5 Live Investigates



Adrian Goldberg presents cutting edge investigative journalism, as well as taking on listeners' campaigns and consumer issues


  • Acid Attacks

    25/02/2018 Duração: 45min

    5 live Investigates is in the London borough of Newham - dubbed the acid attack capital of Britain. Shopkeepers there have signed up to a voluntary code of practise banning the sale of corrosive substances to under 21's - but are they as good as their word? The programme follows a 14-year-old as she attempts to buy corrosive liquids from stores in the area. Newham mayor Sir Robin Wales and local Labour MP Stephen Timms have called on the government to crackdown on sales. The programme also has new FOI figures which reveal a three-fold rise in attacks across England and Wales between 2013 and the end of 2017. Acid attack survivors Adele Bellis and Jabed Hussain also reveal the long term physical and emotional effects.

  • Affordable Homes

    18/02/2018 Duração: 53min

    The shortfall of new affordable homes in England will soon be equivalent to a city the size of Leeds according to the Joseph Rowntree Foundation. They tell 5 live Investigates that supply has fallen short of demand by 30,000 every year since 2011 and the cumulative shortfall could reach 335,000 by the end of this parliament. The government says it's investing £9bn in the sector. Married parents of three Dawn and Adrian, from Milton Keynes, tell 5 live Investigates their family's health has suffered since being forced into temporary accommodation while they wait for suitable social housing to become available. "Both of us have had issues with mental health and ability to cope," said Dawn, who asked that their surnames not be published. "It's all come to a head, the culmination of that means Adrian's pretty much had a breakdown for the last couple of months and been signed off work," she said. Adrian, who like Dawn works full-time, said not being able to afford a home meant that "being a proud man, at the end o

  • Skin Cream Fire Deaths

    11/02/2018 Duração: 52min

    Skin creams containing paraffin could be responsible for 'hundreds' of fire deaths across the UK according to fire chiefs. 5 live Investigates revealed last year that 37 deaths had been linked to the creams since 2010. But the programme has learned there have been a further eight deaths - and leading firefighters warn that figure could be much higher because fire and rescue services don't always record the fact that skin creams were involved. Following 5 live's investigation, the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency urged all manufactures to place warnings on their products, advising consumers to wash clothes and bedding properly to reduce the build-up of paraffin. But of the 38 products containing paraffin and licensed for sale in the UK, just seven of them carry warnings. Brian Bicat, 82, died six months after the MHRA issued its guidance after accidentally setting himself on fire. His family say they weren't aware of the dangers of using skin creams and consumers need to be given advice to

  • Online estate agents

    04/02/2018 Duração: 50min

    An investigation into online-only estate agents and whether their cut price, up-front fees really do offer value for money. The online-only property business has gone from strength to strength since it emerged just a few years ago and it's now threatening the very survival of traditional agents on the high street. But are sales exaggerated and is advertising misleading? 5 Live Investigates hears from the companies and their customers about how this expanding sector of the market is performing. Before these companies arrived on the scene, estate agents typically charged a commission of 1-2% on a house price once the sale goes through. Online-only agents have changed all that. They list your house on property portals like Rightmove or Zoopla and charge you a fixed fee which customers usually pay upfront. For most properties that fee is a lot lower than what you would pay a traditional agent - but the big difference is with the online-only agents you pay whether you sell or not, so it's a gamble. The programme

  • Sexual Harassment

    21/01/2018 Duração: 45min

    Maria Miller MP says we should consider using hate crime laws to tackle sexual harassment. She has launched an inquiry into 'routine' sexual harassment of women on buses, trains, in the street and in bars and clubs. Victims of sexual harassment share their experiences with 5 live Investigates. The programme also hears from the Equalities and Human Rights Commission whose survey into sexual harassment reveals only half of sexual harassment victims actually report it to their employers. Even when they do - in the vast majority of cases - nothing happens. Unite the Union is in the middle of its own survey which reveals 97 per cent of those who have responded experienced sexual harassment first hand. 83 per cent have received unwelcome and inappropriate touching, hugging or kissing and 47 per cent have received requests for sexual favours.

  • Safety Concerns in Rented Housing

    14/01/2018 Duração: 46min

    A million rented properties in England have hazards that put tenants' health and safety at risk. The government says it's backing a change in the law - giving greater powers to take bad landlords to court. 5 live Investigates has been told one in ten people who rent their homes have reported health and safety concerns in the last 12 months. According to a survey by YouGov for the housing charity Shelter, one in ten have also suffered health problems as a direct result of the environment they live in.

  • Stalking

    07/01/2018 Duração: 45min

    Stalking is a devastating crime suffered by more than a million people a year. New figures obtained by 5Live Investigates reveal that men are the hidden victims. Are the police letting them down? The latest figures estimate that nearly half a million men have been stalked but only a tiny fraction of those incidents were recorded by the police. A Freedom of Information request by 5Live Investigates reveals that just 1800 crimes of stalking in which the victims were men were recorded over the last four years, since the obligation came in for police to log it as a crime. The Suzy Lamplugh Trust has described the figure as likely to be "a drip in the ocean". Very often victims don't report the offence when it happens to them. But even when they do, men who spoke to the programme said the authorities don't take them seriously. Their concerns are echoed by Her Majesty's Inspectorate of Constabulary which said in a report last year that victims were left at risk by poorly run investigations and that stalking often

  • Betting Shops

    17/12/2017 Duração: 50min

    The betting industry watchdog the Gambling Commission has launched an inquiry into a self-exclusion scheme designed to help problem gamblers. It follows an undercover investigation by 5 live Investigates. The programme's reporter signed up to the Multi-Operator Self-Exclusion Scheme (MOSES) and got himself barred from 21 betting shops in Grimsby, Lincolnshire. He submitted his details and a photograph of himself to the scheme which were then distributed to the 21 shops he asked to be excluded from. Ten days later, he then visited them all and attempted to play on fixed odds betting terminals which he did without being challenged in 19 of them. In two of the shops he was recognised and asked to leave. The Association of Bookmakers said: "We accept that the current self-exclusion scheme is not without flaws. However we are continually developing improved systems." The Senet Group, which runs the MOSES scheme on behalf of the gambling industry, said the programme's findings were 'a wake-up call.'.

  • Children and Energy Drinks

    10/12/2017 Duração: 46min

    Adrian Goldberg hears calls from teachers to ban high-caffeine energy drinks from schools - with one teaching union describing them as 'readily available legal highs'. Despite the cans carrying warnings that they are not suitable for children, figures suggest more than two thirds of 10 to 18-year-olds are drinking them once a week or more, at levels considered unsafe by the government. We speak to researchers who say under-16s are being influenced by the huge marketing budgets behind the major brands and talk to school children about why they drink them.

  • Police Stress

    03/12/2017 Duração: 49min

    Are front line police officers paying the price of job cuts through rising stress and mental illness? Long term sick leave for mental health issues has shot up by 72% since 2010, at the same time as officer numbers have fallen by 16%, according to Freedom of Information figures obtained by 5Live Investigates. Officers tell the programme pressures are rising because there aren't enough officers now to share the strain. And when they become unwell it can be hard to seek help because of the stigma behind talking about mental health issues. Some say there isn't enough in-house support when things get tough, but that forces are struggling too because the money isn't there to do more. Across England and Wales police officer numbers are lower than they have been for 20 years according to Home Office data. One sergeant tells the programme 'Officers are having to go to a lot more incidents, a hell of a lot more in such a short space of time without being able to step away and process it in their mind before they go

  • Neurology Services

    26/11/2017 Duração: 48min

    Adrian Goldberg hears from patients struggling to see an NHS neurology specialist as separate reports warn of issues across the UK. We reveal figures showing the number of consultant neurologists able to deal with conditions ranging from migraine to Parkinson's lags far behind the rest of the EU and hear from an MP who says services are not fit for purpose and getting worse.

  • Children's Palliative Care

    12/11/2017 Duração: 48min

    Adrian Goldberg reveals a new report which describes the commissioning of palliative care for children with life-shortening conditions as 'patchy and inconsistent'. The report highlights the lack of specialist services at weekends and overnight when many parents need it most. We hear the moving stories of parents struggling to get the right support for the weeks, months or in many cases years that they are caring for their children - and the desperate financial situation they can be thrown into when their child dies.

  • 05/11/2017

    05/11/2017 Duração: 44min

    Adrian Goldberg meets the child footballers trapped by eye watering transfer deadlocks and whose careers are held to ransom by some of the game's biggest clubs. Download the podcast: bbc.co.uk/podcasts/5live.

  • Diesel Particulate Filters

    29/10/2017 Duração: 50min

    Experts have told 5 live Investigates that tens of thousands of drivers are breaking the law by driving diesel cars without crucial particulate filters. They're known as DPFs - or diesel particulate filters - and they stop harmful particles of soot from entering the atmosphere. But they get clogged up and can affect car performance. What's more, they can cost thousands of pounds to replace - so drivers have them removed. The programme also reveals how the MOT test which is designed to detect the removal of DPFs isn't fit for purpose.

  • Patients Denied Drugs

    22/10/2017 Duração: 49min

    UK taxpayers are funding billions of pounds worth of research into life-changing drugs - only to be told they can't have them when they need them. 5 live Investigates has seen new research which shows that the NHS spent more than a billion pounds last year alone on medicines which were developed using our money - and those were just the drugs that were deemed affordable. Many more which have been researched and developed with taxpayer's cash aren't made available to patients because they're regarded as too expensive. The Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry says drug companies invest billions in the research and development of medicines over long periods. Download the podcast: bbc.co.uk/podcasts/5live.

  • Disability Hate Crime

    15/10/2017 Duração: 49min

    Figures obtained by 5 live Investigates show reported hate crimes against disabled children are rising. Police forces across the UK recorded 450 incidents reported last year, up from 181 in 2014-15, 5 live Investigates found. The Home Office says the rise was due to better reporting and more victims willing to come forward. Bethan Germon's 23-month-old daughter Lydia has hydrocephalus, or water on the brain, which causes her head to swell. It means at one point Lydia's head was double its natural size. She also has cerebral palsy and is fed through a tube. "You see a really ugly side of people online to the point where they say they wish she was dead or why don't we kill her," Bethan said. "The online commenting has easily been the worst and my husband has actually made sure that I come offline for a couple of days when things have been said.

  • Attacks on Mental Health Staff

    08/10/2017 Duração: 49min

    Adrian Goldberg uncovers a rise in the number of patient attacks on mental health workers over the last five years. Figures obtained by 5 live Investigates show a 25% rise in assaults on staff. Incidents over that time include a healthcare assistant who was stabbed to death; a member of staff whose finger was bitten off and a nurse who had boiling water thrown in their face. Last year there were over 40,000 cases, and the number in England alone has increased by more than a third. Adrian speaks to those at centre of the story and finds out what is being done to reduce the numbers. Download the podcast: bbc.co.uk/podcasts/5live.

  • Sex Abuse Compensation

    01/10/2017 Duração: 49min

    The Victims' Commissioner Baroness Newlove has told 5 live Investigates she is launching an investigation into the Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority over concerns it is failing the most vulnerable victims in society. Two of the UK's biggest charities tell the programme that hundreds of victims of child sexual abuse could suffer further psychological damage because of delays in reviewing compensation claims. Ten weeks ago the Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority (CICA) promised an 'urgent' review of cases in which payments were refused because victims were deemed to have consented to their abuse. Barnardo's and Victim Support have accused CICA of 'victim blaming' and say delays in reviewing the cases could cause further distress. The programme hears from those who've been affected and those who are trying to changes the way CICA works. The Ministry of Justice says victims who have been groomed should never be treated as if they consented and it's is vital that victims get access to the compensation

  • Tachograph Cheats

    24/09/2017 Duração: 47min

    More and more lorry drivers are manipulating the on board computers which measure their driving time - putting their lives and the lives of other road users at risk. The DVSA has told 5 live Investigates there has been a 21 per cent increase in the number of drivers caught using cheat devices. But the so-called 'interrupters' don't just allow drivers to drive tired - they stop speedometers and anti-lock braking systems from working which could have catastrophic consequences on the roads.

  • Firefighters and Mental Illness

    17/09/2017 Duração: 25min

    The number of UK fire and rescue staff taking long-term sick leave due to mental illness has risen by nearly a third over the last six years a according to figures obtained by 5 live Invesigates. In London, fire staff taking leave for conditions like post-traumatic stress disorder has doubled since 2011-12. 103 London fire staff have taken mental health leave this year, some after working at the Grenfell Tower tragedy. London Fire Brigade Borough Commander Richard Welch talks about how firefighters coped when confronted with the horrific scenes inside. And former firefighter Andy Graham tells the programme how his life has been haunted by some of the incidents he's attended during a 30 year career.

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