Family Life Baptist Church Sermon Audio



Sermons preached by Pastor Darryl Curtis of the Family Life Baptist Church are designed to help listeners obtain the mind of Christ, meaning, to have the Bible illuminated in their minds so that they can clearly understand the principles that Jesus taught and base their daily personal decisions on those principles.


  • The Biblical Design of Gender, Part 35

    27/07/2010 Duração: 37min

    God gives us His Word because He loves us. Maintaining our gender differences and our gender roles is the most fulfilling way that we can live our lives. When we deviate from that which God has told us to do and do that which the devil has convinced our society to tell us, we simply repeat the pain of the Genesis 3 episode.

  • The Biblical Design of Gender, Part 34

    19/07/2010 Duração: 41min

    The only sexual relationship between a man and woman that shows a man's respect for a woman is marriage. When a man has a sexual liaison with a woman to whom he is not committed, he is treating the woman as a whore, and God does not want his chosen people to participate in whoredom.

  • The Biblical Design of Gender, Part 33

    12/07/2010 Duração: 32min

    The less chronologically mature a woman is, the more effective the bonding hormone is in influencing her decision to disobey the Word of God and become sexually active with a man for whom she has emotional feelings but is not married, so God gives less chronologically mature women a parental bodyguard to keep the woman from making an immoral decision.

  • The Biblical Design of Gender, Part 32

    05/07/2010 Duração: 37min

    There is a Divine inheritance for each one that resolves to do as Jesus says and follow the commandment of God, which is how we worship and glorify God. Those in the world that do not know the Lord will offer us alternatives based upon their own imaginations and the prompting of the devil, but our allegiance to God is shown through our decision to follow the commandments of God.

  • The Biblical Design of Gender, Part 31

    01/07/2010 Duração: 38min

    God miraculously met the needs of the Israelites in the wilderness. And what did God ask in return? Love. And love, to God, meant the Israelites recognition of and gratitude for the great things that God did for them.

  • The Biblical Design of Gender, Part 30

    20/06/2010 Duração: 38min

    Godly leaders always have to make more objective decisions, because the leader's job is to move the organization from ]want to^ to ]ought to^. The leader cannot do that which he wants, but must do that which he ought; that which he is commanded to do by God.

  • The Biblical Design of Gender, Part 29

    17/06/2010 Duração: 38min

    The real test for any leader that God chooses to lead his people is whether or not the leader remembers that the real leader is God; the actual job of any Christian leader is simply to transmit the Word of God to the people.

  • The Biblical Design of Gender, Part 28

    10/06/2010 Duração: 35min

    If we are looking for guidelines as to how we should live, these laws tell us that which God said will please Him the most. God does not give us His Laws arbitrarily, just to see how tough He can be on us, but benevolently, so that by following His laws our lives will be improved.

  • The Biblical Design of Gender, Part 27

    10/06/2010 Duração: 40min

    When conforming to God's Law, we almost always find ourselves having to choose between our objective evaluation of the situation and our emotional reaction to the situation. My emotional reaction is caused by peer pressure. But, if everyone kept the law, there would be no peer pressure, and I would have an easier time keeping the law.

  • The Biblical Design of Gender, Part 26

    09/06/2010 Duração: 37min

    After the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, forgiveness of sin and atonement with God is no longer dependent on a Jewish animal sacrifice as it was in our earlier readings in the Old Testament. The entire Old Testament system of animal sacrifices for sin has been replaced by the human sacrifice of Jesus Christ; a sacrifice not to be offered repeatedly because of a period of uncleanness after a discharge of blood, but having been offered on Calvary's Cross once for all.

  • The Biblical Design of Gender, Part 25

    18/05/2010 Duração: 38min

    The combination of the strength and the understanding of an honorable man and the gentle and quiet spirit of a beautiful, chaste woman make for a combination that the Lord loves and blesses in family situations. And men that know how to treat women want strong, understanding husbands for their daughters.

  • The Biblical Design of Gender, Part 24

    09/05/2010 Duração: 37min

    Marriage is honorable and fornication and adultery are grounds for judgment. It is the plan of God that husband and wife cooperate with one another in the raising of children. One of the reasons that these young adults see fornication as the norm and feel sanguine in marginalizing the relationships of a father in the life of their children is that they do not recognize this truth.

  • The Biblical Design of Gender, Part 23

    07/05/2010 Duração: 38min

    Blacks in the USA have bought into the efforts to reduce the Black population through birth control and abortion, while in Egypt, the Israelite midwives rejected the commandment of the Pharaoh to kill their own.

  • The Biblical Design of Gender, Part 22

    27/04/2010 Duração: 40min

    If a man touches a woman incorrectly, even if his motives are pure and the sin is only in the woman's mind, the man can't fix it. He can apologize, but he can't untouch her. On the one hand, to not touch women seems kind of prudish, but on the other hand, the prudes usually tend to stay out of trouble.

  • The Biblical Design of Gender, Part 21

    18/04/2010 Duração: 37min

    God does not give us His Divinely inspired Word to condemn others, but to show them the error of their ways so that they might be saved. But we forget and allow our arrogance to lead us away from Christ and from personal purity into the judgment of others because it is far easier and more satisfying to point out the sins of others than to look at our own.

  • The Biblical Design of Gender, Part 20

    12/04/2010 Duração: 34min

    The more out-of-wedlock sex we have in our communities, the more out-of-wedlock pregnancies and births, the more female headed households, the more incarcerated young males, the fewer men available for marriage, and thus the more out-of-wedlock sex. And so the cycle goes. Biblical morality, particularly as it pertains to sexuality, is not just an arbitrary admonition from God; it is the very real solution to our social problems.

  • The Biblical Design of Gender, Part 19

    05/04/2010 Duração: 37min

    The resurrection of Jesus Christ makes it clear that it is wise for us to understand that human death is a temporary, transitional situation, and not a permanent state of being. We are assured of this because Jesus Christ Himself rose physically from the dead. And we will as well.

  • The Biblical Design of Gender, Part 18

    28/03/2010 Duração: 37min

    This is why a man works; we are all going to leave the things of this life behind, but we want our sons to be good husbands and our daughters and the grandchildren they bring us to have the proper care of a good husband.

  • The Biblical Design of Gender, Part 17

    24/03/2010 Duração: 37min

    A man cannot be responsible, in most cases, for his wife's happiness. He can provide her with the creature comforts that are available to him, but her happiness is directly proportional to whether or not she decides to be grateful that that which he does. It is impossible for a man to do whatever a woman wants, because her desires change with her circumstances.

  • The Biblical Design of Gender, Part 16

    14/03/2010 Duração: 35min

    God tells husbands and wives to be ]one flesh^ with one another is to preclude the warfare that goes on between women if a man has more than one. It is a good idea for a woman to not expose herself sexually to a man that has not made the formal commitment of marriage to her.

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