5 Live Investigates



Adrian Goldberg presents cutting edge investigative journalism, as well as taking on listeners' campaigns and consumer issues


  • Multi-Million Pound School I.T Scam

    08/01/2012 Duração: 48min

    Adrian Goldberg investigates the schools over-paying by as much as ten times for equipment like photocopiers and laptops after being mis-sold leases. Following our investigation into problems with leasing agreements last year, we hear from one school facing bills for hundreds of thousands of pounds for equipment they were told they were getting for free. Plus we ask why Google continued to feature a sponsored ad for a website illegally offering Olympics tickets even after being warned by the police that it was a scam.

  • UK's Counterfeit Goods Capital

    18/12/2011 Duração: 35min

    Manchester and Salford form the national warehousing and distribution centre for the UK counterfeit racket, according to trade standards officers. The industry says the enforcement agencies are struggling against the sophistication of some of the criminal gangs now involved in the fakes industry, and the Government says counterfeiting costs the UK economy £1.3 billion. Plus, we hear from motorists who've been landed with hefty bills after reporting they'd spilt oil on the road. One recieved an invoice for £1,000 which included a charge of more than £100 for a bag of sand!

  • Sinking of the Swanland

    11/12/2011 Duração: 47min

    Over the past five years, port inspectors had identified 85 safety concerns with the cargo ship that sank off the Welsh coast with the loss of six crew. The programme also reveals the concerns raised by a former captain about the way that the Swanland was loaded. He feared it was putting undue strain on the hull. The ship sank in minutes after breaking apart in half in rough seas.

  • British-Pakistani Kidnap

    04/12/2011 Duração: 50min

    The number of British Pakistanis kidnapped while visiting relatives in Pakistani has nearly trebled over the last four years. The official figures are small - going from 8 to 22 cases - but the police believe they represent only a partial picture. In many cases, families pay ransom demands to get loved ones released. One MEP says criminals are abducting people in the knowledge they are unlikely to be brought to justice. Also - drugged up drivers. We ask why has the Home Office failed to hit its own deadline for introducing drug testing machines in police stations. With officials dragging their feet, camapigners say more people are likely to die at the hands of drivers who've got behind the wheel of a vehicle high on drugs.

  • Bogus Car Insurance Brokers

    27/11/2011 Duração: 48min

    The latest fraud to hit the insurance industry - the ghost brokers who've sold bogus cover to 20,000 motorists. It's costing the industry hundreds of millions of pounds - and is set to grow. We investigate the latest criminal assault on the insurance sector. Also, we reveal the rule preventing the Independent Police Complaints Commission from interviewing officers under investigation. And concerns that ship owners are cutting corners as the maritime industry struggles in the grip of the economic downturn.

  • Illegal Metal Scrapyards

    20/11/2011 Duração: 47min

    More needs to be done to crackdown on illegal scrapyards, say industry leaders. They estimate up to 900 sites are operating unlawfully and some are used by criminals to launder metals stolen from the rail and electricity networks. Also, the developers holding a gun to the heads of local residents. And the parking campaigner who says the enforcement cameras in Westminster are unlawful - and has found support among the independent parking adjudicators.

  • Criminal Private Investigators

    13/11/2011 Duração: 47min

    Adrian Goldberg presents cutting edge investigative journalism, as well as taking on listeners' campaigns and consumer issues.

  • Small Firms Caught by Fraudulent Leases

    06/11/2011 Duração: 48min

    Adrian Goldberg investigates the leasing scams costing small businesses thousands of pounds. And he asks why big banks are pursuing GPs and small traders even when the rogue companies which drew up their leasing deals have gone under, with their salesmen jailed for fraud. If you have a story for the 5 live Investigates team, email goldberg@bbc.co.uk.

  • Who watches the watchdogs?

    30/10/2011 Duração: 49min

    As the Office of Fair Trading takes steps to close down a loan broker - seven years after the BBC started getting complaints about the company - Adrian Goldberg asks whether the watchdogs are doing enough to protect consumers. The BBC has received more than 1,000 complaints about Yes Loans Ltd of Cwmbran, south Wales, since 2004. The OFT will not say why it is now "minded to revoke" its licence. An independent OFT adjudicator will make the final decision, which is subject to appeal. The company says it is committed to responding to the OFT's concerns and that the vast majority of its customers are happy with its service. Plus, a new report says football clubs could be open to fraud and mis-management; Adrian hears more debate on public and private cord blood banks; and why a second-class stamp could sometimes be your first-class option. If you have a story you would like the 5 live Investigates to look at, or if you would like to comment on your experience with loan companies, email goldberg@bbc.co.uk

  • Political Lobbying

    23/10/2011 Duração: 49min

    Adrian Goldberg investigates the world of political lobbying. Following the revelations about former Defence Secretary Liam Fox and his friend Adam Werritty, Adrian talks to insiders about how private companies strive to get influence in Westminster. If you have a story you would like the team to investigate, email goldberg@bbc.co.uk.

  • Homeowners Beware of Risky Lease Deals

    16/10/2011 Duração: 48min

    Adrian Goldberg investigates a new type of property deal that experts warn is highly risky. People struggling to sell their home are being approached by investors who want to take a 'lease option' on their property - the would-be sellers agree a price that the investor can buy the house at, at a future date, and the investor agrees to cover the mortgage payments in the meantime, so the owners can move out and move on. It could be a win-win situation, but experts warn that this is an unregulated area and sellers could end up losing out - and even losing their home.

  • Stem Cell Banks: A Miracle Cure?

    09/10/2011 Duração: 49min

    Adrian Goldberg and the team investigate the companies offering to store blood from your baby's umbilical cord, which they say could one day save their life. Parents are told it's a "once in a lifetime opportunity" to save and store valuable stem cells that have the potential to fight a range of diseases. But some medical experts say it's a waste of money. 5 live Investigates assesses the claims made by private cord blood banks and investigates the NHS hospitals signing agreements with companies to allow the practice on their premises, despite the Royal College of Midwives and the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists saying there's not enough evidence to justify the practice. Got a story? Contact the 5 live Investigates team by emailing goldberg@bbc.co.uk.

  • Trading Standards: Cash & Complaints

    02/10/2011 Duração: 48min

    Adrian Goldberg asks why Trading Standards is receiving money from a loans company whose customers complain that they have had payments taken from their bank accounts without permission. 5 live Investigates has heard from consumers who say they have had their accounts debited by loans broker SGE Loans, even after refusing a loan deal, and who have since spent months demanding a refund. This programme has also discovered that West Yorkshire Trading Standards, under whose authority the Leeds-based company comes, receives money from SGE Loans in exchange for providing advice to the business. It also admits it has investigated a number of similar complaints about the company and that some consumers believe they have been misled. But West Yorkshire Trading Standards says that taking payment for services from a company does not affect its ability to deal with complaints impartially. The loans broker denies that it has debited money from customer accounts without authorisation and insists that all com

  • Middle Class Cannabis Farms

    25/09/2011 Duração: 48min

    Adrian Goldberg finds that cannabis farming is increasingly a suburban phenomenon. He interviews a professional woman from a leafy village in the North West of England who is growing cannabis in her spare room, and a drug dealer from the West Midlands who has a number of middle-class professionals letting their spare room to him for a share of his cannabis-farming profits. They tell him that cannabis growers now prefer to rent rooms from willing landlords - rather than take over whole houses - because it is easier to avoid police detection. Adrian also speaks to DCI Martin Hurcomb from West Midlands Police about the changing nature of cannabis farming and what the authorities are doing about it. Plus, we reveal the high-street shop that's been selling customers a camcorder they didn't want. It says the camera was a better model than the one advertised, but was it really? And we hear the inside story of BBC Newsnight's investigation into international boxing. If you have a story for the 5

  • NHS Staff Who Can't Speak English

    18/09/2011 Duração: 46min

    In the news this week: the doctors and nurses who can't speak English. But 5 live Investigates can reveal the problem is even bigger than that. We hear that the poor English of some overseas professionals is causing confusion, mistakes and bad treatment across the whole of the healthcare system in the UK. We talk to patients and health insiders who say that some care workers, dentists and pharmacists - as well as doctors and nurses - cannot properly understand their patients. People arriving from the European Union do not have to pass English language tests to register to work. The General Medical Council, the Nursing and Midwifery Council and other healthcare bodies, say this needs to change. It's up to employers to assess an individual's fluency before they are given an actual job, but not all of them do this. And, 5 live Investigates finds, even some overseas NHS staff from outside Europe, who have passed language tests, struggle to communicate clearly.

  • Cyber Stalking

    02/05/2011 Duração: 47min

    Who's watching you online? Cyber stalkers are using increasingly sophisticated means to target their victims. In some cases, they are deploying spyware to get remote access to their quarry's computer - to access files and personal information. They might even be able to turn on the webcam to secretly film their victim. 5 live Investigates talks to senior police officers who say they need tougher powers to be able to investigate cyber stalking more effectively. The programme hears from the victims of online stalking who've endured years of harassment and hate. To contact the programme, tweet @5LInvestigates.

  • Carbon Monoxide Poisoning

    18/04/2011 Duração: 46min

    Adrian Goldberg presents cutting edge investigative journalism, as well as taking on listeners' campaigns and consumer issues. Some nurses are defying their own professional standards when it comes to administering Botox. Botox is a prescription-only drug and has to be prescribed by a specialist nurse or a doctor in a face-to-face consultation. But some nurses are defying their own professional regulator by using what's called a remote prescribing service. A remote prescriber is a doctor who is contacted on the phone and issues a prescription after talking to the patient - sometimes for just three or four minutes. But new instructions from the nursing regulator, the UK Nursing and Midwifery Council, say remote prescribing should not be used for Botox. The regulations have been tightened to improve patient safety. But some nurses seem intent on defying them. 5 Live Investigates asks why - and examines the role of a Harley Street practice that still offers remote prescribing. Also, the number of people d

  • Adventure Holiday Safety Scare

    04/04/2011 Duração: 48min

    Gap year safety. A coroner has called on the Government to review the safety procedures of companies offering gap year adventure trips. It follows the death of a student on a conservation holiday in Fiji. We investigate how well the companies are implementing safety procedures. Many police forces are still failing when it comes to investigating reports of disability hate crime, according to a number of leading charities. They say officers have not heeded the lessons of the tragic case of Fiona Pilkington who set fire to herself and her disabled daughter more than 3 years ago. The mother had been driven to despair by years of abuse targeted at the family. 5 Live Investigates talk to a woman with learning disabilities who's endured 20 years of abuse. She's been spat at, had chewing gum put in her hair, had kids get into her home and has been physically assaulted. The last time her mother reported it to the police she was told by an officer that it was naïve to think that her daughter would not be subjecte

  • Racism in Russian Football

    28/03/2011 Duração: 47min

    Russia has pledged to tackle racism in football ahead of the 2018 World Cup. We investigate the depth of prejudice at one of Russia's most successful clubs. Zenit St Petersburg competes regularly at the top level of European football but has never signed a black player. The club has a following of dedicated fans called the Ultras - and they say they're proud that the club has never had a player of African heritage. The club says it trying to tackle racism. The Russian football authorities say they have launched a campaign to eradicate intolerance across football more generally. We ask if the approach is working. Also, we examine the epidemic of liver disease brought on by the way we lead our lives - and the impact it is having on an already-stretched NHS. And it's been a long time coming... the crackdown that's designed to get uninsured drivers off the roads.

  • Stolen Fuel Crime

    21/03/2011 Duração: 48min

    Adrian Goldberg investigates the rise in fuel crime as the price of petrol and diesel reaches a high at the pump. Nearly two-thirds of hauliers say they've had fuel stolen from their lorries or from tanks in their storage yards in the past year, according to an industry questionnaire. Fewer than half of the affected trucking firms reported the thefts to the police - some feeling fuel crime gets a low priority. Garage owners are reporting an increase in the number of motorists who fill up and drive off without paying. And organised crime is involved in fuel racketeering - investigators from customs and revenue are busting more diesel laundering plants, where the dye put in duty-exempt agricultural diesel is washed out - so it can be passed off as diesel for general use. The loss in duty is believed to cost the public purse about £800 million a year. Also, just how safe is the UK nuclear industry? And we examine the work of the analysts using satellite images to track the unfolding crisis in Libya.

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