Real Fast Results For Marketing, Business And Entrepreneurs



The Real Fast Results is a business podcast for people who want to see real results in their business fast. The show provides actionable, implementable steps in each episode. The focus is definitely on marketing strategies and list building with an emphasis on little-known but effective tactics. We also will cover passive and recurring income opportunities as well as productivity and time efficiency strategies for the busy and often distracted entrepreneur or content creator. Any time you invest listening to the Real Fast Results podcast will be both enjoyable and practical. If you're an online business person or entrepreneur who realizes that it's about working smart then you're going to LOVE this show!


  • How to Write a Book, Even When Dyslexic with Christopher Lochhead

    03/05/2017 Duração: 35min

    Welcome to this episode of the Real Fast Results podcast!  Christopher Lochhead is today’s special guest.  He’s the co-author of HarperCollins’ instant classic called Play Bigger: How Pirates, Dreamers, and Innovators Create and Dominate Markets.  He’s also the co-host of the Legends and Losers podcast.  On top of all of that, Christopher is a former three-time, public company CMO and entrepreneur.  As a matter of fact, Fast Company Magazine calls him, “The Human Exclamation Point”. The Marketing Journal also says that he is one of the best minds in marketing, and The Economist call him, “off-putting to some”.  At 18, he got thrown out of school, and with no other options, he started a company.  He wanted to add value to society, and now he’s been in business for over 30 years, even though he’s mostly retired these days.  He can quote most of The Big Lebowski, but he can’t even remember his wife’s telephone number.  However, he is an excellent speaker and a surf and ski bum, as well as a proud advisor to the

  • Best Practices for Building and Working with a Remote Team with Gavin Zuchlinski

    27/04/2017 Duração: 31min

    Welcome to this episode of the Real Fast Results podcast!  Today, you’re going to learn about building a team because, let’s face it, you’re only one person, and you can’t pull the plow forever.  You are going to need help, and it’s advised that you look into building a team sooner, rather than later.  The special guest in this episode is Gavin Zuchlinski, who is the founder of Acuity Scheduling.  This service is currently one of slickest ways to automate your business and manage appointments online. Gavin is a self-professed tech geek and espresso maniac.  He also wholeheartedly believes that business should be fun, as does the team at Real Fast Results!  Otherwise, why do it?  Welcome to the show Gavin! Promise: Working Successfully with a Remote Team Thanks for having me on.  I’m excited to chat about this.  I just wanted to talk about working with a remote team, so hopefully, you can get some of the best talent out there and be the most successful. Download the Complete PDF Show Notes Free for this Episo

  • How to Make Your Content Marketing Contagious with Dr. Jonah Berger

    20/04/2017 Duração: 27min

    Welcome to this episode of the Real Fast Results podcast!  This is an extra special episode because today’s special guest is world famous researcher, New York Times bestselling author, and university professor Dr. Jonah Berger.  You’re about to learn how to put campaigns together, which have the propensity to be contagious and even go viral. Download the Complete PDF Show Notes Free for this Episode Dr. Berger is a marketing professor at the University of Pennsylvania, and author of the bestselling book, Contagious: Why Things Catch On.  Berger has spent over 15 years studying how social influence works, and how it drives products and ideas.  In addition to writing his book, he has published dozens of articles in top-tier academic journals and has consulted a variety of Fortune 500 companies.  He has also been published in popular outlets like the New York Times and Harvard Business Review. “Contagious” We’ve all seen products and ideas catch on, services and the like, whether it’s a product in the grocery st

  • Creating an Authority Business Through the Trifecta of Book, Speaking & Training with Fran Harris

    13/04/2017 Duração: 53min

    Welcome to this episode of the Real Fast Results podcast! Fran Harris is in the house!  She is an ESPN announcer, and a former HGTV host, and a business explosion expert who has shared her maverick business insights on platforms like Good Morning America, the TODAY Show, CNN, and Fox Business News.  Since 1995, her company has been known as a trusted advisor, trainer, coach, content creator, and business development partner for folks from Fortune 100 companies all the way down to small business owners. Fran is also a world-class athlete.  She is an NCAA and WNBA champion.  On top of all of that, Fran is the co-owner of the Dallas-based real estate development company that’s currently developing multi-million dollar sports, entertainment, and hospitality projects worldwide. Promise: Leverage Your Knowledge through Publishing, Speaking and Training Well, it’s going to be fun for a lot of reasons, but the main reason that you should stick around is that if you have any amount of knowledge in that head, I’m going

  • Stimulate Your Creativity with Travel – Here’s How to Travel for FREE with Gina Henry

    07/04/2017 Duração: 31min

    Welcome to this episode of the Real Fast Results podcast!  Gina Henry is today’s special guest.  She is an expert when it comes to being able to travel and make money at the same time.  In fact, when this episode was recorded, she was in Austin, Texas, traveling and visiting friends, but at the same time, she taught a group about how to travel and make money.  So, Gina had actually been traveling and making money herself. Promise: How to Travel for Free Well, I think the importance of travel… I know in my life, and [that of] many of our listeners and viewers, it’s stimulating.  You’re learning, you’re seeing things differently, you’re meeting new people, you’re exposed to new cultures, even if you are here in the U.S. traveling.  There’s a stimulation, I think, and I get so much out of it.  It helps me with my writing, my speaking, my business ideas, and my brainstorming.  It gets you out of a rut.  Download the Complete PDF Show Notes Free for this Episode [bctt tweet="When we get too much routine in life an

  • How to Create & Sell Card Decks Using POD with Amy Harrop

    30/03/2017 Duração: 26min

    Welcome to this episode of the Real Fast Results podcast!  Today’s special guest is Amy Harrop.  She has been an avid writer and reader all her life, and she’s happiest running her own business.  She lives in northern Idaho with her husband and two cats.  Her background is in film production, writing, teaching, training, and sales.  It was about six years ago that she got into publishing and writing.  That’s when she first became self-employed, and she really hasn’t looked back since. Download the Complete PDF Show Notes Free for this Episode Promise: How to Take Advantage on Popular Trends Thank you so much for having me, and I want to say a big “Hello” to everyone out there.  The reason why we are here today is that I’m really excited to share how you can take advantage of some very popular trends and also emerging technology.  This emerging technology is going to allow you to make money and grow your business in ways that you were never able to do before.  By getting into the forefront of this trend, where

  • Get and Maximize Your Media Appearances with Andrew O'Brien

    10/03/2017 Duração: 31min

    Welcome to this episode of the Real Fast Results podcast!  Today’s special guest is Andrew O’Brien, who is the founder of “The Publicity Guy”.  This is a modern-day public relations firm, and it is the first of its kind.  Not only does Andrew help his clients to get interviews and media attention, but he helps to turn all of that into even more money by utilizing these opportunities and turning them into real sales tools. Promise: How to Turn Your Media Interviews into a Lead Generating Tool My big promise is that, whatever podcast you’ve been on, blog post, media interview, no matter what type of media outlet… I’m going to teach you how to turn every single one of those into a lead generating, sales generating tool in your business that’s fully automated, that you never have to touch once you hit play. Look at everyday people.  If you look at people that have been on the Oprah show, or any kind of international TV, Good Morning America, they get their chance in the spotlight, and then they’re gone.  They dis

  • How to Title Your Book for Maximum Readership with Daniel Hall

    07/03/2017 Duração: 19min

    Welcome to this episode of the Real Fast Results Podcast. I am happy you are here. I want to jump into a question I get all of the time from authors and that is: How do you title your book for maximum readership? Just like the cover of your book, the title of your book is equally important. Promise: 4 Areas for Maximum Readership I am going to discuss four primary areas of consideration when titling your book for maximum readership. I have seen so many authors just come up with what they think is a good title without considering the nomenclature used by the marketplace to describe what they are writing about. [bctt tweet="The pivotal question is: when a prospect goes to a search engine to find a book what words/phrases are they using?" via="no"] Download the Complete PDF Show Notes Free for this Episode Learn Base your title on long-tail keywords Keyword research Your title and your book web address should be the same Your book should have its own website Does your title fit your brand? If you don't have a

  • Wikipedia and What It Takes to Qualify to Get Your Own Page with Gina Carr

    03/03/2017 Duração: 32min

    Welcome to this episode of the Real Fast Results podcast!  Gina Carr is with us today.  Gina has a masters degree in business administration.  It’s a Harvard MBA.  She is known as “The Tribe Builder”.  That’s why she’s on the show.  It’s one of the goals of this podcast to encourage you to always be building your own tribe.  You need to have your own raving fan base.  Gina is a great resource to turn to for this.  She knows precisely how to do it, and as a matter of fact, she’s been helping passionate people do so for a long time now. Gina is also an expert in marketing.  She works with organizations and uses online reputation management, Wikipedia marketing, and event marketing to boost the bottom line of businesses and individuals that she works with.  She is also the co-author of a great book, titled Klout Matters: How to Engage Customers, Boost Your Digital Influence – and Raise Your Klout Score for Success.  Klout, for those of you who don’t know, is basically a social media scoring site.  Gina, welcome

  • How to Create an Effective “One Sheet” for Authors, Speakers, & Entrepreneurs with Judith Briles

    24/02/2017 Duração: 19min

    [caption id="attachment_5342" align="alignleft" width="200"] Ashography Event Photography[/caption] Welcome to this episode of the Real Fast Results podcast!  Judith Briles is today’s special guest.  She is known, the world over, as “The Book Shepherd”.  She takes folks that have books inside them and Shepherds them through the entire process so that, when they reach the other end, they have a book that is well done, and one that does them proud.  Judith pays close attention to detail, and she loves to help authors and other folks get their message out into the marketplace.  Please welcome Judith to the show… Promise: How to Create a "One Sheet" What we’re going to talk about today is how to get an author in front of whoever they are trying to get in front of.  So, my promise is to show you how to create a “one sheet” that’s slick, clicks, and ticks.  This could be an author one sheet, a book one sheet, an expertise one sheet, a speaker one sheet, or any kind of one sheet that you can slap onto your website o

  • From Inspiration to Creation in Your Writing Projects with Nina Amir

    21/02/2017 Duração: 38min

    Welcome to this episode of the Real Fast Results!  Today’s special guest is writer, author, and book marketer extraordinaire, Nina Amir.  She is known as the “Inspiration to Creation Coach”, and she is also a book, blog, and author coach as well as the creator of the proprietary author training curriculum for writers and other coaches.  Nina also founded the National Non-Fiction Writing month and Non-Fiction Writers University.  Additionally, she is one of only 300 elite certified, high-performance coaches working around the world, and she is the only one specifically working with writers.  Please welcome Nina to the show… Promise: How to Find Your Passion and Be Inspired First, thank you for having me on the show.  It’s an honor.  The reason you should listen today is because people need to get inspired.  If you want to create anything, you need to be inspired, and again, I am known as the “Inspiration to Creation Coach”.  I am passionate about helping people create what they want in their life, whether that

  • People Do Judge A Book By Its Cover - How To Create A Cover That Sells with Nick Zelinger

    17/02/2017 Duração: 31min

    Welcome to this episode of the Real Fast Results podcast!  Nick Zelinger is today’s special guest.  He is a publishing and graphic design extraordinaire who has put together many covers for bestselling books and covers that have won awards.  He’s won awards for his designs as well.  It’s important, as an author, to know what to watch out for when it comes to having a cover designed, and that’s what Nick is here to help you understand.  Welcome to the show Nick… Promise: How to Create a Book Cover that Sells Thanks for having me.  First of all, if you are thinking of publishing a book, or if you have already published a book and you aren’t getting good sales or have gotten some bad reviews, you may want to consider hiring a professional book designer.  The tendency today in independent publishing, self-publishing, is to do it yourself, and that’s, for lack of a better term, a crap-shoot.  You are going to be in the wild wild west of not knowing what you want to do, not meeting the printer’s specifications, and

  • 7 Things To Do To Quickly Build Sales That Last For Your Kindle Books with Ty Cohen

    14/02/2017 Duração: 28min

    Welcome to this episode of the Real Fast Results Podcast!  Ty Cohen is in the house!  Ty is an accomplished internet marketer and personal development coach.  He’s also an internationally known speaker and author.  Over the last decade, he’s taken a real gamble with his life financially by quitting his corporate job and starting his own business.  That business soon became both an offline and online success, generating millions of dollars in sales and totally transforming Ty’s life as well as the lives of countless others, whom he has helped in his business. Today, Ty is an internationally renowned internet marketer, business consultant, speaker, personal development coach, and author of over a half dozen amazing books.  Please welcome Ty to the show… Promise: Top Seven Ways for Generating Sales on Your Kindle Books First of all, I’m excited to be here.  I’ve published nearly a thousand books as a publishing company.  So, what we are going to give you are our top seven ways for generating sales, especially if

  • The Top 3 Online Tools that can Help You Be Productive & Profitable Fast With Kelly Johnson

    10/02/2017 Duração: 23min

    Welcome to this episode of the Real Fast Results!  This is a very special episode.  You know, if you can figure out one or two ways to add one or two percent of your productivity within a 3 month, or even a six month, period of time, over time those incremental increases in productivity equal increased dollars in your bank account.  Today’s guest is Kelly Johnson, and she is the proprietor of Cornerstone Virtual Assistants. What Kelly is really excellent at is helping authors, information product creators, and entrepreneurs to utilize their time more productively.  One of the ways that she has been able to do this is by finding useful tools, mastering them, and teaching her clients how to use them.  In this particular episode, you are going to learn about a couple of her favorites.  Kelly, we really appreciate you being here… Promise: Top Three Productivity Tools Essentially, we want you to stick around and listen because we want to give you the top three tools, that I would like to share, in helping you be m

  • The Gamification of Money Making in Your Business With Chris Cumby

    08/02/2017 Duração: 34min

    Welcome to this episode of the Real Fast Results podcast!  Reviewing today’s content is going to be really great for you and the development of your career, regardless of what niche you are in.  Whether you are an author, a speaker, or in information product development, etc., the information found herein will work for you. This material was originally presented by Chris Cumby.  He has been coaching and advising clients on business strategies and personal development for over 14 years.  Cumby got his start as a sales and marketing consultant, but he took on a much broader scope of business as he began to identify what disconnected businesses from their clients.  He now helps people to make these connections happen, and he does this by helping businesses grow through an extension of personal growth, themselves. Chris’ clients have achieved greater success in their professional lives since he’s learned to advise them this way.  With this realization, Chris has had a better opportunity to branch out and offer co

  • How to Sell Your Books in Stores…Even if You’re Self-Published with Amy Collins

    27/01/2017 Duração: 36min

    Welcome to this edition of the Real Fast Results podcast!  Many of the listeners of this podcast are either authors or aspire to be such.  In fact, some already have a book out through some sort of print on demand service or on Kindle.  For the most part, they are self-published, and a lot of self-published authors struggle with is how to go about selling more books. Amy Collins is today’s special guest, and she is the former director of sales at Adam’s Media in Austin, Tx.  She’s also a specialty sales director for the parent company F+W Media.  She has been profitably selling to libraries since 1996, and in 2006, she started her successful book sales and marketing company, called New Shelves Books.  Over the years, she has sold to Barnes & Noble, Target, Costco, Borders, Books-A-Million, Walmart as well as becoming a trusted partner and recommended sales consultant for some of the largest book and library wholesalers in the industry. Obviously, Amy has been very successful when it comes to selling bo

  • The “5 Ways" Solution to Establish Your Expertise and Sell More With John Kremer

    24/01/2017 Duração: 31min

    Welcome to this edition of the Real Fast Results podcast!  John Kremer is today’s special guest.  Essentially, he’s an expert on book publishing and marketing.  In fact, he’s the author of what some people would consider the bible of the book marketing industry, which is 1001 Ways to Market Your Books.  He’s also the primary lead instructor for the course 1001 Ways Masterclass. John has helped a lot of people to be successful.  Stephen Covey, who wrote 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, is just one example.  Stephen actually said that Kremer was instrumental to this book becoming one of the most influential business books of the 20th century.  Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen are also big fans of John’s work.  As a matter of fact, Jack actually said that if you wanted to sell 600,000,000 books like they had, with the Chicken Soup for the Soul series, you should read and use John’s book. Download the Complete PDF Show Notes Free for this Episode Promise: How to Become an Expert in Your Topic We are go

  • How to Use a Free - Plus Shipping Offer to Create a Recurring Income Program With Ron Douglas

    20/01/2017 Duração: 34min

    Welcome to this edition of the Real Fast Results podcast!  Ron Douglas is in the house, and he’s here to help any content creator, expert, and/or author who is trying to build their platform and income base.  Ron has advice on how to create a continuity program or another type of program to generate recurring income. Ron has a very stout and sterling publishing pedigree.  In fact, he is a New York Times bestselling author.  He has also appeared on national television shows, such as The Today Show and Good Morning America.  It’s all well and good to know that Ron has accomplished so much, but he still knows how to relate to people who are just starting out.  He’s very good at teaching and relaying information, so if help is welcomed when it comes to building your platform, you’re in the right place. Download the Complete PDF Show Notes Free for this Episode Promise: Creating Recurring Income If you want to have recurring income, if you want to have steady income, so that when you wake up in the morning you kn

  • Get Your Emails in the Inbox of Your Prospects & Leads With Chris Lang

    18/01/2017 Duração: 51min

    Welcome to this edition of the Real Fast Results podcast!  This is a very special episode.  If you are an email marketer, or if you use email in any part of your business, you are going to want to stick around.  Of course, regardless of the type of business that you have, you should be marketing with email.  It’s vital for you to have an email list, but even more critical than that is being able to reach out and connect with your prospective buyers and clients. Chris Lang is today’s special guest.  He is a full-time email delivery consultant, and the chief technical officer and co-founder of  This is a new SMTP platform for marketers.  Chris has made his living online for 17 years, and he’s the author of two non-fiction, short stories and one non-fiction novel as well.  He actually built three businesses before the Internet.  These were all brick and mortar businesses, but that’s not why he’s here today.  Chris is here because of his expertise in regards to email marketing.  It’s great to have yo

  • How to Use Book Blogs to Sell More Books Fast without Having Your Own List With Adam Houge

    13/01/2017 Duração: 35min

    Welcome to this episode of the Real Fast Results podcast!  If you are an author, or aspire to be one, this is definitely a show that you want to pay very close attention to.  Today’s special guest is Adam Houge.  He’s a book marketer extraordinaire.  Basically, for the last three years, he’s followed a simple strategy to create scalable results as well as sustainable results for his writing and publishing career.  In fact, he’s been able to turn this into a six-figure per year income. Adam has been responsible for the distribution of two million copies of his books on Amazon.  Essentially, in this session you are going to discover how you can use some of the same techniques and methods to market your books.  Thanks for being here Adam… Promise: How to Build Your Audience My big promise is that I’m going to show you how you can get some real fast results, even if you don’t have an audience to market to, yet.  That way, you can just hit that gas pedal right away and accelerate your career, and you can start see

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