Lilly Natures Blessings' Podcast



Profound insight, Messages from the Spirit World, SPECIAL Spiritual Techniques received from Spirit, meditations, inspiration, motivation and more ~ Aloha


  • Grounding ~ Earthing ~ Benefits ~ Ways to Ground Yourself

    07/03/2012 Duração: 13min

    Grounding also known as Earthing is one of the most ancient healing forms of energy.The inability to ground can affect our immune system causing all kind of health problems, creating insomnia, fatigue, inflammation, and so on... Find out how to ground yourself and the benefits of grounding Natures Blessings

  • Spiritual Awakening and Spiritual Crisis

    19/02/2012 Duração: 20min

    Spirituality is based on personal experience and many more people come to the realization of the importance of spiritual awakening. There is a painful side of spiritual growth and many people encounter difficulties and challenges on their spiritual path. When these spiritual crisis are overcome profound healing, wisdom and deep realization take place and dealing with difficutie and stress is easier.Lilly Read more:

  • What is Healing Energy? How to raise healing vibes...

    07/02/2012 Duração: 15min

    Everything is Energy. There is vibration in everything. Healing energy (light) is God's universal loving energy is one of the most ancient healing techniques. It is extremely subtle and gentle energy. Energy healing is not done on the physical body, instead is intended to the spirit. When used with purest intention, results are magic. Blessings, Lilly

  • Sacred Space: What is it? How to use? Why?

    29/12/2011 Duração: 12min

    Sacred Space makes you BE in the Present Moment: HERE and NOW!It makes your life magical and purposeful. If you want more healing in your life, more magic, more fulfillment, more joy, insight, peace creating sacred space is a good start.There are so many energies available in the World of Spirit. When you access your sacred space you open your channels of intuition and inspiration, not to mention the variety of true friends that are always ready to help and assist you. Lilly,

  • Negative vs Positive

    13/12/2011 Duração: 12min

    Negative thoughts are incredible toxic to the physical body. It can affect the organs, the heart in particular, the immune system. Negative unsupported thinking that creates internal madness that manifests into our external world. By polluting our bodies and surroundings with negativity we pollute our Earth… If you watch too much TV and specially news or fear based programs your aura will vibrate low and entities will make themselves at home into your energy field. Change your vibration when that happens!For every murder, rape, robbery, accident, etc there are thousands of acts of kindness, generosity and love but they are not called the “NEWS”… Media is polluting our atmosphere! All we need is BALANCE! That’s all! Our essence is LOVE and the power to change every negative into positive is by tapping into that unlimited source of Love!

  • Magical Journeys - In Spirit

    09/12/2011 Duração: 11min

    The World of Spirit is a fun place to explore!Connect with the spirit realm, spirit of the tree, your power animal, angels, spirit guides to go on magical journeys.

  • Get Rid of Negative Energy from your Chakras and Aura

    09/12/2011 Duração: 17min

    Simple and efficient methods for chakra healing, chakra balancing and chakra clearing to remove energy blocks from your physical body and heal your energy filed - aura for self or

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