri, Michael and Rod.

  • Apocalyptic Times

    22/05/2011 Duração: 49min

    We avoided yesterdays apocalypse and managed to broadcast another episode of Fuzzy Logic.  Broderick & Pallavi discuss the psychology behind the apocalypse, dark energy and the genes for your teeth.  They are also joined by Australia's most respected amateur astronomer, David Reneke and Claire Grylls takes you into the wild with some scary animals.

  • Eye Robot

    19/04/2011 Duração: 54min

    Imagine your world without sight. What would it be like if you could not see? The artificial cochlea is a renowned Australian invention bringing some hearing to those who would be deaf as well as growing into a successful industry. The challenge is now to repeat this for the eye, but it is hugely complicated. Dr Chris McCarthy from NICTA and Dr Brendan O'Brien ANU are collaborating on the bionic eye. You may have seen this project on the ABC Catalyst program recently. Interview by Rod with special guests Erin, Luke, Simon and Alison along for the ride.

  • A way through burns

    31/03/2011 Duração: 48min

    Last week we recorded Dr Fiona Wood at the ANU, talking about her life, her work, and her passion. Her energy, her skill, and her passion were evident, and I believe everyone in the room was moved by her words. It was also great to meet her after our phone interview a couple of weeks earlier. Not apparent to Fuzzy listeners was the fact that her phone was on the blink as we were trying to make the call. Ah, technology. But now we could have a good laugh about it.

  • Seat belts, sleep apneoa, hydrocephalus

    22/03/2011 Duração: 01h01min

    How do you treat sleep apneoa? Here's are some intriguing cures you might not have heard of. Today we combine two personal stories, one on sleep apneoa, and the other hydrocephalus (literally "water brain") with expert commentary from Prof Lynne Bilston (check out her interesting bio). Plus a look at seatbelt and motorcycle helmet safety. (Note this podcast includes interviews with Debbie and Karl which were posted earlier). Interview by Rod

  • Prof Frank Fenner, Rabbits

    14/03/2011 Duração: 46min

    I never met Prof Frank Fenner, but by all accounts he was a generous and talented scientist. Rabbits however, would not mourn his passing. Find out why in this personal tribute by the current director of John Curtin School Medical Research, Prof Julio Licinio. In this wide ranging interview we also discuss obesity, deep brain stimulation, and what it takes to translate advances in medicine into real world results. Prof Julio Licinio interviewed by Rod and Pallavi.

  • Inspiring Australia

    04/03/2011 Duração: 50min

    We all like to make a difference, but some do more than others. Dr Fiona Wood, Australian Living Treasure, former Australian of the Year, known to many Australians for her work on treating burns.  She is best known for the 'spray on skin' treatment, but her work is much more extensive than that. What does a burn do, how does the body react, and how can we treat them?  Also an interesting look at what and why researchers need to dip into that strange world - commercialisation. Interview by Rod with special thanks to Margaret McIver. And we're on Facebook

  • A Square Kilometer

    01/03/2011 Duração: 50min

    To peer deeper into the bowels of the universe we need to take the next big step in radio astronomy.  How about one that's a square kilometer?  No, that's not the size of the paddock, that's the surface of the collecting area. We're talking about a big project. Think the Snowy Mountains scheme, think the Large Hadron Collider. Big. Australia is in the running to host the SKA. Special guests today, Prof Frank Briggs, and David Reneke.  Hosted by Rod with thanks to Annie Harris.

  • Miscellaneous Fun

    21/02/2011 Duração: 43min

    Ben and Broderick were a bit fuzzy this week and put together a bunch of science from a huge range of disciplines.  Online dating, trips to mars and Van Gogh's paintings make up the miscellaneous fun.  Special guest Claire phones in from Sydney to share some of her stories from the wild.

  • Heart of the 'Dark' Matter

    06/02/2011 Duração: 42min

    Ever wondered whether dark matter is really dark or how galaxy clusters are formed in a rapidly expanding universe wherby galaxies seem to be racing away from each other. Listen to Prof Ken Freeman from the Research School of Astronomy & Astrophysics, ANU, on fuzzy along with the weekly doze of other stories rocking the world of science.   Eamon and Pallavi present...

  • Transforming Logic, Fuzzy Perceptions

    02/02/2011 Duração: 52min

    In this special collaboration between mental health show Transforming Perceptions and Fuzzy Logic, we talk about drugs and the mind. How are drugs used in psychiatry, what are cultural perceptions on mental health and treatment. Dr Jeffrey Looi, Research Centre for the Neurosciences of Ageing, ANU Medical School is our guest today. Interview by Aine, Rod, Fiona

  • My Fuzzy talks to aliens

    28/01/2011 Duração: 01min

    What are the limits to life? If it does exist elsewhere, what might it be like? Carbon or silicon, two legs or three, and is intelligence really special. Dr Charley Lineweaver returns to Fuzzy for a fascinating discussion on the nature of life. Charley was recently in a documentary on SBS "My Mum Talks to Aliens". He questions the human urge to think we are the pinnacle of evolution. Interview by Rod. 29MB

  • You Know It Makes Sense

    17/01/2011 Duração: 56min

    How many senses do you have?  You might not have a sixth sense like in the movie, but you definitely have more than five!  Tune in and listen as Emily, Jill & Broderick discuss some of your lesser known senses.

  • Material World

    19/12/2010 Duração: 56min

    In the final Fuzzy for 2010 we talk to material scientist Dr Darren Goossens about his research, how the shape or crystals change how they behave and some of the work at the Australian Synchrotron.  Eamon, Ben and Broderick are there for the interview and also bring you some highlights from the year of science. Dr Darren Goossens is the ACT Tall Poppy for 2010 which was awarded by the Australian Institute of Policy & Science.

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